Bar 2} Lelskt and Nova

Lelskt played by Kiwi, Nova played by Flynn
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Lelskt was sitting at the bar drinking. Her shift was over and it was nice to just relax and have a couple drinks after that sometimes. She tapped her fingers on the glass of her drink and hummed thinking about how well her shift went.
Nova walked in to the bar and kind of just peeked in
Looking around with a curious smile on her face.
She looked like she was in a rather good mood
And who could blame her
Things have been good these past few days
Less trolls and humans causing trouble at her mansion nowadays
Thanks to this she has some time off and where did she go? A bar
Why was she here? She doesn’t drink
I guess socializing? Meh who knows
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Lelskt wasn't paying attention to much else but her drink as she was a little tired from a hard nights work. She asked the bartender for another drink once she finished the one she was working on.
she walked around and kind of stood out
She didn’t have a drink or anything
Nor was she talking to someone
She kind of tried to start a friendly conversation but people didn’t seem too thrilled cause it was late and just wanted a drink and not talk to some random lady
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Lelskt looked over at her and studied her for a second. She chuckled and decided to wave her over because she looked like someone that might be interesting to chat with.
her smiled did not change and seemed to laugh off when told by someone to go away but when she noticed someone wave her over she quickly came over with a cheerful tune
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"HeEy thHeEreE, yoOuU seEeEm liIkeE aA niIceE peErsoOn whHaAt briIngs yoOuU toO thHeE baAr toOniIghHt" She asked smiling as the bartender set her drink in front of her
“Oh! I’ve got some free time from my job so I decided to go and try socialize out of my circle of usual friends”
she chuckled as she sat down next to her, facing her
She had this calm and excited attitude about her that felt unusual but pleasant
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Lelskt nodded, " I waAnteEd toO coOmeE hHeEreE aAnd reElaAx aAfteEr woOrk aAnd thHiIs plaAceE iIs neEaAr my joOb soO I thHoOuUghHt iIt miIghHt beE niIceE toO hHaAveE aA driInk oOr toO beEfoOreE hHeEaAdiIng baAck toO my hHiIveE"
“That sounds rather nice actually haha
I live at my work place so my work never really escapes me haha”
she seemed unbothered by that though
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"OhH, I eEnjoOy my joOb buUt thHeEreE aAreE paArts oOf iIt thHaAt geEt toO meE" she hummed taking a drink of her drink
“If you don’t mind me asking
What is it that you do?”
she tilted her head softly and hummed a little
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She smiled happily "I woOrk aAt thHeE buUrleEsqQuUeE baAr doOwn thHeE streEeEt I'm aA daAnceEr,"
“Dancer!? What kind of dance do you do?”
she suddenly seemed really interested
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Lelskt chuckled "I saAiId buUrleEsqQuUeE," she smiled and leaned against the bar "I liIkeE iIt aA loOt"
“I thought that was the title of the bar! That’s really cool! I’ve only done ballet but it wasn’t my dance of choice but it is fun! Do you think it would be too far fetched to ask to see you dance sometimes?” she tilted her head slightly
Her smile not changing
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"Of coOuUrseE noOt, coOmeE by thHeE baAr aAnytiImeE I'm thHeEreE aA loOt. I'm glaAd yoOuUr iInteEreEsteEd aAnd baAlleEt iIs aA veEry reEspeEctaAbleE daAnceE typeE. I leEaArneEd baAlleEt fiIrst aActuUaAlly" Lelskt sipped her drink "WaAnt aAnythHiIng?"
“Oh! Do you have a favorite form in ballet?”
she chuckled slightly but tilted her head at the question
“Get what?”
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"deEeEr juUmp iIs my peErsoOnaAl faAvoOriIteE" she smiled "And I meEnt toO yoOuU waAnt aA driInk?"
