Astral Bullet Bar and Lounge Building / Landmark in Aluth | World Anvil
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Astral Bullet Bar and Lounge

The Astral Bullet Bar and Lounge is a retro themed bar that hosts events on Ovarsday, Nirmaaday, Muukday, Mohalday, and Teefday; and is also the headquarters for the Geomi Gang. The events all happen each week what day they are on rotates:
  • Talent Show
  • Drag Show
  • Stand-Up Comedy Night (each week it changes from amateur, first timers to carrer comedians)
  • Musical Performances (each week it changes from amateur bands or individuals to actual small concerts)
  • Movie Night (generally old forgotten movies)
Founding Date
583 A.I.
Parent Location
Additional Rulers/Owners
Owning Organization


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