
Fighting on the roughest parts of cities, in dark alleyways and in taverns full of criminals, fighters that emulate the archetypal mercenary are no rookies when it comes to underhanded tactics. Learning to use weapons that are less commonly wielded, as well as knowing when to run from a fight to keep your life, your skills in fighting are mighty ones.  


When you choose this archetype, at 3rd level, you know which parts of the knees to aim for to really make your hits hurt. Immediately after hitting a creature with a melee weapon attack, you can use your bonus action to make a shove attempt. You can only knock a creature prone with this shove attempt.    

Underhanded Tactics

Beginning at 3rd level, cheap weapons can still be deadly in your hands. When you wield a melee weapon that has a damage die smaller than 1d6, it is increased to be 1d6, and your unarmed strikes deal 1d6 damage if they did any lower. Additionally, during your turn, if you hit with a melee attack against a creature, that creature cannot make opportunity attacks against you for the rest of your turn.    

Criminal Reputation

Starting at 7th level, you seem to radiate a threatening aura. You gain proficiency in Intimidation if you did not have it already, and when you make an Intimidation check against a creature that is grappled by you, restrained, or otherwise helpless, your proficiency bonus is doubled for that check.    

Turf Wars

At 10th level, those who get in your face are swiftly told to step off. As a reaction to a creature moving within 5 feet of yourself, you can make a shove attempt on the creature. You cannot knock a creature prone with this shove attempt, but you force the creature 10 feet away from yourself instead of only 5.    


By 15th level, your strength greatly overpowers those trying to get away from you. Your movement speed is no longer halved from grappling a creature.    

Improved Underhanded Tactics

Additionally, at 15th level, when you wield a melee weapon that has a damage die smaller than 1d8, it is increased to be 1d8, and your unarmed strikes deal 1d8 damage if they did any lower.    

Gang Tactics

At 18th level, you know how to take advantage of your allies being nearby. You have advantage on attack rolls against a creature if at least one of your allies is within 5 ft. of the creature and the ally isn’t incapacitated.




Payment & Reimbursement

Depending on the job



Serve as cannon fodder or go on operations normal soldiers wouldn't be able to

Social Status

Very low


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