ardentPersuasion + eminenceReanimated

ardentPersuasion played by Kiwi, eminenceReanimated played by Link
ardentPersuasion [AP] has begun trolling eminenceReanimated [ER]
AP: Hello Heiress how are you this fine day
ER: Good mourning- I 44m fine- C4n I hhelp you~?
AP: I wanted to show you something that might interest you
ER: Go 4he4d-
ardentPersuasion [AP] attatched an image
ER: H4-! Th4t fool- I wwill crrush hhim--
ER: Yeess-- Yyou h4ve proven yyourshellf useful-
AP: glad I could provide assistance princess
ER: H44-- I will not forget your servicce- Wh4t iis your n44me~~?
AP: Pixzie Calpob ma'am
ER: I sse4- II wwill bee thinnkinngg of yyyour---
ER: wwhhen iii connsssume--- hhis br44in--
ER: iii mmmmust go----
AP: Good luck!
ardentPersuasion [AP has ceased trolling eminenceReanimated [ER]


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