Cafe 3} Felcen, Zahina, Zydeca

Felcen played by Kiwi, Zahina played by Fred, Zydeca played by Orange
Felcen was leaning against the bar in the cafe humming softly as he sipped his coffee. He looked around at all the people in the cafe and smiled. it was a nice day not a lot of people but the people that were there seemed like they were having a good time.[/container] It was only noon of a lovely day, the sun was bright and people where happy as can be, except Zahina, who has just a few seconds entered the local Cafe, her headache was messing with her temper, she walked up to the bar and asked for something with caffeine, "it might make the headache worst, but it'll keep me awake" she thought[/container]
Zyd was leaning against a booth, sipping a very specifically-ordered drink. It hated french vanilla, but it was a necessary step for the news of its presence to get passed along to the back. Not that anyone else would be able to ~accidentally~ their way into the same situation Zyd was in, considering how much of the "order" was simply jargon. The drink was still gross, though.
  The day's merchandise this time, was actually in bottles-- tiny plants suspended inside, though it couldn't identify them itself. It was way more cash than usual, though, so Zyd had jumped at the chance.
"Hey there how are you a lovely person on this lovely morning day~" Felcen said and smiled at Zahina. He was still holding his drink.[/container] She glanced and the guy standing by her said "oh h!" She recieved her coffee, her bad mood was getting the worst side of her and she knew it, she knew it but felt so tired to even try, but she did it anyways.
  "!'m sorry" she smiled and left a little bag that she was carrying on the floor "!'m not × re×l f×n of the we×ther th×t we're h×v!ng tod×y, but !'m good" her words were almost a whisper, stumbling through them. She leaned on the counter and rested her face on her hand "oh! !'m Z×h!n× by the w×y, ×nd you ×re?"[/container]
Zyd was, thus far, content to sit and watch the interaction. It seemed like whenever something was going on in the cafe, it took forever to get allowed into the back. Another sip of the coffee. Disgusting. It was about to just walk into the back on its own, held back only by the understanding that there must be some reason for the delay. Maybe it could create a distraction...
Felcen smiled and took a simp of his coffee and winked, "Ah well only Jades like the sun. I'm Felcen though its nice to meet you Zahina~"[/container] "Heh.. ! guess you're r!ght, r!ght??" Her eyes drifted for a moment from him and some someone with drinking it's coffee, "Gog why !sn't m!ne here ×lre×dy" she thought. She rubbed one of her eyes and yawned, how late was it?? She didn't exactly know it, but she just knew that her coffee was taking longer than they should. "Hey, do you poss!bly know why ×re they t×k!ng so long w!th the dr!nos?" She asked Felcen before grabbing her bag from the floor once again[/container]
It was also watching the counter, noticing that the trolls there had suddenly disappeared. Not in a literal sense, they'd simply all moved to different areas. Most-- by which I mean, a couple-- had entered the small, "staff-only" storage room. Strange. One of them emerged after a couple seconds, calling out a mainly-nonsensical drink order. There was no accompanying drink, nor was there any reason for anyone to ask for it, but Zyd got the message-- come back later.
  It groaned, annoyed, and thought of what to do. Organics were always tricky to move around, hence why everyone was being so cautious, but this was getting ridiculous. It was, after all, going to be necessary to make a distraction of some kind. It scanned the cafe again, observing the two talking trolls, and decided it would have to involve them. Maybe a little psionics, nothing could go wrong. Right?
Felcen shrugged and looked around noticing some odd behaviors. "I don't know, the staff must be slacking~" He stood up straight and scratched the back of his head. The whole place was a little bizarre at the moment and Felcen noticed. He cracked his knuckles and looked around again.[/container] Without looking she tried to grab her bag, stumbling a little bit, when she took it she noticed something "you h×ve to be k!d!ng me" the headache became stronger and stronger while she searched through her stuff before giving up "oh fuck!" She hated to do a scene but right now the only things that crossed her mind were her headache, that she was tired, the fact that her coffee wasn't ready and her now lost book
  She looked around the Cafe, everyone was doing their on thing, drinking their coffees and laughing with friends, except one troll, looking at her and Felcen[/container]
Zyd felt suddenly uncomfortable— one of the trolls had suddenly taken a minute to look over the whole café, and another turned to look directly at it. Time for some rash decision-making. Oh, it must have been staring. One worker finally gave the signal to head to the backroom, but it knew it couldn't at that point. Not while being watched like that. Another, much less self-assured, sip of the coffee.
