Angels of Sin Organization in Aluth | World Anvil
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Angels of Sin

Angels of Sin were a black metal band led by its frontwoman Aratari Sao (vocalist and bass) supported by Rander Nirsk (backing vocals and guitar), Hos Di (keyboard and synth), and Hedymeles Entos (drums).       The band was formed and practised while the band members were all still in high school, and did not perform until they were finished. However, after graduating and putting more time and effort into the band, they were able to land a few local gigs that would quickly rise them to a high level of popularity, even being in talks with a major record label before dissolving.


Following a fatal car crash and subsequent jailing by their then drummer, Hedymeles Entos, who was found to be high on an illicit drug Overdrive, where a young mother was killed, the band started to disband. Media and gossip agencies took the story and ran with it, generally levying blame largely on Aratari Sao, claiming things such as: Sao being a promiscuous frontwoman and Entos' ex, and that a breakup caused him to turn to such illicit drugs; or that her feminine guile created an unhealthy band atmosphere, along with countless other reasons.     The Angels of Sin social media accounts would post a message about ending the band on December 12th, 593.

586 A.I. - 593 A.I.

Entertainment, Music band
Notable Members

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