Neo Caladrian List of Top Corporations Document in Aluth | World Anvil
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Neo Caladrian List of Top Corporations

The Neo Caladrian List of Top Corporations (NCLTC) ranks the top 100 corporations headquartered within Neo Caladrius and is updated at the end of every fiscal year.   The NCLTC ranks corporations based on a variety of different metrics, some of them being: financial solvency, political power, growth in revenue, market share, value of assets, etc...   The current top 20 corporations within Neo Caladrius are as follows, with the Top 7 having representatives, normally their COO, on the Board of Directors for Governmental Affairs:  
  1. Oum 
  2. Bayat 
  3. CraVej 
  4. Yuin 
  5. Samochód Industries 
  6. Innoncence 
  7. Provecta Outfit  
  8. Mendoza & Associates 
  9. Cothrom 
  10. Rahul, Om, and Haldar 
  11. Lääkärin 
  12. Fundani Umlingo: Institution of Magical Studies and Futhering 
  13. Neeheeoeewootis 
  14. Grigoria 
  15. Ashe 
  16. durrMODe 
  17. Yougen 
  18. LeFuLeFu 
  19. Bai 
  20. La Verdad 
Report, Financial
Digital Recording, Various
Signatories (Organizations)

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