Felcen looked at Zahina "hey is everything okay~" he asked taking his eyes off of the suspicious happenings of the cafe[/container] Her gaze returned to Felcen for split second before returning to zyd and then back to Felcen "My journ×l !s gone!!! ! H×d !t w!th me ×ll d×y and now !t's suddenly gone" she talked fast, almost hyperventilating herself, her hands moving as fast as they could, trying to explain what happened "×ll my rese×rch !s there, ×nd now !t !s gone"
  Her hair slipped in front of her face "×nd there's someone who w×s st×r!ng ×t us ×nd !t's m×k!ng me-" her head felt like it was about the explode, but she stoped her words to try and take a deep breath, she grabbed Felcen's arm[/container]
Zyd watched the troll's outburst, and decided now had to be its moment. Trying to be as quiet as possible, it dashed through the open space of the café and into the back-- somehow managing to lose its glasses as it did so (as in, they literally fell off.) It hardly noticed, though, shutting the door behind it and hurriedly getting to removing the goods from its bag. There were a couple boxes set out for them, neatly partitioned to hold the bottles.
  Wait-- wait, where did its glasses go. Oh no. It couldn't go back outside to get them, that would be too suspicious. All it could think to do was just finish moving the goods, as neatly and quickly as possible. Good thing none of the higher-ups were in today, it was making one rookie mistake after another.
When Zahina said something about being watched Felcen's eyes went to Zyd and it run off. Felcen looked back at the troll in front of him and quickly said "Hey hey hey, take a couple deep breaths. I will help you look for you journal. Let me just do something quickly~" Felcen walked over and snatched up Zyd's glasses and put them in his pocket before returning to Zahina's side.
  "Okay Zahina, what does your journal look like?~" He spoke softly and tried to sooth her with his kind disposition. He knew how much loosing something can affect people especially in a public place. He just wanted to help out as much as he could.[/container] She did as told, taking some time to stabilize her breathing, she watched Felcen as he picked something "wh×t w×s th×t??" She played with the trim of her shirt nervously
His tone of voice helped her to calm down "!t's green w!th bl×ck ×nd !t h×s × flower from Beforus dr×wn on !t's cover ×nd !t !sn't re×lly b!g"[/container]
Zyd was in full panic mode, once it had the merchandise all put away. Should it go out and get its glasses? Or not? Leave out the back? What if those trolls came looking for it? Oh man, oh man, oh man. It held its head in its hands, trying to weigh its options. Worst case scenario, those trolls tried to confront it in here. Why did everything always seem to go wrong, sometimes?
Felcen put the glasses on his shirt collar like you might with a pen. "The prtson who was watching us dropped these. I don't really know what beforus is bit lets take a look around here. I'll check the entrance and the outside okay~" He walked twords the entrance and looked around for a notebook[/container] "Ok×y" she wandered by the bar searching for her journal, but no luck was found and there was no way that the stranger left the cafe, she was watching the entrance the whole time and it was nowhere near it, "there's only one opt!on" she thought before walking over Felcen, touching his shoulder "hey, ! Th!nk th×t ! Know where the person went" she said before looking at the back door[/container]
It needed to run. It needed to run. Why wasn't it running? The door was right there, to the outside. But where could it go from there. It wasn't about to run back into the café, either. Screw the glasses, it could make another pair. It really didn't want to, but it could. Still weighing its options, it was effectively frozen in the back room. At least the stuff was all put away.