“Oh! That one is quite fun!”
he got a bit of a nervous expression
“A-ah no, I don’t drink sorry”
she assumed she meant alcohol
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She nodded "I coOuUld geEt yoOuU soOmeEthHiIng wiIthHoOuUt aAlcoOhHoOl iIn iIt. suUreE thHiIs plaAceE hHaAs oOneE oOr twoO thHiIngs thHaAt doOeEsn't hHaAveE aAlcoOhHoOl" She slid a menu to Nova
she took the menu and scanned it over
“I dunno... drinks are really easy to spike so I’m not sure”
she looked a bit nervous but the smile changed and she just nervously laughed it off and slid it back
“Maybe some other time
I don’t need anything to drink”
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Lelskt frowned at her before looking back at her beverage. "It's saAd thHaAt thHaAts soOmthHiIng thHaAt hHaAppeEns oOfteEn eEnoOoOuUghH foOr yoOuU toO woOrry aAboOuUt iIt."
she seemed to spiritually leave the room for a moment as her smile vanished and she just stared in to space but soon came back and rubbed her thumbs together and just smiled
“Yeah shame isn’t it, don’t worry about it though, it’s just me being cautious”
she smiled sweetly
As if completely unfazed
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Lelskt tapped her foot against the barstool, "WeEll aAnywaAy whHaAt doO yoOuU doO foOr woOrk?" She tried to change the subject as she was starting to get sad avout it
“Oh! I run a form of charity company in my home I guess, we take in weak humans and trolls and help them get on their feet
Or they stay and help along with living there
It is a bit hectic though
Considering the ones that usually need help don’t have the best social skills”
she snorted a bit
She truly did love her job though
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Lelskt chuckled softly "WeEll iIt seEeEms liIkeE aA noObleE caAuUseE "
“I guess? But I mostly do it cause I have more room then I can do with, plus I like to have people to talk to”
she kept that smile
Always did
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Lelskt nodded "I liIkeE beEiIng aAloOneE wiIthH my LuUsuUs I thHiInk iIt hHeElps meE thHiInk aAnd aAlsoO meEaAns noO oOneE geEts maAd whHeEn I juUmp aAnd maAkeE suUpeEr loOuUd noOiIseEs"
“Why would anyone yell at you? You’re just expressing your self”
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Lelskt chuckled and tapped her foot. "WeEeEll hHeEaAriIng thHuUmp thHuUmp thHuUmp aAll theE tiImeE iIs proObaAbly noOt fuUn"
“Aw that’s no good, I’d like to watch you though Haha”
she tapped her foot gently under the table
Her eyes looking around the bar a bit
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Lelskt smiled and tapped her fingers "iI'm glaAd yoOu'reE iIneEreEsteEd!"
she suddenly stood up and dramatically openened up her arms dramatically
“How could I not!
Dance can be so expressive and beautiful”
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Lelskt snorted at her and leaned on her elbows. "YoOuU aAreE riIghHt aAboOuUt thHaAt"
she stopped to think for a moment and suddenly she walked away from her and kicked a pianist in the shin, then smacked 20 bucks in his face
At first they wanted to yell at her
But she seemed to whisper something to them and they sighed and started to play a tune
Nova turned to Lelskt and extended her hand to her
Inviting her, or perhaps challenging her in some way
“Care for a dance?”
also she was standing on a table when she did that
When did she get there?
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Lelskt watched her and looked around. She chuckled softly before getting up "WeEll iI caAn't tuUrn yoOuU doOwn noOw"
she grabbed on to her hand and pulled her on to the table and then in close
Her hand sneaking her way on to her hip as she started to spin her around on this table
People quickly coming in to watch the show as the music plays
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Lelskt smiled happily as she dances with Nova. She easily kept the pace and the movement was fluid. She loved the crowd and it only made her do better.
she lead her off the table and did synchronized splits with her and then did a spin and leaned in to her as music started to slow a little
“You really are good heheh”
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Lelskt held her gently but firmly as they danced around "iI'veE beEeEn doOiIng thiIs siInceE iI coOuUld waAlk iI beEtteEr beE goOoOd" she joked and chuckled
“Oo! Love the self confidence”
she dipped her and then pulled her back up
“I hate to say this but I’ll have to leave in about 10 minutes to go attend a meeting, but I do hope you’ll come and visit me, perhaps even call me sometime?”
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"iIf yoOuU giIveE meE yoOuUr nuUmbeEr hHoOoOnk" she let Nova go
she gave her the finger guns and she could notice a paper in her hand
Must have sneakily gave it to her while they were dancing
She made her way to the door and waved
“Bye bye! Call me~”
she blew her a kiss as she left
This was just casual flirting
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Lelskt shoved the note in her bag before heading home.
Scene End


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