The Suuser System and Ikahkrian Galaxy Geographic Location in Aluth | World Anvil
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The Suuser System and Ikahkrian Galaxy

The Suuser System is the collection of planets and objects that orbit the star, Suus. There are 12 planets that orbit Suus. The Inner Planets are: the cthonian planet of Naraysis and the lava planet of Koldyddyria. The two terrestial planets of Zidon, which is an inhospitable desert-type planet, and Aluth. Followed by the three gas giants of Lorcust, Yodie, and Ska.

Beyond the planet Ska, the Dzyydric Belt seperates the Inner Planets and the Outer Planets. The Outer Planets are over 4 billion km away from Suus and are all ice-giants: Icho, Bashaa, Dargon, Yaotlander, and Gra. There is a loose belt of asteroids and planets beyond Gra that make up the Garashin Belt.

  There are four dwarf planets that orbit within the Dzyydric Belt: Bobi, Gemetzi, Petra, and Tannia. An additonal six dwarf planets that orbit within the Garashin Belt: Eudocia, Lilayi, Proclatitus, Qolunamaara, Tepeoria, and Utopa.


The Suuser System is located at a radial distance of roughly 22,000 lightyears to the middle of the ecliptical Ikahkrian Galaxy. The galaxy's center is Muzzqazz, a super-massive black hole.

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