Feferi Peixes

Played by Lengna

Feferi Peixes (a.k.a. cuttlefishCuller)

"You look a bit sad, is somefin bothering you? It's really naut my place to pry, is it? Glub.. But if you're in need of some anchoragment I'm here for you!"
Bubbly (not a pun but really wishing it was) and enthusiastic about helping people. Feferi has gained alot of experience in just how hard it is to help run a governmet and keep to her ideals. Shes a bit quicker to get fustrated with people than she used to be, especially if they are being rude or stubborn. She works hard to make her vision a reality, but has been worn down by bureaucracy and time. She also has come to realise, with horror, that her attempts to be kind and understanding to others come off as condescending and patronizing. Shes making efforts to stop acting that way, but shes not exactly sure how to go about it and many attempts to avoid it make things worse. Despite all her efforts to seem more mature, she still has a mischievous streak she can't seem to shake.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Although scared at first, Feferi saw The Merge as an operunity to set her ideal world into motion. She lost her lusus, the one thing she felt protected her from extermination, but soon found other fuchsias she didnt even know existed! Happy to be free from the need to kill to ensure everyones survival, even if it was prophesied to end, she set out to make this new world even better than the last ( kind of a low bar in her opinoin). But the chotic koladaskope of madness that was the blending of desperate cultures and other powerful intrests had other plans. She worked hard durring the first years to stop the bloodshed and get things in some sort of order, causing her to grow up a bit faster than shed antispated needing to. After things settled down she wanted to take an active role in leadership to prevent another catastrophic event, but the further in she got the more she had to compromise on her ideals in the name of stability. She hasn't stopped wotking towrd them though, they are just more incremental than she'd like. Due to the work involded with change and managmet (most of it involving piles of papers for her to read), Feferi has lost contact with most of her old friend group. Though she misses them and is trying to get her work life balance in order so she can catch up on thier lacadasical shinanigains.


Government official (clerical)

Accomplishments & Achievements

Caring for sea animals, simihandy with a trident, terrble at paperwork and keeping in contact with people.

Personality Characteristics


To create a peacful happy world where the weak are cared for and everyone can coexist.

Likes & Dislikes

sea creatures, undersea gardening, aguascaping freshwater aquariums (something shes gotten into recently), making puns and being silly (when appropriate), volunteering in the glade of life
long hours, paperwork, killing the weak, the vilence inherent in the system
9.69 sweeps (21 years)
➠Sexual orientation
➠Typing Quirk
Uses )( instead of an h, when using capital E's puts a hyphen before the E, capitalizes sentences. Smilies also have a tiara and goggles 38D, though sometimes she corrects them with an unadorned smiley when she wants to look more professional. She has been trying to cut down on her pun usage, but its a hard habit to break. Nautical puns are just the best!
Gl'Bgolyb (left behind in the merge)
Witch of Life


In Person





Character Portrait image: by Kiwi


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