
Written by SoleilArya

  In the deepest, darkest depths of the Everdark, lies a creature so vile, so primordial that even the Demons fear it. Its name, never spoken. Its face, never shown. Its existence, a boogyman for the most evil of children. If you think you're afraid of the dark, just wait until you meet it.
Mastel Arool, on the Dangers of Conjuration, 938AA

The horrifying entity known as Sanemael, the Primordial, is a mystery to many. His study has been banned in the Global Academy of Sorcery and most other magic schools in the world, and even Demons speak his name quietly. Born of the worst thought of Ovor Avantuuris, it is an all-consuming existence that requires constant and immense nourishment of energy to maintain its eternal growth. Although initially fed by Vastissa, Queen of Chaos, it quickly went hungry when she disappeared, and started feeding on anything it could reach.

A young Sanemael

At the dawn of existence, Sanemael was adopted as a pet/child by Vastissa, Queen of Chaos, who took a liking to it. When she disappeared to battle Manaa The Dreamer in the Eternal Dream, Sanemael was left without its carer to feed it, and started calling Demons to the depths to consume.


A semi-grown Sanemael

Nobody knows exactly about the terms of the pact made by Ramatha with Sanemael, but it was enough for the Dweller of the Depths to respect her almost as much as its adoptive mother, and hear her requests.

Quickly, Ramatha, Herald of Chaos realized hordes of Demons and souls were disappearing to the Everdark, and a plan was conceived to keep it fed without too many losses. Like a parasitic vampire, Sanemael feeds on the stream of Immaterial Eternity everflowing through the Chaos, and keeps growing, hungrier and hungrier. Although a temporary solution, the Herald realized there was no way to get rid of the now titanic primordial, its branches enrooted in most of the Chaos, and capable of devouring even a Divine entity like herself.
Eventually, out of mutual respect, the entity started listening to her, slowly draining the connection Manaa The Dreamer has with the Eternal Dream, skewing the balance of power in the favor of Vastissa, or tainting the connection some of the Major Gods of Emrelnnen have with the Immaterial Eternity, and some priests and Arcanic sages started having nightmares of the titan, now fully grown, dragging them to the depths of the Everdark with it, ready to feast on their very essence, and slowly draining their minds.
It is unknown the exact appetite of the creature, and if it can ever stop growing, but what is sure is that if it doesn't, the depths of the Everdark won't be enough to contain it.

A fully formed Sanemael

This is an entry for Spooktober 2024, check out my hub there: 
Challenge Hub: Spooktober 2024
Generic article | Oct 3, 2024


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