The First Schism

The First Schism is an armed conflict that took place on Alvunne Continent. It was fought between the Returners and Remainers. Two influential factions with opposite philosophies. They divided the Continent into areas of influence which sparked unrest. This lead to an all-out war in which every city-state, town and village mobilized.   At this time, most of the Continent was ruled by the Dassaï Empire. The Dassaï are a race of etherial magic users with great power. They are few though so they used Human mercenaries, employed Humans in their local governments and consulted Human strategists and scientists. It was an interconnected world and mostly a peaceful one.   However, a latent disconnect was growing. Alvunne Continent had left the Home Planets over a thousand years before, and some people started dreaming of returning there. Others didn't see the advantage of this and 2 factions were born.  

Returners versus Remainers

The Returners were a faction within the Dassaï Empire. They were empowered by the strength of the Empire. This made them believe that the Dassaï were meant to lead Alvunne on its way back to the Home Planets.   The Remainers on the other hand believed that building an empire for 200 years was not enough and wished to remain located safely on Earth's ocean floor. They were afraid that returning to the Home Planets would endanger their newfound independence.  

A 9 year conflict

Total chaos ensued and soon friends turned against friends and brothers slayed each other in cold blood. Alliances were broken and new ones were formed. During the first years of the war, the fighting mostly took place inside towns and their governments.   Gradually the frontlines were solidified with the Remainers taking a hold of the western parts of Alvunne and the Returners overtaking the eastern parts. A short stalemate locked down the conflict, allowing the forces to regroup. But this was short lived. A massive Remainer force marched on the city-state of Liburu where the Dassaï Archage was held up. They vowed to sabotage the Liburu Gate, so returning to the Home Planets would never be possible.  

The Scraping Mountains are created

In an attempt to end the war, the Dassaï Archage used all his power and might to conjure the Scraping Mountains up from out of the depths of Alvunne. This new mountain range was to form a barrier between the factions so peace talks could start. The opposite happened though. The Returner faction fell apart with the Human members taking up arms against the Dassaï members.   The Human Returners were appalled by the immeasurable Dassaï power. What was once seen as their greatest strength, had become a horrendous alien thing to fear. Soon, the Remainer faction followed suit, and the conflict shifted, ushering the fall of the Dassaï Empire.

The Conflict


The First Schism and creation of the Scraping Mountains mark a rapid fall for the Dassaï Empire on Alvunne. This gives way to new powers rising on the Continent.


The Scraping Mountains were a new landmark splitting Alvunne Continent in two parts. This mountain range has a vast impact on the Continent and its peoples. Most notably, it traps the water cycle in the Eastern part of the Continent. This means that the Western part slowly dried up and became a desert.

Historical Significance


The formation of the Scraping Mountains marked a change in the environment, and had a vast impact on climate, trade and power structures. This stirred a nefound hatred towards Dassaï in many Humans on the Continent. Ever since then, many associate the Dassaï race with decadent levels of powers and with moral decay.
Conflict Type
Conflict Result
Creation of the Scraping Mountains + Fall of the Dassaï Empire on Alvunne


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