Global Academy of Sorcery

The main magical education system of Amaanturis

Written by SoleilArya

Kid, if you want to learn magic, trust me, search no further than Alwitch Castle. If you ever get in, you will learn magical secrets beyond your wildest dreams. -Makar Dabon
The Global Academy of Sorcery is the organization responsible for managing most of the Academies of magic in Amaanturis. Although its headquarters are in Marbellian, the organization is not tied or subservient to the Great Kingdom of Marbellian and prides itself for its independance.
Founded in 3554 AA by Manaa The Dreamer and Laster Garbanis, who decided to give every Magictouched of Amaanturis a chance to learn how to use their gift, especially in the face of the amount of discrimination they faced, it taught generations upon generations of magic users, up to the most pretigious.
It was eventually nicknamed the Mazzanari School, after Tomellio Mazzanari, its most influential Headmaster, and students keep that name as a hommage to the great man that gave its life for the sake of his students and the advancement of the magical arts, and helped steer the school clear of any external influence by maintaining a doctrine of absolute neutrality.

Currently spearheaded by Mirthis Sanbur, it opened up new schools in many smaller locations, and implanted itself for the first time in the Southern Islands, a feat only possible through her incredible level of influence and how much the Islanders respect her heritage and feats.
Even though it is, to this day, the most influential and important magical organization of Amaanturis, its relationships with multiple countries became more tense due to their refusal to help any form of war of conflict, like in the Arken-Marbellian war, leading to decreased funding and necessity to secure it more than ever before.

Knowledge and Education for All

Emblem of the Global Academy



Mirthis Sanbur

With her long flowing purple hair and powerful personnality, it is complicated to not notice Mirthis Sanbur in a crowd. Daughter of one of the Major Divines of the Pantheon, Manaa The Dreamer, she mastered spellcasting at the age of 14, and went on to become one of the greatest Sages to ever roam the world. Dedicated to ending the discrimination against magic users, and to provide education to everyone indicriminately of their origin, she's both respected as a mentor, a person, and a leader, and those that don't respect her, tend to fear her.


Talh Garthen

A lot of people would describe Lord Talh Garthen as a womanizer, an asshole, and a pyromaniac, but that would be forgetting his immense talent for magic, his pedagogic qualities, and his burning desire for freedom for all magic practitioners. A friend of Mirthis Sanbur, as well as her old student, there is few people more loyal to her and the Global Academy of Sorcery as he is, and he once single-handedly defended Almwitch Castle from a Demon attack, risking his life to defend his dear students.


Lashra Dubless

Specialist of a domain not often practised, and matching her fiery personnality, Lashra Dubless is a teacher at the Global Academy of Sorcery, a Master of Metallurgy Magic, and a close friend and advisor to Mirthis Sanbur. Although she might be the second least-favorite teacher of her students, she developed a reputation for being extremely demanding but fair, and to never let a mistake go unnoticed.


Donek Marbellian

Son of the Marbellian family, in the line of succession, Donek chose to pursue magic instead, and is now the teacher and one of the leading expert on Abjuration, known to be almost invincible in duels, and responsible for most of the protection spells cast on Almwitch Castle.




Laster Garbanis

Headmaster of the Magic School of Marbellian and founder of the Global Academy, Laster Arkantor Garbonis created the school as a mean to equalize chances and develop their talents. Adventurer, dragonslayer, hero of the Republic, his name echoes with legends and myths.


Tomellio Mazzanari

Legendary Headmaster, widely known as the only person to date to Ascend beyond the realm of mortality and become a Divine. He also actively and tirelessly advocated for the indendance of the Academy and its freedom from the conscription of either country.


Mastel Arrool

Historical Headmistress, she was the one that brought the longest period of peace for the Academy through her shrewd political awareness and large knowledge of History. Also called the Archmage-Erudite, she is vastly recognized as the most knowledgeable in history.


Saal Olk

One of the saddest exemples of discrimination of magic users in the history of the school, Saal was a promising student when he was assaulted in Marbellian, and unable to react in time, hit so hard he died a few minutes later. His name is now honored as one of the dormitories.



The Honored Headmaster has the task of leading the Global Academy, and supervizes the Headmasters of each individual school, who themselves rely on their Headmaster-Assistant and Deacons to rule the everyday operations.  


Although technically part of every country they are in, there is a united global culture in the Global Academy, a school pride and unity that is known as Almwitch spirit, after the main headquarters of the Academy. Students are known to play pranks on each other, often on teachers too, and although they are known to be exigeant and sometimes strict, the teachers are also known to display almost parental pride towards their student, not hesitating to defend them when bullied or pressured by outside forces. A Marbelliese student might be Marbelliese, but they will defend their Arkenen brothers all the same.  

Public Agenda

Educate all Magictouched for free, fairly, and decently Study magic and bring a better understanding of it Solve magical curses and hexes, investigate unnatural occurences

Student Council of the Academy of Sorcery

The Council of the University, made to give a voice to every student and give them a chance to discuss the decisions made by the Board of Academicians. Elected every year, they have been loyally serving the faculty for about four thousand years.

The Student Council's badge.



