Glistening Phizog Geographic Location in Aluth | World Anvil
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Glistening Phizog

A meteor, Glistening Phizog, which was roughly 18km in diameter and made of almost pure white crystal, impacted the planet of Aluth and caused a ice-age type event to occur as the rock, crystal, and dust blocked Suus' rays from reaching Aluth itself.   The then crater started to form a "mountain"-like structure  and would radiate a constant light-blue / white borealis from its summit. This borealis not only funnelled the dust, debris, and crystals into the "mountain", but additionally formed two moons from the material in the atmosphere, Lýpi and Thymós. The energy radiating from the "mountain" slowly turned the once inhospitable deserts of Aluth into lush forests and deep oceans. Which resulted in the formation of a singular, large continent, Adan.
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