Scraping Mountains

The Scraping Mountains are a mountain range in the center of Alvunne. They divide the Continent into the deserts of the north-west and the lush, hospitable south-east, creating a natural barrier between the two. They are not a natural phenomenon. They were conjured by a powerful Dassaï magician.    


The Scraping Mountains are located on what was once the frontline in The First Schism war. This armed conflict involved every city-state and inhabitant of the Continent.    In an attempt to end the war, the Dassaï Archage used all his power and might to conjure the Scraping Mountains up from out of the depths of Alvunne. This new mountain range was to form a barrier between the warring factions so peace talks could start. This did not happen though. The Humas of Alvunne were appalled by the immeasurable Dassaï power. The war raged on for several more years.    

A new landmark

The abruptly conjured Scraping Mountains range had a vast impact on the Continent and its climate, peoples, trade and power structures. Most notably, it traps the water cycle in the south-east. This means that the north-west slowly dried up and became a desert.   The formation of the Scraping Mountains stirred a newfound hatred towards the Dassaï. Ever since then, many associate the Dassaï race with decadent levels of power and with moral decay.
Mountain Range


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