Felcen nodded and looked back at her. "Yeah, I really hope they wouldn't just steal your journal but people suck. This is getting a little sketchy though to lets be careful.~" He made his way to the door with her before trying the handle to see if it would open.[/container] "! Re×lly hope th×t th!s hole th!ng !s just a b!g m!ssundert×nd!ng" she walked next to Felcen to the back door, avoiding bumping into other trolls. There was only one thing separating her from confronting the troll from before and it was the door in front of her, she glanced her new friend for a couple of seconds before knocking into it and without waiting for answers she opened it walking inside. She was nervous, she wasn't the one up for confrontation but she was also impatient to know why it was watching them just minutes ago[/container]
Zyd immediately turned to look at the door, the room was dark (the light switch was right next to the door) but its eyes were wide open and flashing. It had to run. It couldn't run. It had to play it cool. Yeah. It leaned against the table, in an attempt to look entirely at ease. "HEy." It gave a small smile, hoping they would ignore the glowing boxes of bottles plants. "I See you picked up my glasses." The smile widened, just slightly. So far so good.
Felcen walked in behind the limeblood and shut the door behind him. He was prepared to fight if he needed too but he really didnt want to. He could tell something fishy was going on. "Yes I did did you pick up any journals lately?~"[/container] The sudden darkness with the atmorphere of the situation was bothering her, She flipped the switch turning the lights on. Walking past Felcen she leaned on the table looking right at it's flashing eyes. "we do xnd ! th!nk you hxve someth!ng thxt doesn't belong to you" she smiled, only her smile wasn't really welcoming this time.[/container]
Play it cool, play it cool, play it cool. "SOmething that doesn't belong to me? SEems like you have something that isn't yours. NAmely my glasses." Its smile widened. No one cared about the merch, that was good. And getting cornered in here couldn't be that bad, right? Who cared, just a few trolls having a chat. In the back room of a cafe. Hm. Maybe this wasn't going that well.
Felcen took the glasses off his shirt and held them. "I'll give you yours back if you give her hers~" he tapped his foot. "I dont want trouble I just want to get this lovely lady her book back alright~"[/container] "You´re r!gth we hxve your glxsses but yours where just lxy!ng on the ground, wh!le my journxl wxs sxfetly on the !ns!de of my bxg" she crosed her arms and looked at felcen "Thxnks" a genuine smile replaced the cocky one "bes!des we d!dn't th!nk on keep!ng them"[/container] "HEy, hey, who's talking about any journal?" Shit, it had just stolen a journal. This troll's journal. Play it cool. "I'M just worried about stock, back here. GOtta wait for the guys to let me in, is all." The smile grew more and more glib as it spoke, as it grew more and more self-assured. Yeah. Going great.[/container] Felcen narrowed his eyes and crossed his arms still holding the glasses "so then you wouldnt mind if we looked through everything, you know since you dont have anything~" Felcen held his ground[/container] without saying a word she slowly walked over to some boxes that where in the room, all her concentration was on them brushing her hand on top of the lid as if she was trying to look threatening, but of course she wasn't the best at looking intimidating. "Felcen, cxn you plexse help me out" she turned looking at it "Unless you wxnt to g!ve me whxt belongs to me" her eyes drifted for a moment to a particular box that gave her a strange feeling before coming back to the troll being interrogated "By the wxy, whxt's your nxme?"[/container]
"CAll me Zyd," it sneered back, entirely full of bravado. Bluffing was one of its strongest assets, after all. Who cared about some notebook? It had nice diagrams of plants in it, useful for organic jobs. Of course it wasn't going to give it up. Its bag was full of mapping things too, anyway, who would notice? And who were these guys anyway, some kind of cops? The indigoblood at least, was making it somewhat nervous, but the other? An oliveblood, or something? What was she going to do about it?
Felcen walked over to Zahina and easily ripped the lid off the box. He was in fact very strong. It almost looked like he was just opening a book. He watched Zyd cautiously after letting the lid clatter to the floor. He was indimatating when he needed to be.[/container] "Good! thxnks" she looked inside of it noticing something strange, she walked closer to Felcen so she could whisper on his ear "hey Felcen, there's something glow!ng !ns!de th!s box"[/container]
Zyd had gotten its hive searched before, and roughed up by more indigobloods than it cared to count, so it was adequately prepared for this event. It didn't move, watching the two wander about, knowing that it could probably talk its way out of almost everything.
