Catacombs 3} Irma and Tersme

Irmano played by Leng, Tersme played by Kiwi
Irma started climbing down the ladder from the man hole, then gave up about half way and let himself fall. He lay on his back listen to them scuffle far above and tried to remember where the sewers and catacombs connected. His hair was mostly in the water from the way he landed and the gentle flow made helped him relax. He closed his eyes and just lay there gathering the energy to move while.   It wasn't much later when his phone going off startled him out of his rest. He grinned at Pixzie's message and sent one back before getting to his feet and heading off to the catacombs, texting her along the way.   Once he got the the junction where the two locations intersected he checked his wallet to make sure Pixze hadn't swiped his money. Should have thought to do that sooner really.. but it was all there. Good, he didn't think 'Smiles' would let him start a tab.   He shoved his wallet and hands back into his pockets and shuffled his way to where he'd last seen the shop set up.
Tersme was in fact there, he was currently carving into something with a small artisan tool. He heard footsteps and looked up from work. His usual smile crept onto his face, the same one happened whenever he saw a costumer. "ꃅꍟꌩ ꓄ꃅꍟꋪꍟ, ꈤꀤꉓꍟ ꓄ꂦ ꌗꍟꍟ ꌩꂦꀎ ꍏꁅꍏꀤꈤ." his words bounced off the wall and he set his tools down. "ꀍꁲꌚ ꀤꋖ ꃃꏹꏹꋊ ꁲ ꂵꀤꋊꌈꋖꏹ ꌚꀤꋊꇃꏹ ꀤ'ꃴꏹ ꌚꏹꏹꋊ ꂖꁏꌈ ꁏꋪ ꀤꌚ ꀤꋖ ꀭꌈꌚꋖ ꂵꏹ?"
"coomee oon smiilees maan yoouu knoow try aand aavooiid aall thiis shiit" Irma rolled his eyes and shuffled over, covered in vomit and sewer muck and smelling pretty ripe. He didn't think he'd be very welcome to sit around as nasty as he was right then, but it didn't stop him from plunking his ass down on the ground beside Tersme once he got close enough.
Tersme cringed at him before stepping away from him a bit. "ꂖꁏꌈ ꁲꋪꏹ ꁲ ꇃꁏꌚꋖꌈꂵꏹꋪ ꌚꁏ ꀤ ꁲꂵ ꋖꋪꂖꀤꋊꁍ ꋊꁏꋖ ꋖꁏ ꃃꏹ ꋪꌈꂡꏹ, ꀍꁏꅐꏹꃴꏹꋪ, ꂖꁏꌈ ꒒ꁏꁏꈵ ꂡꀤꌚꁍꌈꌚꋖꀤꋊꁍ ꅐꀍꁲꋖ ꀍꁲꉣꉣꏹꋊꏹꂡ ꋖꁏ ꂖꁏꌈ." He watched Irma for a couple of seconds before picking up his tools again. "ꁲꋊꂡ ꅐꀍꁲꋖꌚ ꋖꀍꏹ ꉣꁏꀤꋊꋖ ꁏꄙ ꌚꋖꁲꂖꀤꋊꁍ ꁲꅐꁲꂖ ꄙꋪꁏꂵ ꀤꋖ. ꋊꁏꋖ ꒒ꀤꈵꏹ ꀤ'ꂵ ꁍꁏꋊꋊꁲ ꋪꌈꋊ ꁏꌈꋖ ꁲꋊꂖꋖꀤꂵꏹ ꌚꁏꁏꋊ" He let out an eerie chuckle at that, beginning to cave into the piece of material he had.
"aah soomee druunk aass huumaan puukeed oon mee" Irma shrugged and leaned back against the wall. "ii aaiint goot noo cluuee iif coomiing heeree heelps oor huurts thiings maan"   He took a moment to rest before pulling his wallet out and holding up the money he'd saved for just this reason. "aand yoouu creeaap mee oouut"
Tersme chuckled and smiled at him. "ꂖꁏꌈ'ꋪꏹ ꌈꌚꌈꁲ꒒?" he asked crouching down to get into his bag. "ꁲꋊꂡ ꀤ'ꂵ ꋊꁏꋖ ꋖꀍꏹ ꁏꋊꏹ ꅐꀍꁏ ꂡꋪꀤꋊꈵꌚ ꀤꋖ, ꂵꁲꂖ ꀤ ꋪꏹꂵꀤꋊꂡ ꂖꁏꌈ" He waited to make sure Irma wanted what he thought he did. Getting an order wrong is bad for business, don't you know?
