Cain 'The Immortal' Diab
'You killed six people! You are NOT a nice guy, you're just a dick!'Cain the Immortal was locked in a 'Spire of Punishment' by the Lady of Pain for killing 6 people in Laketown. He claimed that he was tracking a woman named 'The Lady of the Woods' despite being warned not to by the Lady of Pain. Cain chose to fight The Lady of the Woods who revealed herself to be Nirya Moonbrook and she easily defeated him before clawing into his chest and declaring that she was now his Alpha and he was a hunter. Cain ran from her in cowardice and hid in Laketown for a number of days. During that time he was hit by a Hunters bloodlust and went berserk, killing 6 different people. For that, Cain was taken by Drahz and chained inside a Spire of Punishment for potentially eternity. Or until he learns his lesson. Though that isn't looking likely at the moment.
- Barallas on interacting with Cain for the first time.
Mental characteristics
Cain was educated in bookkeeping in the hells before moving up the layers to working with the lady of pains spires of punishment.
Accomplishments & Achievements
Successfully pissed off the angriest man in all of Rasmorae (Drahz Grymhook)
Failures & Embarrassments
Oof where to start?
Social Aptitude
Weak. Cain is a self-perceived 'Nice Guy' and this affects his interactions with others as he fails to see the wrongs in his life as well as being deeply DESPERATE for social interaction.
Current Location
Circumstances of Birth
Cain was born in the hells and apprenticed to the Lady of Pain.
Current Residence
The Umalla Spire of Punishment
Overgrown grey hair
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Rugged, tanned