Drusus Eona Character in Aluth | World Anvil
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Drusus Eona

Stavros Petrilli, Half-Elven male, ruled for 37 years, died at 88.   Created the Prosfero; an undertaking to reduce land usage for graves, wasted resources, and to reduce the time spent for police officers, Ecclesia members, and morticians on those already deceased. Gives a small cash bonus to the deceased’s person of choice.   Generally disliked amongst the populous, but received wide-spread appraise from both corporations, the government, and other religious leaders.   There is a rumour that has never been addressed or discussed by the Ecclesia, but is generally accepted by unaffiliated third-party historians and the public that he assassinated his mom, the previous Nuncio, who he was also in a romantic relationship with.
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