He looked into the box quickly raising an eyebrow. He looked back over to Zyd oh yeah this was fishy. "Look we just want the journal then we can all forget about this whole ordeal okay? Just give us the journal and we'll be out of your fluffy hair~" Felcen was thinking of trying to flirt his way into getting the notebook but hed have to set it up a little better and he might have already shut that door by now.[/container] "Uhmm, Zyd cxn you plexse just hxnd over the journxl, you'll hxve your glxsses bxck xnd we'll lexve ! prom!se" she played with the trim of her shirt nervously "Look !t's rexlly !mportxnt to me, ! don't cxre whxt you're do!ng here, ! don't even cxre why you where stxr!ng xt us moments xgo, ! just wxnt my stuff xnd we'll lexve"[/container]
It raised its hands, shaking its head slightly. Fluffy hair, huh? This indigo might be interesting. There was a flaw in everyone's argument though, one Zyd was absolutely going to exploit as much as it could. "HEy, I just came in here, to move some goods. I Dunno anything about a journal."
Felcen walked over to Zyd and narrowed his eyes. He gently grabbed Zyds shirt leaning down. "For some reason I dont believe you~" he kept a hold on Zyd and his face was that of anger. Felcen wasnt messing around.[/container] "!- !´m sorry Zyd for blxm!ng yo-" Zahina was silenced by Felcen's action, watching them interact she started to try and remember if she left it somewhere and didn't noticed and if there was a chance that it could have even grabbed it from her bag, i mean, Zyd was sitting farm from them and she just left her bag on the floor for a few minutes[/container]
Almost entirely ignoring the probably-oliveblood, Zyd looked right up in the face of the indigo. With its usual smug grin slapped right on its face, of course. "BElieve me when I say, I've had to deal with better trolls than you. THink I'm scared of a little threat?" It was entirely dedicated to just pissing Felcen off more, see how everything would go from there. While not entirely realizing that its statements could be taken in any number of directions, including as an admission of guilt. But of course, it could also be about typical cast harassment, couldn't it?
Felcen leaned back a little bit lifting Zyd up. "Look I dont really like the attitude I'm getting. I'm also not a big fan of theifs so I'd suggest handing it over before you get what's coming to you~" his face still plastered with anger as he held the gold blood up. Felcen was normally a gentle giant but if it came to helping someone out he could bend the norm a bitm[/container] Zahina didn't know what to do and after thinking a bit she came to a simple plan to pass the time, she was still pretty upset about the missing journal but she knew that the best thing she could do is start a new one right now, her bag slipped from her shoulder being placed carefully on the floor next to the boxes that she was inspecting just a some minutes ago, she sneakily went to the door and peaked thought it making sure noone was paying attention to her, fortunately everyone was only focusing to their business, there was some napkin on the nearest table so she went and graved them, lucky for her nobody paid attention to the limeblood sneaking right back in the room where Felcen was threatening the gold blood.
  She kneeled next to her bag carefully taking one of the glowing bottles with the particular plant that she hasn't seen before and with a pen from her bag she started to badly draw the plan on the napkin, trying to make it look as accurate as possible[/container]
Zyd, throughout all of the sneakery and plotting, had eyes for only one troll-- the one currently holding it in the air. The breath was practically sucked out of it, though that was most likely due to the fact that it was being held up more than anything else. Not that it couldn't speak, of course, and the grin hadn't budged off its face. "TEsty, testy, aren't we?" It narrowed its eyes slightly, thinking about everything it knew about indigobloods. How exactly to get under this one's skin, like some kind of burrowing, parasitic worm.
