Stone Ship

A Stone Ship is a means of transportation and a military vehicle found on Alvunne Continent. They are also in use on the Home Planets. Shortly put, it is a hollowed out Aehir-touched rock upgraded with other magical materials. This allows 1 to 2 pilots to fly from one place to another and if needed, engage in combat. Only the Aehir Barge can seat more passengers, but this type of Stone Ship can not be found on Alvunne Continent.  

Alvunne Continent

On the Continent, only the Aehir Barge and Maethron II are in use. This is due to a shortage of Lightshade flowers and Blue Poppy oil. It is estimated that the city-state of Liburu possesses most of the ships.  

Four classes

There are four classes of Stone Ships in Alvunne Saga. All of them are carved out of the precious Blossom Ore and this forms the hull. Other resources used determine the ship's capabilities. The control panel can be made out of the same Blossom Ore or can be inlaid with a layer of Igneous Lazuli stone. This choice determines if a ship can fly outside an atmosphere or not. The fuel type and ignition agent are made from the different magical plants found on Alvunne. This determines primarily the travel distance. Note that not all elements can be used in unison. Discover the 4 classes below.

Control panel Fuel type Ignition agent Space travel? Travel distance
Aehir Barge Blossom Ore Blue Poppy oil Grey Poppy flower No Short
Azalon 2S Blossom Ore Rockbloom oil Lightshade flower No Longest
Maethron II Igneous Lazuli Blue Poppy oil Blue Poppy flower Yes Shortest
Tharikon IX Igneous Lazuli Rockbloom oil Lightshade flower Yes Long


The Stone Ships are a Dassaï invention. They initially used the Azalon-class to ease travel on their massive home planet of Aetlus. But not long after this, they also built the first Tharikon-class ships. This allowed them to travel to the other inhabitable planets at the Home Planets.   The first 10 of these never returned. It turned out the Graecorian race was a very scientific people and adept at reverse engineering magical technologies. They introduced these ships on their own planet of Illera to great success. They also built the first Aehir Barges. This changed their world forever, giving them the upper hand over their Human and other neighbours. Yet, they never deployed the ships for war, as they were a convincing show of force to achieve a scientific and cultural victory.   Only 10 years later, a Dassaï armada of Tharikon-class ships invided Illera and subdued its population. It's then that the first Dassaï Empire was born, and the final class of Stone Ships, the Maethron, was first built. After the Dassaï Empire fell 220 years later, Stone Ships had become a common sight both on and off planet.

Power Generation

A combination of Aehir & Mahi magical resources.

Weapons & Armament

Stone Ships are equipped with short round pillars. These are placed in their 2 to 4 slots from the outside of the vehicle. The pilot can control these pillars from inside the cockpit and chip away pieces of stone to hurl at enemy targets.   The projectiles can range from the size of a thumb, which can be fired in quick succession, to the size of a person's head. These big ones are used sparingly, though, and cause a very strong recoil force.

Armor and defense

These Stone Ships are, as the name suggests, cut out of a larger rock. 

Shooting Stones
On Alvunne, only about 90 are still in use.
Related Technologies
Complement / Crew
1 to 2 pilots


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