Valkyries of Chaos

Written by SoleilArya

Madam, your beauty is beyond compare, what shall one do to request your company for the evening? An adventurer, before being pierced by a blade made of darkness and blood

Deep in the islands of Fazdamodaan, one can find a species of particularly humanoid Demons, who look like incredibly beautiful women with wings and a heavy armor made of shadows, wielding incredibly dangerous weapons that can pierce the soul itself. Feared by man and Demon alike, the pain and terror they are capable of inflicting with a single wave of their hands would be enough if alone, but they don't just rip fragments of people' souls, they also use them to build horrible grotesque amalgamations of souls called a Soul Construct, which acts as their servants and food source. Perhaps their most dangerous trait, however, is how much they look like and speak like human beings, but completely lack the empathy and feelings of one, instead being merciless and cold-hearted hunters, who's primary prey is other living beings.

A Valkyrie, ready to strike

Covered in an armor made of the solidified souls of their victims, Valkyries that posess wings on a single side of their bodies are the deadliest. They're incapable of flight, but they are by far the strongest fighters, capable of defeating most seasoned warriors with a single strike of their shadowblades.


The savage beauty of a Valkyrie

With hairs made of blood and their wild expressions, adventurers are often drawn in by the powerful and striking charisma of the Valkyries, before being impaled, souldrained and left an empty husk as their soul is slowly being amalgamated and devoured.

Although they are sentient beings, and capable of being reasoned with, it's extremely complicated to make a point to a Valkyrie. Despite exceptions, they are just incapable of perceiving humans as an equal worthy of respect and consideration: they don't consider their actions evil, they are simply hunters looking for food. Even their beauty is tailored for the hunt: they observed long ago that both humans and Demons had beauty standards they could replicate and evolved in that direction to distract their prey as they strike. In the Tersmiter scale of optimization, designed by Archmage Tersmiter to evaluate the evolution capacity of different species, Valkyries ranked amongst the highest at a whopping nine out of ten.
Although Valkyries are technically Demons and as such, subject to the hierarchy of the Lords of Chaos, they tend to be amongst the wildest and ungovernable of the forces of Chaos, making them a last-resort option, in cases where the Lords don't mind them devouring some allied soldiers. They hold a seizable grudge against Ramatha, Herald of Chaos, who exiled them to the far islands they now reside in, and tend to favor Kratz, Warmaster of Chaos, who's cold and merciless behavior far more ressemble their own, and more surprisingly, Dalmenaa, who keeps them company, sometimes flying from her home of the Veil of Sorrows to visit them.
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Generic article | Oct 3, 2024


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