Falco Caeso Sextilius Character in Aluth | World Anvil
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Falco Caeso Sextilius

Alexis Vlachilis, Elven-Aaracockran male, ruled for 53 years, died at 71.   Created the Ektélesi alongside regulations to allow for the extra-judicial executions by the Ecclesia to be fully legal. Founded the Board of Directors for Governmental Affairs with the then top business minds to more effectively run the exponentially growing city of Neo Caladrius.   Greatly expanded the reach of the Ecclesia to the lower class and the impoverished, but was largely ineffective in creating true believers. This is alrgely attributed to the two aforementioned creations, which generally benefited only the upper echelon of society while adversly effecting the lower class.   Hated at the time by anyone that wasn't deeply devout, but after his death and in the decades and centuries that followed, he became regarded as and important Nuncio due to him expanding the Ecclesia.
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