Aulus Sisenna Character in Aluth | World Anvil
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Aulus Sisenna

Iseri Hatsu, Tiefling non-binary, ruled for 22 years, died at age 54.   Invested Hymn - Florebit (Will Flourish)   Improved agriculture technologies and methods, which Increased the quality of the most basic needs such as food and water.   Generally quite liked, due to bringing the Ecclesia to the forefront of many impoverished citizens; however, they actually invested large amounts of money and Ecclesia staff to actively try to improve the living conditions, which led to massive wide-spread adoption and devotion to the Ecclesia among them. In-spite of their betterment of the lowest class, there was only so much capital, time, and money into, so certain areas were left largely untouched, namely the Theta and Mu Diocese, the hinterlands of Neo-Caladrius, and a dozen or so cities on Agrum.
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