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Founded in 340 this complex was built largely with advanced technology and is a major engineering feat. Shra'k'lor is a cylindrical facility approximately 200 yards across but a mile deep. built in to the side of a mountain the top of it sticks up about 100', with a few hanger type entrances with doors that close. No outsiders have ever entered the building, and definitely not from the outside or the slopes of their mountain. What is inside can be pieced together from centuries of lies, tall tales, first hand accounts, and foggy memories.


99% Gith, and 100% Githzerai. There are some beings that live in the city that are not Gith, it is not known if they are prisoners, hostages, or guests.


The city is a gigantic monastery, with Menyar-Ag as their master. Every function needed to run the facility and administer to it's people is delegated and directed by the Anarchs. Some of the functions are traditional, some are rewards, some are a meditative practice. The Gith don't have money, art, vices or many distractions, so there is no real police, and because the facility is so difficult to enter, no real guards. However the Zerths act as a kind of thought police and internal security role. There is no trade, performance, or services so money is useless here.


The outer shell of this citadel is impregnable to normal weapons, and (outside of a critical hit) cannons probably can't even dent it. The slopes are unguarded, and scrying or trying to astral project into the facility is said to trigger deadly defenses.

Industry & Trade

The Githzerai don't trade and don't have anything of traditional value. The facility can make all the food and water they need. If they do need something they will locate it with their spy network and then buy, trade, steal or murder for it and teleport it back.


The city is one large numeria. The outer shell is made of synth, the floors if not made of synth are made of plates of steel. The building is self contained and replenishes the atmosphere and maintains temperature control even in the deepest reaches of the citadel. There top most portion is a large hanger area, mostly the doors remain shut. it is used for large unit combat training. there are scores of floors below this that are empty and house machines that don't work anymore. the first large chamber is a large open area with several terraces and gardens lit by artificial light sources. These gardens grow some food, but mostly medicinal plants, a few toxic plants for poisons. below this are about a hundred floors of chambers where most of the population live. below this are vast machine rooms that few if any enter and are self maintaining. Below this are the strategic nerve centers of Gith operations. every cell has secret chambers, warded barracks, laboratories, vaults and stores. also on this level are the Jump Rooms that can teleport a whole team nearly anywhere on the planet. Below this level is another machine level, and below that the deepest realms where Menyar-Ag, the Azerths and his personal attendants dwell. nothing is known about this level, only the Azerths can come and go. Gith may be selected at birth to be one of the attendants. They can never leave.   Travel through this massive structure is by elevators and tubes. there are two express elevators from the top most levels down to the strategic level. there are probably 30 or 40 "local" elevators that go from one area to another and have mixing lobbies where one can change to a different local elevator for another section. Hidden in shafts and access areas are ladders and access tubes to access various machines and vents. The other travel method are tubes. Tubes may connect different areas of the complex diagonally, and vertically, they either have moving sidewalks or escalators.   the entire facility has running water, food replicators, medical pods and stations. There are automatons that may occasionally enter an inhabited portion and make repairs then return to the machine levels. There are small scale crafting and building areas to make weapons or tools, but many of those are beyond the knowledge of the current generations to operate or repair. Some machines will make cyphers or relics.


Githzerai are bent on defeating the Githyanki and so the population here are largely young, training, planning, or running the facility. Most adult Githzerai are sent out into the world on missions, many are permanently gone, stationed somewhere as a recruiter, handler, operative or forward observer, and will likely never be ordered to return. The most common travelers are resource gatherers who's cells are usually tasked with finding or acquiring a resource and then have it teleported back to the jump room.

Guilds and Factions

Deeply unknown, the Azerths and Zerths enforce their master's will on all and have absolute power on judging any Gith, humanoid or others within the city.


Construction began in the year 340, it is believed it took somewhere between 300 and 1500 years to get to the current depth. The Githzerai had many monastery fortresses all over the area. However there was always a main headquarters on their lifter, and they moved it around. Once the first several hundred levels were built they then moved the population in. They needed to be spread out because the Githyanki would fly sorties of airships or land troops for search and destroy missions in the area. Once they moved the bulk of the population in it took several decades for the Githyanki to discover the location of their base, and most air attacks were countered or pointless if they managed to hit the structure. As the Githyanki became unable to project force the residents could focus on their longer range plans.


The interior is spare and spartain. few walls are painted, the structure, pipes and supports all exposed. Living areas may have meditation mats, sleeping areas, eating areas, communal bathing and grooming areas. most individual have a cell they live in, then either report to their duties to maintain the structure or spend their time training.


The city is built into the heart of a granite mountain. the top of the mountain is at 8900 feet, the top of the structure is at 7830 feet. The slopes of the mountain are tree covered up to about 7000 feet, then its exposed and bare rock with snow pack and a few glaciers. there are no roads, trails or paths up to the exposed structure. There are no known tunnels, caverns or passages to the deep interior of the structure.

Natural Resources

The machine levels are thought to have some kind of resource extraction function as well as powering the facility. there are huge hoppers and bins of rock being processed for something. The mountain is made of granite and has some veins of iron, silver, gold, and nickle in it. There are occasional tremors, but no earthquake has done significant damage.
Founding Date
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