Soul Construct

Written by SoleilArya

Val, what the fuck is that? What in the absolute fuck is that? Stinya Argensten to Val Mortan as they run away from a group of Soul Constructs

Soul Constructs are terrifying abominations that live in the islands of Fazdamodaan. Created by Valkyries of Chaos from the souls of their victims, they are a grotesque amalgamation of whatever is left of people once they're digested and consumed by the Valkyries, and tend to be a general shape with a or multiple unrecognizable faces, or parts of faces. Nobody knows if they're engineered to look terrifying to humans, but those that have encountered the horrors tend to think so. Their intelligence is extremely limited, and most of whatever made their personnality or being before being taken by the Valkyries is completely gone, leaving them little more than machines in absolute service of the huntresses, sometimes assisting them in paralyzing their preys, sometimes hunting themselves and bringing food back for extraction.

An example of a Soul Construct

Built by the one-winged Valkyries, the Constructs nicknamed Specters are far superior to their base models, as the more powerful huntresses are more gifted at soul-molding. Leaving them the few traits that are helpful to make a killing-machine, those Constructs end up ruthlessly cruel, violent, and would behave in the way one would expect from a serial killer.


A Soul Construct scaring its prey

If the basic Constructs don't have the strength and violence of their superior siblings, they are still far more than capable of inflicting a paralyzing terror on their victims, their striking appearance making it impossible for anyone with a normal mind to resist.

Of course, it is more than possible to survive an encounter with a Soul Contruct if one is prepared, brave, and quick on their feet, but the creatures tend to hunt in groups, and are in constant communication not just with one another, but with the Valkyries as well. Ready to swoop in from the skies and deliver the worst pain imaginable on their victims, they make an unbeatable team that surprised even the most experienced explorers like Val Mortan. If one wanted to explore the islands of Fazdamodaan safely, their best bet would be to remain hidden, out of sight, and avoid treading the forests where they reside.
Of course, like their mistresses, Soul Constructs are imprinted with a deep resentment against Ramatha, Herald of Chaos, and go out of their way to kill anyone they could group with the Herald, even if they just slightly remind them of the Greater Demon, but avoid hunting any followers of Kratz, Warmaster of Chaos or Dalmenaa, unless they are starving, making it somewhat possible to survive if one knows of that information. It is also technically possible for a very experienced Arcanist to undo their Arcanic Matrix, dissolving the Arcanic glue holding the amalgamation together, and freeing whatever remains of the souls inside. This would, however, alert the Valkyries responsible for its creation, who'd flock on the prey in mere seconds, attracted by its powerful soul.
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Generic article | Oct 3, 2024


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