Felcen gritted his teeth, really tempted to hit him, but he didn't. He glared daggers at the goldblood. "Watch it, just give me the damn book already~" Felcen growled out. It sure had been a while since he'd been this angry, why the hell was he even so angry. Felcen used his free hand to jab Zyd in the side, not hard enough to bruise but still hard enough to hurt a bit.[/container] The loud noise of the starting fight scared her, she knew the two trolls were yelling and she was prepared for that, but she wasn't really fond of fights or loud noises in general, normally making her shake and more cautious, she looked at zyd and Felcen standing there making her headache come back, usually she would just leave the place but her mood was ruined and she hadn't slept at all
  "OK×Y TH×T DOES !T!!" she stood up and went right besides where the too guys were standing, her face was bright green of anger "C×n you two just cut !t?? ! Don't c×re !f th!s bl×ck feel!ngs ×re just so overwhelm!ngly for you guys but !'m the one who'd stuff went m!ss!ng, the le×st you could do !s shut up ×nd let me cont-" she was frantically moving her hands trying to make her presence noticed before bumping into something on the floor making it fall[/container]
Still being held in the air, Zyd opened its mouth to retort to the indigoblood, spades practically flying through the air... before the alleged-oliveblood's outburst. Shit. It turned to look at her, ready to spout some absolute nonsense, before watching her suddenly trip over one of the boxes on the floor. Oh no. That was one of the merchandise boxes.
  It tipped over, bottles spilling everywhere, fortunately not breaking. Oh no.
Felcen tossed Zyd to the floor before looking at the "olive"blood. "Sorry I didn't mean to disrupt you I was just trying to get yhe book from the scumbag~" the last two words came out through gritted, annoyed teeth. He looked at the bottles that spilled out before back to Zyd.[/container] Zahina looked at Felcen, she didn't like to yell, not doing it very often but today she was out of it for multiple reasons "!-!'m sorry, ! d!dn't me×n to yell" her voice went back to being almost nonexistent "Zyd ! d!dn't me×n to drop th×t"[/container]
Zyd sat up after laying stunned for a moment, recuperating its senses. That indigoblood... no, no, this wasn't the time. After a couple seconds it realized that everyone was looking at it, and sprang to its feet. Oh, turns out some of those bottles had broken. Not too badly, but there was absolutely some Weird Liquid seeping out onto the floor. That wasn't good. Well, as long as the other two weren't looking at them, that would all be fine. Losing a couple wouldn't be the end of the world, right?
  "IF you can get it through your thinkpan, I don't have any book. YOu both come on in here, start breaking things? IF anyone's in the wrong, it's you two." A flawless case, as long as no one realized that this room was full of illegal shit.
Felcen narrowed his eyes, He didn't really believe Zyd, but he dropped it. He looked over to the bottles and studied them. "Hey, are you alright~?" He asked. The mystery liquid, and this whole situation was putting him on edge, "What the hell is this stuff anyway~" he was a little fast there forgetting to wait for the "olive" to actually answer him before continuing his thought. He needed a moment to get his head on straight.[/container] "Here" she went for her back taking out her gardening gloves and putting them on "let me help you out, !s the le×st I could do ×fter break!ng !t" she kneeled besides it and started to grab the pieces of broken glass scattered across the floor "! Wouldn't l!ke for you to get hurt for someth!ng th×t ! Did"[/container]
Sure, let the alleged-olive (sounds like a very suspicious salad ingredient) just breeze past the fact that there were weird-ass plants suspended in mysterious liquid, in bottles, in a café of all places, that was fine. Practically the best case scenario, even. Things were going swimmingly-- and oh hey, she had gloves, that was good. Zyd wasn't exactly sure what the liquid was, anyway, but it looked like the kind of thing that would cause massive chemical burns. But then, it housed plants, so maybe not? Who cared.
  "YEah, yeah, I'm fine. YOu're not the first guy to toss me around, that's for sure." It flashed a grin to Felcen before crouching down over the box, setting it back up straight. Only looked like a few bottles were damaged, good, good. "ANd you, lady, don't gotta worry about it. ALl's forgiven." It suddenly adopted a sickly sweet tone, this definitely-oliveblood was practically lifting it out of the jam, like some kind of professional jam-getter-outer. A jam escapee, if you will. The troll Harry Houdini of jams.
