The Scarvus Guard

The Scarvus Guard is a Liburian elite force dedicated to protecting the Omniarch and their interests. Its members are revered as the unit has been at the forefront of Alvunne's history on many different occasions.
  Notably, the Scarvus Guard is therefore also tasked with protecting the Liburu Gate. They have members constantly stationed near its entrance. The Liburu Gate is the tower that provides power for the Prism Veil, which protects the Continent and generates its atmosphere and climate. The Liburu Gate is also the only portal between Alvunne's upper and underside surfaces.  

Guard's Tribunal

The Guard's Tribunal is a derivative of the Scarvus Guard. This body is still part of the Scarvus Guard, but has laid down their arms (supposedly). They are tasked with advising the Omniarch in matters of war and peacekeeping alike. They can make decisions as well, but in this case, they must consult the Tribunal of the East. This second Tribunal consists of 2 envoys from each major City-State on Alvunne.



The Scarvus Guard consists of around 400 members.


The Scarvus Guard is the only military unit in Alvunne allowed to carry a Grey Poppy root dust for first aid practices. This precious resource can mean the difference between life and death.


Its members are heavily armoured in chainmail and equiped with a hoplite helmet. They carry a throwing spear and a round shield on their backs. A short sword hangs by their belt, ready for action in all areas and even in small alleys and inside fortifications.   Their equipment is mostly coloured silver, as to reflect the sun and blind opponents, with purple highlights denoting them as Scarvus Guards. Their crest represents the Liburu Gate with a laurel made of Blue Poppy hanging over it.



At any moment, its members can call upon the aid of the Liburu army and policing forces. But also mercenaries or troops of local communities. Supporting the Scarvus Guard is obligatory.


The costs are high for the Liburu coffers, but this unit has repeatedly prevented assassination attempts on the Omniarch and high officials. They have been utilised in wars and peacekeeping missions as well. They are even said to have prevented an all out war over 100 years ago. This by stepping up diplomatically and calming down the masses.


The Scarvus Guard almost exclusively recruits its members from the School of the People. This results in most recruits being of a noble family, adept at fighting and knowledgeable about the city-state's inner workings.   From time to time, members are recruited from high ranking army personnel.


The Scarvus Guard was formed by the 16th Omniarch after a lengthy civil war. He disbanded several military units that had rebelled against him and banned them and their families from the City-state. To lose one's citizenship was the ultimate fall from grace.   400 of them, however, swore an oath to protect the Omniarch from then on, which allowed them and their families to stay. Over time, these became the new elitarian families in Liburu.

Overall training Level
Assumed Veterancy
Ranks & Titles


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Aug 12, 2024 02:13 by Marjorie Ariel

I like the detail about being the only ones allowed to carry the grey poppy. I think it helps emphasize their importance. I also find it ironic that the School of the People apparently only educates the noble-born.

Aug 15, 2024 13:29 by Aldus Ken

Thanks a bunch! I guess most importantly, there's not too many Grey Poppies left on Alvunne Continent :(

Read more about the Alvunne Saga. And find me at Summer Camp 2024 ^^
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