Alleyways 1} Dewwey and Fairyl

Dewwey played by Clover, Fairyl played by Kiwi
A tired Dewwey wandered the alleyways, almost dragging her feet into the asphalt. With her lusus dying, a stranger bringing her to the sewers, what the hell else could happen? Letting out a yawn, Dewwey slammed her back into a wall and slid down to rest.
Fairly happened to be out stalking that night, and she was on the prowl. Her keen eyes spotted Dewwy and she smirked. This was going to be perfect. Fairyl walked over, dawned in a very nice looking dress and a fluffy scarf around her neck. She blinked and used a very soft and sweet voice. "What's such a beautiful girl doing out here in an alley?"
Dewwey looked up at the troll and then scooted away a bit, scared by the unfamiliar troll. She already had someone change her life drastically... but then again, her voice was so soft, unlike how harsh Ezrane was. Would this one be trustworthy? "I... I'm going back to my hive... Why?"
"I just saw you on my walk and I-" A blush rose to her cheeks though it was fake, "well I just thought you were pretty thats all, and you looked so sad" Fairyl frowned at her. She knew what she was doing every move was calculated and calm. She was going to take this troll home with her and get some well deserved food.
Dewwey stood up from the wall, facing the rather social troll in front of her. "T-thank you... I just..." She looked near on the verge of tears, "S-someone killed my lusus today, and... I-i'm out here all alone... N-n-no one to turn to a-and I can't even defend myself!" There it was, the waterworks. Her tears fell rapidly like rain in April, relentless and a downpour. She wiped away her own tears in vain, "B-but I don't want to bother you w-with all of that..."
"shh shh hun no" Fariyl awwed and gently wrapped her arms around Dewwey, "That is so horrible I am so so sorry, I can't bring your Lusus back but maybe I can help you out. I could take you home and help you get all rested up before you go back home, and it's not a bother" Poor girl same fate as her. Maybe she would be a little easier for once, but she still wanted blood.
Dewwey held onto Fariyl tightly, crying into the other troll's shoulder for what seemed forever to her. "I-i didn't g-get to s-say goodbye!!" She repeated her words in uncontrolled sobs before FINALLY getting it under control. "I-i'm sorry... I... I won't ask for you to take me in..."
"Good because you aren't asking I'm offering" Her voice was sweet like honey and she pulled off looking at Dewwey I understand what you are going through I lost my Lusus too" A fake tear rolled down her cheek as she reached out a hand to wipe Dewwey's face
Dewwey took very kindly to this troll's attention, albeit fake. "J-just for a bit... I don't w-want to overstay a welcome..." She backed away a little bit to give Fariyl space. "L-lead the way, I'll follow..."
She nodded "Just a little while till you can get on your feet and have a safe space." She started walking


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