Felcen shot a glare at Zyd and growled "I wasn't talking to you asshole~" He walked over to Zahnia and crouched down beside her. "Be careful~" he whispered to her "This is really shetchy and that stuff doesn't look like, healthy~" He pulled his work gloves out of his pocket and put them on. He started to help with the glass pieces, trying to study the substance on the floor.[/container] "Ye×h, !'ve seen glow!ng flowers before, but never th!s k!nd, w!thout ment!on!ng th×t they're !n × c×fe" she whispered back still grabbing the tiny pieces, she was used to having plants at home in containers that would break so she was used to clean up the messes that she caused "!'m ok×y by the w×y" she smiled at Felcen, she soon realized that she hasn't smiled this much since a long time ago, only working on her garden and not really making friends when she wandered around the city[/container]
Zyd, gloveless (hey, it didn't expect to be caught during this job,) remained crouched next to the box. Could it hear the others? No, if only because it wasn't paying attention. They were just? Cleaning up? It couldn't wrap its head around it. What did these guys want? Well, besides that journal in its bag. What was going on today? Everything seemed to be weird, this job, these trolls, everything.
Felcen nodded, "Just making sure~" He looked over at Zyd who wasn't doing anything and he glared. He shook his head, this person was pissing him off, big time. He looked back at Zahnia "I get that you knocked this over, but I think it has your books so why should you clean this up for it~" Felcen kept his gloves on and he crossed his arms, "I asked this already but you didn't answer me, what is this stuff~"[/container] "×re you sure th×t !t h×s my journ×l?? ! Just feel re×lly b×d for ×ccus!ng !t w!thout × sol!d ×rgument ×nd then dropp!ng it's stuff" she looked back at zyd who was just there doing nothing "ye×h wh×t ×re th!s pl×nts c×lled? ! Don't rec×ll see!ng them before ×nd-" she stood up and looked around the room in search of a trashcan, after seeing it she dropped the shattered glass there, after grabbing the napkin from before she went back to the indigoblood and goldblood "see? Th!s !s wh×t ! g×thered from look!ng ×t !t"[/container]
Standing with the other two, Zyd quickly picked up the box and shoved it onto a shelf. Surrounded by other, covered, unmarked boxes. Probably café supplies, but we all know absolutely nothing there was legal. "THanks, there, for your help." It smiled, a completely ingenuine one but a smile nonetheless. "GOod thing you both had gloves on you, right?" The smile widened. Its bag was on the table, in the middle of the room, containing nothing but maps, a totally-not-stolen journal, trash, and more glitter than one might think of as necessary. It needed to get it back, before either of the other trolls tried to go through it.
Felcen looked at the bag, he was stronger then the gold blood and he could look. Even if the book wasn't there and the goldblood got pissed it didn't matter to him. He was an asshole anyway, "Yeah is was wasn't it~" He walked to the center of the room and quickly grabbed it.[/container] Zahina ones more was just standing there without knowing what to say or do, she felt as if Zyd were trying to get rid of them as quickly as it could, but knew Felcen was not having it.[/container]
"HEy, hey, buddy, that's my bag, and I wouldn't appreciate you goin' through it-- I got private stuff in there, you know!" It made an attempt at grabbing the bag out of Felcen's hands, despite the fact that the indigoblood was both taller and stronger than it. At least that definitely-oliveblood wasn't trying to interfere.
He pulled the bag away "Full offense but you don't really seem like the type of person, to be honest, so I think I'll look~" He wasn't really intending on using force but he wasn't afraid to.[/container] "Felcen ! Don't th!nk th×ts × good !de×" her body language said that she was nervous anyone could notice that from miles away, she grabbed him by the shoulder softly as if she was trying to calm him down or something, to prevent another almost obvious fight between them[/container]
Zyd, acting on instinct, dove for the bag. Inevitably, that would result in crashing directly into the indigoblood, but the most important thing was to keep everything in that bag safe and undiscovered. After all, it didn't want these trolls thinking it was some kind of criminal! Despite all signs pointing to literally that exact fact.
Felcen stumbled back a few paces holding the bag as high as he could. He growled and tried to shove Zyd back. He put a decent amount of force into his hand.[/container] Zahina stumbled back as the goldblood pushed the indigoblood, almost falling her mood getting worse and worse as both of them seemed to start a fight again she tried to grab the bag from both of them, trying to hold back zyd[/container]
Effectively getting knocked around like a pinball between Zahina and Felcen, it did end up right in the totally-really-an-oliveblood-and-not-a-limeblood's arms. Just like any (absolutely real) oliveblood, she seemed stronger than your average troll-- not like an indigoblood, but certainly stronger than Zyd. Or maybe it was just a wimp, that was also possible. "HEy-- lemme go!" It exclaimed, struggling against her surprisingly strong grip.
