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Voltec Island

Voltec Island is a small island in between Northbank on Sudenholt and Highgarden on Shimmermist Isle.     A large, private paradise owned outright by powerful noble mogul Mallory Guilderoy (CEO of Voltec), this island serves as the backdrop for one of his favorite homes, and is also the setting for his 100th birthday party.


The island is largely composed of beautiful oak forests and rolling plains.  A small mountain range juts out of the ground on the southwestern shores.  There is a small island connected by bridge on the northeastern side of the island that is completely overrun by forest with only a small walking path carving through the trees.


The island is fairly peaceful.  It has a small population of wild boars and deer and is host to a variety of birds.  The weather is usually temperate and calm.
1. The Estate and Guest Lodgings
The larger L-shaped building is the manor in which the Guilderoy family lives and entertains and is home to the Great Hall where the birthday celebration begins. The smaller buildings nearby are guest lodgings where the party is invited to stay (under the watchful eyes of Guilderoy's guard), and are appointed with details aligning with the island's overall "spare no expense" aesthetic.   2. The Theater
High on a gorgeous plateau overlooking the water, this theater - built specifically for Guilderoy's party - is abutted by forests and cliffs that sheer off toward the coastline. The main road runs around the theater, running up a fairly gradual incline, but a more direct, if challenging, route can be explored on foot by taking the stairs that start not far from the observation area.   3. The Private Prison
When Guilderoy asks the party to stay with his guard, they are housed in this building.   4. Observation Area
These risers and benches were built specifically for the 100 Furlong Steeplechase and face the horse track. From here, guests can observe much of the track, including the starting line by the estate as well as the finish, which happens directly in front of these seats once a full lap has been completed.   5. Horse Track
The main road on the island has been transformed into a track for the 100 Furlong Steeplechase. The white path represents the primary means of traversal around the estate, though there are certainly smaller pathways and trails scattered across this island. The track is not to scale in terms of its width, but is roughly 30 ft. wide in most parts of the island. It narrows to 5-10 ft. across through the hills and mountains at the north end of the estate as well as the overgrown forest that populates the smaller island off this one's coast. A well-built bridge connects the two.     6. Teleportation Circle
This permanent teleportation circle can shift an entire wagon full of passengers to the grounds of this estate. Few know the sigil sequence required to use it, however.   7. Docks
These docks are home to numerous ships in Guilderoy's personal fleet, but are also where guests - including the Dasher-Arturos - would dock their ships.   8. Lighthouse
This lighthouse protects approaching ships from the craggy rocks and reefs that mark the waters along this side of the island.

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