Lucius Lurio-Nemetorius Character in Aluth | World Anvil
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Lucius Lurio-Nemetorius

Nuncio Lucius Nemetorius Lucius

Lucius Lurio-Nemetorius, originally Silas Absalom, is the current Nuncio for the Ecclesia Plyydric.   Invested Hymn - Aurora Novi Aetatis (Dawn of a New Age)

Mental characteristics

Personal history

A newborn boy who was abandoned on the doorstep of an Ecclesia within the Phi Diocese and grew up within the Ecclesia's orphanage systems. The Ecclesia did not know his parents or name, and as such, the orphanage's Praedicator named him, and gave him the name Silas Absalom. Silas grew up being taught the teachings of the Twin Gods Plyy and the history of Provecta, which led him to be a devout, pious teen.       In spite of his teachings, he would find himself straying from the golden road laid before him, and would indulge in problematic behaviour. At 14 he became affiliated with a local gang, Mushkiel which provided low quality drugs security. After his two years of involvement within the gang at age 16, the orphanage had been forced to kick him out after repeated minor offenses, with the last straw being that he brought two sex workers to the orphanage for a night's stay. After being kicked out, he became a full fledged member of Mushkiel and would quickly rise through the ranks.       During Silas' 17th year, he got into numerous heated conversations with Lia Ashtikar the leader of Mushkiel, with regards to how to run and grow the gang. One such argument resulted in Silas murdering both Lia and her boyfriend Jasper Watt in a fit of rage. He dumped the bodies in Lia's apartment and framed it as a murder-suicide. Much to the suprise of Silas, the police concluded that the deaths were in fact a murder-suicide, and as such, Silas got away with murder, and he felt no remorse.       Over the course of the next three years until Silas' 20th year, he had greatly expanded Mushkiel's reach and had developed a god-complex - something that is highly illegal - which led to him having committed an unknown amount of heinous crimes throughout the preceding years. Mushkiel's greatest achievement was the extortion, robbery, and murder of Eros Giannakis, a high ranking manager within Provecta Outfit. This brought Mushkiel out from the shadows and directly into the light of the police and Mathitís . During a celebration for the successful operation, a massive raid was launched onto the Mushkiel's facilities. While a handful of police and Mathitís were killed during the raid, all members within Mushkiel were slaughtered, save for Silas.       Silas had been gravely wounded but captured alive. The Mathitís tended to his wounds and brought him back to Salus for questioning. He was kept in solitary confinement for over a year: a small concrete cell with no light, no bed, and a small bowl that acted as a toilet that would be changed only once a week. While readings from the Agiagrafi alongside other religious teachings were constantly broadcast over an intercom. Crustulum, a food akin to concrete paste in both flavour and texture would be provided to him on a daily basis with a plastic spoon.       Silas would remain silent for a few weeks, but he would eventually capitulate to the Diathikis interrogation and questioning him, as he believed if he didnt he would soon be executed. He offered them information regarding criminals, gangs, facilities, and illegal magical or technomantic items and weapons that the police Mathitís had been having issues with. He provided enough information at a consistent rate so as to keep himself alive for as long as possible, yet eventually his knowledge would run dry so the Mathitís had scheduled his execution for March 29th 591 A.I..       While Silas' outward demeanour towards the Mathitís and Diathikis remained rather calm and collected, he had slowly started to have deep, introspective thoughts on his behaviour and his past actions. His past sins weighed heavily on his shoulders, and his heinous actions left him spiraling in self loathing and despair. Horrific recollections and visions of his own past actions haunted him. Faces of those he had harmed and killed were all he could see in his pitch black room. His grief, his anger, his revulsion at his own being, reached a pinnacle. Silas whittled down one of the spoons against the concrete floor until it was a jagged, barely-sharp shiv. He savagely sliced and slashed his left eye hoping that it may bring him respite from these horrific visions. Dozens upon dozens of lacerations with the dull shiv ripped left a mangled, destroyed mess of the left side of his face. The sparse remnants of his left eye dangled pathetically, with the optic nerve just barely hanging on. Warm blood gushed from the wound while hot tears fell from his right eye. As Silas raised the shank yet again but towards his right eye, and letting out a whimpered "Forgive me Plyy", he collapsed.       