Felcen didn't need to hold the bag to get what he wanted. While the olive (yep totally olive)blood held Zyd, he flipped the front flap of the bag open and pulled it so the continence dumped on the floor. He looked in the pile that hat dropped on the floor, trying to see if the notebook was there.[/container] "just stop f!ght!ng for × second" she told zyd still holding it back, she didnt like to get in trouble she never has been into a fight before, but she was used to carry heavy stuff around her garden and hive. she didn't notice what Felcen was doing, she was fully concentrated on trying to avoid zyd punching him of something[/container]
Zyd, in a last-ditch effort to keep Felcen from going through all its stuff, reared back into Zahina to aim a kick.
  It completely missed the indigoblood, succeeding only in landing a halfway decent kick into the pile of stuff, strewing it all about even further, under shelves, under the table, all that jazz.
Felcen spotted the notebook after the kick and sweeped it up off the floor. He glared at the gold blood holding up the book triumphantly. "Oh, so you don't have her journal then? Huh? You are a thief and a liar, albeit a terrible one~"[/container] "MY JOURN×L" she went as fast as she could and hugged Felcen before grabbing it from his hands "th×nk you so much" she seemed as if she was going to cry out of happiness but there was still this troll that was bugging her. she stared at zyd, slowly walking to him "you s×!d you d!dn't h×ve !t" still with the book in hand she took a swing trying to hit it with it[/container]
Still stuck in Zahina's grip, Zyd immediately sunk into a more surly pose. Good thing these guys hadn't looked into the whole smuggling thing, just the notebook. It had such nice drawings in it, too. "WHat of it then, huh? 'S Not like it'd be worth anything, either." It was absolutely lashing out, that journal could fetch a good price-- if Zyd intended to sell it, which it did not. That journal was going to be an excellent piece in its collection of things.
Felcen walked over to stand next to Zahina, "Then why did you steal it in the first place huh?~" Felcen shoved his shoulder "Just own up to it and get over yourself.~"[/container] Zahina sighed tired of all this huge mess, finally regaining her calmed tone and composure "look, ! don't know why you hxd !t, do ! cxre? no, !t's your problem whxthever mess you get !nvolved !n, but we cxn forget xbout xll of th!s, just sxy you're sorry xnd mxybe tell me xbout" she pointed to the corner where she was taking notes about the pretty flowers "l!ttle sprouts xnd !'ll forg!ve you" she smiled at Zyd[/container]
Now that it was let go, it immediately went to give Felcen a return shove. It apparently forgot that he was an indigoblood, and decidedly taller than it. Rendering the attack... ineffective, to say the least. But hearing Zahina practically demand an apology, made its blood boil. It was cornered, mostly, and it couldn't leave any of the stuff in its bag behind. Seeing as how just about everything that was inside of it was now all over the floor, there was no way it could just run. So it was effectively stuck in place, though still giving Felcen a dirty look.
Felcen felt Zyd's arm and let out a snort, he tried not to laugh more than that, but he found it very humorous. "Really that's all you got huh? You better just apologize to her already so we can leave~"[/container] "sooooo ×re you gonn× do !t?" she smiled trying to contain her excitement she took a pen from her bag and searched for a page on her journal "wh×t ×re they c×lled??? why do they glow?? do they glow only under especific conditions?" she looked at Felcen and then remembered the napkin, grabbed it and showed it to Zyd "do you th!nk !t resembles the sprouts?" the poorly drawn flower looked nothing like the beautiful pictures in the beginning of the book but looked a lot like the latest entries[/container]
"I don't know," it sneered, "I just had to put 'em away." It was clamming up, and getting more antsy. Why didn't it have anywhere to run? What had it done wrong? And why was that indigoblood so interested in it? It was no secret how obvious their black flirting was, but the caste implications were hitting Zyd just then.
