This tropical port city is a popular vacation destination for nobles and other visitors who come across a skyship and a map. Many of Clearcoast's settlements outside of the port regions are located in Ozurum's Saltsand Flats that separate the northern and southern regions of the continent. Residents and frequent visitors know to avoid sailing in the bay at night due to frequent storms and nocturnal aquatic predators.
Racial Makeup: The majority of people living within the borders of Clearcoast are Shallows Merfolk, Water Genasi, Humans, Half Orcs, Half Elves, Hill Dwarves, and Air Genasi.
The nearby Saltsand Flats have a key feature - the filtering properties of the sturdy, sandy soil. Portions of unexcavated land surrounding the Saltsand settlements act as desalination filters, as seawater is irrigated toward each district. After filtration, the water is accessible to the inhabitants, and any excess water is stored in reservoirs throughout the region.
Founding Date
1422 AB
Location under