
The Omniarch is the theocratic and worldly leader of Liburu. They hold the key to the Liburu Gate, the lifeline of Alvunne Continent. This grants them power over other city-states (even though some tend to rebel) and even the use of magic itself. They are selected based on merit and Liburu citizenship, regardless of gender.  

Four functions

As a spiritual and religious leader, the Omniarch is the main priest of Mahi, the deity of fauna & flora, fertility & royalty.   As a local leader, the Omniarch is the theocratic leader of their city-state, Liburu. This involves making laws and overseeing the day-to-day management of the city-state.   As a worldly leader, the Omniarch holds the keys to the Liburu Gate, the lifeline of Alvunne. This structure generates the forcefield protecting Alvunne Continent, which in turn grants the Continent its safety, climate system and it mimics the presence of a sun.   As a military leader, the Omniarch possesses the only Stone Ship fleet. This makes it possible to fly anywhere on the Continent in a matter of days and strike possible insurgents from above.


Omniarchs are appointed from alumni of the School of the People. This means they are most often selected from the ranks of the Scarvus Guard, the Guard's Tribunal or another high ranking stat office. It has happened that an esteemed war veteran was appointed.


An Omniarch is of noble descent and should be at least a third generation citizen in Liburu. These rules have been bent in history occasionally, but this is a rare exception.


The newly appointed Omniarch pledges his life to protect the Liburu Gate, which is the lifeline of Alvunne Continent, and must ascend the 342 stairs leading up to its pedestal. There, they accept and receive the Mahi's Ribbon.


There's no rest for the wicked, not even Omniarchs. They have to uphold high cultural standards, be a spiritual and religious leader, a strategist and a diplomat. They work closely together with the Tribunal of the East and the Guard's Tribunal.


They create laws and review requests and proposals forwarded by the Tribunals. Next to the worldly responsibilities, they have to be present at many cultural and religious ceremonies and festivals.


The power of the Omniarch is vast. They possess the keys to the Liburu Gate, get to live in the grand fortified Palace of Mahi and, more recently, are the one who decide who gets to use any magical power. Especially growing or mining magical resources is severly restricted by their laws.

Accoutrements & Equipment

The Omniarch is required to be humble and virtuous. They wear a silver-coloured tunic underneath a purple cloak or himation, and a laurel crown on the head. The face is well taken care of and features accentuated with make-up.   Apart from this, he is the only one legally allowed to carry Mahi's Ribbon, a silk belt embroidered with three Lightshade flowers. These possess magical powers that protect the Omniarch from being harmed by magic.

Religious, Political
Length of Term
For life
Current Holders
Related Locations


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Aug 16, 2024 22:13 by LexiCon (WordiGirl)

Intriguing article and nice design.   Thank you so much for entering this article category! Quite an interesting read. If you would like me to feature it on one of my reading streams, please feel free to drop by my Twitch channel anytime I'm live and let me know you're watching. (check the schedule here). God bless and much success with your future plans! <3