Zajiria, Destroyer of Chaos
Out of all the Greater Demons of The Chaos, Zajiria is definitely one of the strongest, and most violent. Raised to be powerful, she learned to fight before she learned to speak, and there's nothing she loves more than a good brawl. A frequent opponent in training of her older half-sibling, Kratz, Warmaster of Chaos, she differs immensely from her also half-draconic sister, Mishreyn, Dragon of Chaos, in that she prefers mingling with others. Proud, short-tempered, and somewhat of a muscle-brain, she's one of the most fervent opponent of the Divine-Demon pact.
Shaatrixia, Breeder of Chaos (mother)Mishreyn, Dragon of Chaos (sister)
Kratz, Warmaster of Chaos (sibling)
Abyssen of the Chaos (brother)
Tellhidia Maran (sister)
Ramatha, Herald of Chaos (aunt)
Vastissa, Queen of Chaos (aunt)