  • A total of 46 schools all over Amaanturis
  • A private security force to protect the schools, maintain their neutrality and investigate threats
  • Each school has multiple carriages to transport students
  • Four zeppelins

Foreign Relations

Although it used to have a shining reputation with more or less every country in the world, the Global Academy's relations with the Great Kingdom of Marbellian was heavily marred by its insistence the students join the war, and the repeated refusal of the staff to let them. Arken, on the other hand, has been more than grateful they didn't, leading them to multiple victories.

  • 3554 AA

    14 /2
    3554 AA

    12 /8

    Conclave of 3554
    Gathering / Conference

    Laster Garbanis receives a vision of Manaa the Dreamer and decides to convoke a Conclave of the magic schools of Amaanturis to propose an alliance.

  • 3554 AA

    24 /8

    Founding of the Academy

    Manaa the Dreamer decides to help organize the different organizations of learning of Amaanturis, which leads to the creations of a Global Organization dedicated to the learning and study of magic all across the planet.

  • 3553 AA

    26 /1
    3549 AA

    14 /9

    Creation of the Headquarters
    Construction beginning/end

    The Academy's headquarters are built over four years in Marbellian, with the agreement of the Sixth Republic and funding by schools all over the world, and becomes the world-renowned Almwitch Castle, a marvel of engineering and magic alike.

    Almwitch Castle
  • 3543 AA

    11 /5

    Grand Opening of the Congress
    Cultural event

    Each prospective student is invited to the Congress, a presentation of magic schools headed by the Headmaster and main teachers, and is given the choice to pass a test to join the Academy.

  • 3507 AA

    Death of Laster Garbanis
    Life, Death

    Honored Headmaster Laster Garbanis passes away peacefully in his sleep. Six days of mourning follow in every school of the Academy, and the Sixth Republic lowers their flags for a month.

    Almwitch Castle
  • 3344 AA

    25 /4

    Tomellio Mazzari becomes Honored Headmaster
    Life, Career

    After an incredible run as a teacher and academician, Tomellio Mazzari becomes the Honored Headmaster of the Global Academy.

    Almwitch Castle
  • 3340 AA

    29 /11

    Birth of Aminda Mazzanari
    Life, Birth

    Honored Headmaster Tomellio Mazzari welcomes his daughter, Aminda.

  • 3335 AA

    3330 AA

    Conflict with the Republic
    Political event

    The Sixth Republic decides to suspend funding of the Academy, refusing to let it run independent any longer. This is eventually solved when Honored Headmaster Mazzanari speaks before the Council, convincing them it is the only way.

  • The 43-years dispute
    Conflict with Western United Kingdoms
    Political event

    Refusing to let the Global Academy run their main magic school, the Western United Kingdoms bar access to it and force in place a different Headmaster. After a long conflict, the elected Headmaster decides to banish the pretender, raise a barrier around the school, and prevent access to it to anyone, and kept it this way for over twenty years. After long negotiations and plenty of bruised ego, Tomellio Mazzanari finally manages to negotiate peace with the Kingdoms, and reintegrates the school into the Global Academy.

  • 3274 AA

    Death and Ascension of Tomellio Mazzanari
    Life, Death

    Tomellio Mazzanari died after inventing a 10th level spell, blowing up the entire Headmaster's office with him, and Ascended to divinity. All schools respect a six-days mourning period, and so does the Sixth Republic.

    Almwitch Castle
  • 3085 AA

    11 /8

    A student blows up the Ivultis main branch
    Disaster / Destruction

    A student tries to cast a powerful spell, misfires and destroys an important artifact, blowing up the entire school. A hundred students were killed, thousands injured, and the rebuilding took years.

  • 80 PE

    The Sixth Republic collapses
    Era beginning/end

    Although mostly unaffected, Almwitch Castle is for a time under tight surveillance, and asked repeatedly for assistance in the war. Despite the Headmaster's insistence on neutrality, diplomatic relationships between the Global Academy and the Kingdom become tense, and funding is cut.

    Additional timelines
  • 134 PE

    Pressure on the Academy to join the war
    Diplomatic action

    The Kingdom of Marbellian and the South Arken Empire both put pressure on the Academy to join the war and take a side, which is refuse categorically by the Headmaster. Pressure increases, funds are cut, but the Academy holds strong. After the Marbelliese defeat at the Cinderlands, blame is put on the Academy and Marbellian fully cuts funding to the Academy, while Arken increases it, thus leading to a lot of resentment by the Marbelliese mages.

    Almwitch Castle
  • 159 PE

    5 /3 06:00

    Assassination of Emperor Avalgen Kaptaris
    Life, Death

    Under Marbelliese orders, the Emperor Avalgen Kaptaris is assassinated in Asmaritur by Tremel Darthur. Although mostly affected by the event, the South Arken main school is taken in the turmoil.

    Eastern Humans
    Additional timelines
  • 410 PE

    11 /11

    Mirthis Sanbur becomes Honored Headmistress
    Life, Career

    Mirthis Sanbur becomes, at 30 years of age, the youngest Headmistress in the history of the Academy.

    Almwitch Castle
  • 466 PE

    9 /1 01:00
    466 PE

    11 /1 15:00

    The Dark Night
    Disaster / Destruction

    Estia Maddan almost destroys Asmaritur with an abominable Titan.

    More reading
    Estia Maddaan
    Additional timelines


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