
Liburu is a city-state on Alvunne Continent. It is located near the center of the landmass on the banks of the Lake Midis. Even though it is not the most populous city-state, it holds a lot of influence on the continent due to its hegemony over the Liburu Gate. This important structure generates the forcefield surrounding the Continent and is named The Tower in other cultures.  


Liburu is a strict theocracy. It is run by the Omniarch, a pope-like figure said to be a bridge between the Human world and Mahi, the ancient god.

The Omniarch holds power over the army and bureaucracy. The city-state is further divided into districts.   Note: two other cults can be found in Liburu, those of Aehir and Neread. They are accepted because these gods are among the ancient three. Minor gods are not welcome within the walls though.


Liburu is a walled city, even though some of its districts are located outside. Especially the palace is well fortified, and a small army of elite soldiers and even a few elemental magicians are stationed here (mostly in the East Ward).   It is the only city-state with a decent navy sailing the Great Lake.   Last but not least, one can find a line of high towers along the foot of the Scraping Mountains in the north. They are equipped with trebuchets.

Industry & Trade

Liburu is the only city-state with control over the use and production of magical materials. This is how they keep control over the other city-states.   They do however sell and distribute magical items of all sorts. This is their main export product, als long as they are of the commodity variety. The Liburu administration keeps a strong grip on anything military.   The Liburian merchants mostly trade through trade hubs in different city-states that were set up many decades ago, when the Liburian empire used to run the continent with full force.


This city-state is built in between the Scraping Mountains and the great Lake Midis and is well-developed. It has a sewer system, a harbour and has access to fresh water through a series of aquaducts coming down from the mountains.     One can wander through clean streets with lighting at night and quite a few public squares. Most of these have a small temple in the centre to promote prayer to Mahi. Two of the districts though are dedicated to worshiping Aehir and Neread.
  The compact city-state has a grand palace, two large temples dedicated to Mahi and an enormous theater.


Liburu consists of five districts.
  • The Palace District
  • East Ward (military area + its farmlands)
  • The Aehir Seat
  • Far West District
  • Neread's Ward
  The Palace District is the largest area but the least populous. It boasts a majestic fortiefied palace, the Liburu Gate and multiple market squares with small temples in the center.   The East Ward consists of an area inside the Liburu walls and an large farming area outside the walls to the east of the city. It is the seat of the Liburu army and its leaders.   The Aehir Seat is an area located near the foot of the Scraping Mountains. Its temples are dedicated to Aehir, one of the three ancient gods.   Far West District is located, as the name suggests, in the the western part of the city. It is located outside the walls and was once settled by a Liburian outcast. It developed into its own district as its population grew. Its residents are mostly traders hailing from all over Alvunne. They are treated as second-class citizens by the ancient Liburian families.   Neread's Ward is a walled district inside the Liburu walls. It's small and densely populated. Its temples are dedicated to Neread, a deity and protector of magic and magicians. It is said it is a safe space for studens from all over Alvunne to come and study.


The Liburu Gate is located in Liburu.


Liburu was one of the first cities to be settled on Alvunne that is still around. Its location near the Liburu Gate has been its most strategic asset. The city has been conquered, sacked, burned down and flooded throughout its history. It has been a village, a city, a trade hub, the capital of two empires and became a city-state when the Omniarch took power.


The architecture looks very ancient Greek.


The area was settled a very long time ago. It is a plain stretching from the Lake Midis to the Scraping Mountains. This makes its location very strategic. When traveling from South to North, one can choose to travel through the hills to the East or Liburu to the West. The mountains protect the city to the North-West, and Lake Midis forms a natural barrier to the South-East.


The city-state has a temperate climate.

Alternative Name(s)
The Omniarch Seat
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under
Ruling/Owning Rank


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