Mastiff of the Green

Written by SoleilArya

The Matiff of the Green is a Primordial creature vaguely ressembling a wolf, who stalks the forests of Ivultis, hunting down unaware visitors and leaving them drained of their blood. Veritably a creature of shadow and fur, it has been alive for millenias and used to regularly fight the Dragons that tried to get rid of what they saw as a nuisance. Unfortunately, save for the most powerful ones, the Mastiff was too strong, and after losing hundreds of theirs, the Dragons gave up. If approaching it generally leads people to see an enormous, powerful wolf, they soon realize that the monster is far more terrifying. Ever-shifting, alternating between one or multiple heads, covered in a thick, oily fur that resists even the sharpest of weapons, surrounded by a veil of shadows that cover its blood-covered face and enraged, yellow eyes, it is capable of adapting its size to its prey, from as big as a mountain to the size of an average wolf, but when it get its prey, it shifts to its true form: an abomination with a dislocated jaw, dripping gastric juices from every pore with grotesque, mutate body. Few people can recount surviving an encounter with the beast, but relying mostly on its sense of smell, the Ivultisian School of Magical Engineering developed a device capable of surpressing one's body odor in case they need to travel the region it is present in. If it is impossible to truly fight it, it is at least possible to avoid it, as it boasts an incredible ability to regenerate any wounds in mere seconds.

One of the most normal shapes of the Mastiff

While still hunting its prey, the Mastiff generally oscillates between one and two heads, and remains somewhat in the limit of what someone who call normal. Being chased by a large, two-headed wolf is not the most pleasant experience, but it is at least less terrifying than what comes next.


The Mastiff revealing its appearance

As it catches its prey, the Mastiff shows more of its true appearance, which lets him hunt more efficiently, both by terrorizing its prey, and giving him more power. Once cornered, the prey is slowly drained of its blood my a multitude of small bites, as if it was playing with its food, and is left to be eaten by whatever lurks in the forest.

Unlike a lot of other Primordials, the Mastiff is incapable of constructing an Arcanic Matrix, and instead relies purely on its strength and speed to hunt down its preys, and though multiple theories have been made about its origin, it has been confirmed that it was birthed by the actions of The Primordial Chaos, as an attempt to wipe humanity. Even after him being locked down by Ovor Avantuuris, the creator didn't bother to erase the Primordial's creations, and the Mastiff was free to hunt at his leisure.
Although a fundamentally chaotic creature, it is not intelligent or sentient enough to be considered an ally of The Chaos, and the Lords of Chaos have not fully made any attempt to sway it to their side, outside of Kratz, Warmaster of Chaos who tried to ride it in combat once. It has since become a favorite of Amaranthis the Red, who regularly calls it to the Everlasting Battlefield of Amaar to fight, taking advantage of its quasi-immortality and regeneration to make it the perfect target practice. This is to the distaste of Mariniai Staax, who considers the creature an abomination and a perversion of what she calls life, and Miran Abarukis, the Blue Flame, who considers every creation of the Chaos, direct or indirect, to be purged and exterminated. They have, however, never made any direct attempt on the creature's life, due to the Divine-Demon pact of non-intervention, as the Primordial has lived in Amaanturis long enough to be considered endemic.
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Generic article | Oct 3, 2024


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