Arcanic Matrix

An Arcanic Matrix is an arcanic technology developed by sentient beings to use the Arcanic force of the Immaterial Eternity seeping through the permeable barrier of reality. Commonly called "magic", it is in reality a very draining mental process that requires the user to project and create a mental construction of what they desire, how it will express itself in their reality, and the energy pathways to make it come to life. There is many ways to construct an Arcanic Matrix, and each culture has a different process to it, to the point it is possible for observant and knowledgeable practicioners to know someone's nationality simply by looking at their Matrixes. Although they have been in used for at least 30.000 years, it is highly suspected that certain non-human beings that can use Matrixes, like the Mastrilial Mushroom, or even animals like the Spotted White Hyena, have been using it even before humanity.

Generic Matrix

Arcanic Matrixes can generally be built based on instinct, making them unprecise but powerful, and efficient for brute-force tasks, or on knowledge and study, making them slower but highly precise and capable of series of tasks or even automation.


Ivultisian Matrix

Known for being people of science and reason, the Ivultis people have developed the most complex and precise Arcanic Matrixes of Amaanturis, which thrives at making complex automated defense systems or general arcanotech, but a little weaker at brute-force.

It is believed that the first people that developed Arcanic Matrixes were Ivultisian people who observed Shintiian Phalanxes using Matrixes to escape their predators, and, naturally curious, they decided to try to analyze and replicate the process with their own methods. This led to Ivultisian Matrixes being the same color as their entire civilization, marked with the two main elements found in the island: Sovar black stone and Ivultisian gold. Although this process is very common, it is not necessarily automatic, as seen with Abzazelenn Matrixes being traditionally red and firey, unlike their traditional color, purple. In general, it's proven that the state of mind, the belief system and the cultural environment affect the color and appearance of the Matrix, and Abzazel citizens have, by law, an obligation of presenting their matrixes to check for the irregularities of what they call "witchcraft", and taints their Matrixes with the stains of the "human plague".
Although every single person in Amaanturis is affected by the Immaterial Eternity, not all are capable of perceiving it. Most people can, with a lot of practice, reach a stage where they can construct small, mostly inconsequential Matrixes, changing the color of an object, creating a little drop of water, but the deep study of the Arcane and its practice are reserved to people whose perception is far more developed. Many theoretical Arcanists have theorized that this ability originates from an invisible, probably extra-planar organ, or a subdivision of the brain, and that just like intellectual capacity, it can be trained and developed, but all experiments to "augment" people were mostly unsuccessful, and often unethical. Even in Ivultis, where knowledge and research take precedence over someone's well-being, experiments on living beings and their Arcanic connection are highly illegal.

An Abzazelenn Matrix

Matrixes from Abzazel are generally more defined by their instinctive, raw power, giving it a vibrant firey aspect. It is strictly forbidden in Abzazel to study the "craft", and only through the worship of ancestors, divinities, and meditation, can you reach a state of mind they consider compatible with the usage of the Arcane.


Rockstaan Matrix

The Rockstaan are mineral semi-sentient beings, capable of utilizing Arcanic Matrixes to a fairly developed level, and represent a good subject of study for how wildlife, and even plant or mineral life, can also connect to the Immaterial Eternity. After their discovery, the core belief that all life is to be respected and treated equally gained a lot of traction in Amaanturine societies.

Although it was likely the origin of human Matrixes, it was believed for a long time, especially in Eastern Humans, that animals were incapable of perceiving and utilizing the Arcane. Only when scientists came along that were interested in the study of natural sciences, did humanity discover that theory was far from true. Most life in Amaanturis is capable, to a certain degree, of utilizing Matrixes, but unlike humans who construct complex and often multi-task ones, wildlife tends to focus on a single task. The Spotted White Hyena, for example, constructs a simple Matrix that allows it to teleport a few meters forward and catch its prey unaware, or the Marbelliese Otter, capable of circulating oxygen in the water, or sensing intentions of potential predators. Some plant or mineral life, like the Rockstaan or the Mastrilial Mushroom, are capable of manipulating it to a greater degree, but in such a different and alien way, it is beyond human comprehension so far.
    Building a Matrix, in general, is a complex task, requiring focus, drive, and a clear goal. One must feel the Immaterial Eternity, sense its passing through the world, and reach to it. The "construct" itself, is always circular, energy must enter through the outside part, and exit through its center, or focal point. Acting like an amplifier, the Matrix will affect the energy, shape it through its pathways and designs, and as it is forced through it like through a funnel, the energy will mold itself to a certain purpose, exiting like out of a cannon, making it extremely dangerous to construct a powerful Matrix without enough experience. Before schools were made to teach students how to practice it, it wasn't rare for practicionners to die, or even destroy their surroundings with them, as they forced the energy through too much. It is a lot rarer now that humanity has had a lot of experience with the Arcane, and the guidance of both the Major Gods of Emrelnnen and the Lords of Chaos.


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