The camera within the cell showed Silas remaining unconscious for five minutes, but during that time Silas had become a Seer. He experienced an extreme sense of vertigo and intense nausea, as the cell, the jail, Neo Caladrius, and all of Aluth seemed to speed past him as he felt himself flying. Stars and whole galaxies then sped past him and as he gathered more momentum, a menagerie vibrant gold, blue, purple, and white filled his view. A massive flash of angelic blue and purple followed by a deep gold made way for a scenic, calm light purple-blue sky filled with lazily drifting light pink clouds and profound golden magical glyphs dotting the sky. He stood atop a floor made of pristine white marble, and sitting in front of him was the being he knew as the Goddess Ly. Her comforting presence immediately brought Silas a wave of unbridled euphoria and acceptance. He had heard the voice of God Py speaking to him from his left. The unparalleled happiness he felt, a joy he thought was not possible for man to ever experience, was given to him for as long as he looked. He longed to see Py, but with his left eye ruined, he was unable to muster the strength. He heard himself respond to Py but was not saying the words, it was a language he did not know and the words were utterly foreign to him. But still he cared not. Warm tears streamed down his face, but were not from despair but from the feeling of being given a new chance, a new life. Ly now spoke to him, again in a language he had never heard, but he was able to understand one thing, that she believed in him. The genuine words of encouragement sent Silas into a wail of sheer bliss, an honest cacophony of crying and laughter radiated from Silas. For it was the first time in his life he was happy.       Silas' heavenly happiness was yanked back to Aluth as he now found himself lying down in a pool of his own blood on the cold hard floor of his jail cell. The dull shiv clenched so tightly his palm was lacerated. And yet he could not help but still feel the happiness he had but a moment ago. He brought himself to his knees and uttered "Thank you." hundreds of times.       A pair of Mathitís entered into his cell to interrogate him on what had just occurred . Over the course of the next week, dozens of members from the @ecclto question and ascertain details from what had occurred during his 5-minute unconsciousness. The Ecclesia Plyydric came to the infalible conclusion that Silas Absalom was to be the 14th Nuncio.       Silas had never known his parents, but a week prior to his investiture, he was able to determine who they were due to the data and information he now had access to. He determined that his mother Priya Lucius was a sex worker in the Phi Diocese and had died due to a drug overdose only a few weeks after he arrived at the Ecclesia's doorstep. She had given birth to eight other children, but all of which had died before the age of 12. His father Dequi Nemetorius was a janitor at Cothrom's southern headquarters within the Phi Diocese and had died of a heart attack only a year ago, but had not been found for two months. He had died alone and forgotten.       Dequi Nemetorius, Silas' father, has ancestry dated back to 40 B.I. to the sister of the First Seer and Nuncio Quintus Lurio. He had longed to meet his parents, but that was no longer possible. He chose his new name to honour, accept, and to own his past and his family, and thus, Lucius Lurio-Nemetorius came to be.

Personality Characteristics


Lucius Lurio-Nemetorius has set out the following goals for his Nuncioship:
  • Furthering of Neo Caladrius’ sphere of influence to the entire island of Krýonisí, and furthering the city’s power within Provecta as a whole.
  • Increased investment from the Ecclesia to tech sectors, specifically towards biomedical and life-improving corporations.
  • Lessening the rigidity and punishments for “sinners”, as he was once a man who had “Shunned the light of Plyy and sought the darkness of Nothingness.”, but has reformed and wants to allow others to be able to do so as well.
Lucius Lurio-Nemetorius is the 14th Nuncio and has been the incumbant since March 29th, 590 A.I.
Current Location
Year of Birth
564 A.I 35 Years old
Vibrant orange
Short messy platinum blonde and black
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Golden bronze
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Ruled Locations


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