Felcen was just smirking at him as he waited for Zyd to give up, he was cornered after all. He tapped his foot, perfectly willing to wait this out.[/container] "! get !t" she closed the journal and placed it in her bag "so where ×re you t×k!ng them" she was oblivious to the tension in the room, fully focused on her research on a new plant "!s there someone th×t could g!ve me ×nswers?"[/container]
"I'm taking them, right here." Then Zyd thought of a trick, as Zahina continued to speak, an absolutely wonderful way to get these two out of its hair. "But maybe I can guide you to the guy who really wants 'em..." It began picking up its scattered belongings, letting its words hang in the air.
Felcen grabbed Zyd by his collar and shook him gently but firmly. "Fine then but you are gonna stay here, in my hand and tell us which way we're gonna go alright~"[/container] "th×nk you felcen" her bottom teeth sticking out looked quite charming "××××nd th×nk you zyd, ! knew you couldn't be th×t b×d" she said sarcastically and grabbed Felcen's hand full of joy and looked at him "!'m re×lly h×ppy th×t ! met you, th×nk you for help!ng me"[/container]
Zyd gave Felcen the harshest look it could manage, before guiding him around as it gathered all the things that belonged in its bag. Once it was ready, it offered an incredibly insincere smile to Zahina, before speaking. "The only troll who knows, doesn't live too near here. What're you gonna do, highblood, carry me there?"
"Sure it's not a problem for me~"
With ease he picked Zyd up and chucked him over his sholder, "so where are we going glasses?~"[/container] Zahina looked at it, she really couldn't care less about dirty looks or cheap smiles, the only thing she could care about at this point was finding answers and maybe getting to know new places, her old routine of going to the book store and then to the cafe was getting old anyways "ye×h, were ×re we go!ng?"[/container]
Zyd, now essentially stuck, huffed from behind Felcen. That plan of just ditching them in the city definitely wasn't going to work anymore, not like this... So it started squirming, trying to get itself sitting up on Felcen's shoulders, dragging itself along his back to get there. It took considerably ear-grabbing and maybe a couple kicks, but it made it. "Well, first of all, we need to leave this room."
Felcen just ajusted and rolled his eyes, he started his way out of the room trying to hit Zyd on the door frame. He held Zahina's hand and gently pulled her along behind him.[/container]
To be Continued...

  Fred — 03/03/2021 12:39 PM Zahina tried hard not to laugh, but it was hard not to, the childish interaction that they were having was refreshing after all the tension from minutes ago "Felcen xre you good nxv!gxt!ng through the c!ty?" she yawned and rubbed her eyes "How lxte !s !t?"
  Zydeca Zacomn BOT — 03/03/2021 8:59 PM Successfully rammed into the wall, Zyd rubbed its nose as they all exited the café. "Yeah, the sun'll be up soon." It grumbled, holding onto Felcen's horns as though to steer a mighty steed. "Easiest way to get where we're going... You know the club further down town?" It didn't expect them to, but it couldn't ask anything else.
  Kiwi — 03/03/2021 9:01 PM Felcen walked out of the cafe and started his way down the street, "I can't say I know what you're talking about no~" He looked at Zahina curious as to if she had.
  Fred — 03/03/2021 9:07 PM "sorry but ! only know how to get from my h!ve to the bookstore to here" she looke around "oh ×nd let's not forget the m×rket" she looked at Felcen and then Zyd "congr×tul×t!ons, you ×re now promoted to tour gu!de" she chuckled at her bad joke "how do you feel ×bout your new job?"
  Zydeca Zacomn BOT — 03/03/2021 9:14 PM "I'm thrilled." Zyd slumped over on Felcen's head, before reluctantly giving him instructions. Past the library, down the river... it was giving him a roundabout route, as to not reveal any paths it would actually take. "Hop to it, highblood!" It dug a heel into one of Felcen's ribs as best it was able, taking hold of his horns once again.
  Kiwi — 03/03/2021 9:16 PM Felcen stopped and he narrowed his eyes "Let go of my horns you idiot~" He wanted to dig his nails into Zyd's stupid asshole face but he didn't, next time though would be his time.


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