Genna the Huntress

Written by SoleilArya

I have no interest in your pleas or begging, mortal. All I care about is the blood that flows in your veins, and the use I can make of your brain. Anything else is pointless. Genna to one of her victims

Genna the Huntress, known before her transformation as Genna Dalmishtra, is a semi-human creature roaming the streets of Marbellian and relentlessly hunting down citizens, who are usually found the next morning drained of their blood, decapitated and missing their brains. It is unknown what purpose she has for the brains, but having evolved into a semi-human, the blood is how she feeds herself and renews the energy for her dark, twisted Arcanic Matrix. Initially a fairly average citizen of the city, housewife to a soldier of the Section 3, her life got turned upside down when her husband was killed in action. After indifferent treatment from the Kingdom and the refusal to give him a proper burial, her pure resentment and anger turned into hatred, and motivation.

Genna shortly after her transformation

After an entire year of suffering and hatred, the once-sweet Genna concluded a pact with a Mother-witch of the Coven of Adressylland turned into a hybrid semi-human in exchange of a part of her soul, depriving her of any empathy and pity she still had.


Genna ready to strike

Although nobody managed to approach her, the descriptions of her appearance were clear enough for dead or alive portraits to be drawn and for her to be described as the white ghoul. Myths of vampires were also close enough for her to be described as such, and all children of the Kingdom know to start running if they see a pale, white-haired, red-eyed woman.

It took her about a year to find the Coven of Adressyll, and conclude a pact with a mother-witch to grant her some power. Since then, she has vowed to inflict the same pain on the people of the kingdom she felt losing her husband. She started small, taking easily accessible targets, nightworkers, prostitutes, but quickly moved on to more "exciting" targets. The Kingdom noticed a spree of murders, going from guards, soldiers, even elites, nobles, in all districts of the city, even the most secure. Eventually, an elite taskforce was dedicated to hunting the mysterious murderer down, but even after thirty years of investigation, they failed to capture her, and she took great pleasure to target the families of the taskforce members. Now nicknamed the white-haired ghoul, she continued her spree of killing across the entire Kingdom, not just the city of Marbellian, and despite the best efforts of investigators, has accumulated over the years over six hundred confirmed kills, making her number one on the list of wanted criminals, the interest of the Crimson Lifetakers and every other assassin guild alike.
Nobody has managed to contact her, however, or even come close to her, and her killing sprees took an almost-ritual nature, always taking place on the same day, at the same hour, as if to provoke the investigators.
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Challenge Hub: Spooktober 2024
Generic article | Oct 3, 2024


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