"yeeaah thee uusuuaal"   Irma snorted at the remark, "yeeaah thaat aaiint whaat iim taalkiing aaboouut buut heeck ii creeeep mee oouut too oonee creeeep iin thee roooom iis mooree thaan eenoouugh foor mee heeh heeh heeh"
He grabbed a beaker of olive blood and looked at Irma. "ꌚꁏ ꁍ꒒ꁲꂡ ꂖꁏꌈ ꒒ꀤꈵꏹ ꒒ꁏꅐꏹꋪ ꇃꁲꌚꋖꏹ, ꂵꁲꈵꏹꌚ ꂵꂖ ꀭꁏꃃ ꏹꁲꌚꀤꏹꋪ. ꁏ꒒ꀤꃴꏹꌚ ꁲꋪꏹ ꂡꏹꇃꏹꋊꋖ꒒ꂖ ꏹꁲꌚꂖ ꋖꁏ ꁍꏹꋖ ꁲꅐꁲꂖ ꅐꀤꋖꀍ." he rambled for a second before he took the money and handed the beaker too him.
Irma made a face at that and took the beaker. "yeeaah maan gueess caasstiisseem woorks iin my fuuckiing faavoor too baad ii doont haavee aan need foor broonzee" he half teased. Usually he stuffed it in his pocket and left, hate to loose his shit and eat his supplier, but this time he opened it up right there had a sip hoping it would take the edge off. He was so fucking sick of Olive, that was kinda the point, but once it past his lips he couldn't help but take a second sip.
"ꀤꄙ ꂖꁏꌈ ꏹꃴꏹꋪ ꋖꋪꀤꏹꂡ ꁲꋊꂖꋖꀍꀤꋊꁍ ꀤ'ꂡ ꂵꁲꈵꏹ ꂖꁏꌈ ꀤꋊꋖꁏ ꁲ ꉣꀤꏹꇃꏹ ꁏꄙ ꄙꌈꋪꋊꀤꋖꌈꋪꏹ" Tersme deadpanned, he wasn't playing around. He noticed that Irma decided to drink it here this time, and he promptly grabbed his knife. "ꌚꁏ, ꅐꀍꁲꋖ ꀍꁲꉣꉣꏹꋊꏹꂡ ꋖꁏ ꌚꏹꋊꂡ ꂖꁏꌈ ꂡꁏꅐꋊ ꀍꏹꋪꏹ ꁲꋊꂖꅐꁲꂖ"
After a third sip Irma forced himself to cap the vial and shove it in his pocket. He laughed at Tersme's non-joke and shrugged. "heeh heeh heeh doont liiee maan yoouu knoow iid maakee aa shiity chaaiir yoouud juust duump mee iin thee traash wheeree ii beeloong"   "eeh juust beeiing aan iidiioot aand dooiing thiings ii shoouuldnt" He made no move to get up and closed his eyes. Letting your guard down around Smiles wasn't the smartest move but he wasn't feeling particularly smart that evening, apparently.
He leaned against the wall and looked at him. He was tempted but only for a second, Irma was a costumer and he didn't kill costumers. "ꃃꏹꀤꋊꁍ ꁲꋊ ꀤꂡꀤꁏꋖ, ꀍꁏꅐ ꌚꁏ?" he put his knife away and picked up his work again, if Irma was gonna stay and chat he might as well finish his bone jewelry.
"eeh juust beeiing iin croowdeed plaacees" He did not for one second think it was a good idea to mention any personal information. Artists were scary, never know if Smiles would find it 'artistic' to hunt down his friends and sell them to him in vials. Not having them die was pretty much the whole point in dealing with this guy in the first place. If only Irma wasn't so stinking softhearted he could save alot of money.. sigh.   "hoows buusiineess?" He tried to change the subject away from himself.
Tersme nodded and carved intricate patterns into the piece of bone. He shrugged, "ꂡꁏꅐꋊ ꀍꏹꋪꏹ ꃃꌈꌚꀤꋊꏹꌚꌚ ꀤꌚ ꋊꁏꋪꂵꁲ꒒. ꌈꉣ ꋖꀍꏹꋪꏹ ꃃꌈꌚꀤꋊꏹꌚꌚ ꀤꌚ ꂡꁏꀤꋊꁍ ꋪꏹꁲ꒒꒒꒒꒒꒒ꂖ ꅐꏹ꒒꒒. ꀤꋊ ꄙꁲꇃꋖ ꀤ ꌚꁏ꒒ꂡ ꁏꌈꋖ ꋖꅐꀤꇃꏹ ꋖꀍꀤꌚ ꅐꏹꏹꈵ." He tapped his food softly.
"thaats niicee maan ii knoow yoouu liikee yoouur uup toop stuuff" Irma wondered if it was worth it to keep up the conversation. On the one hand he didn't wanna get conned into talking about himself, but on the other hand he didn't give a shit about any of what Tersme was up to or how happy he was about it. At least with his eyes closed it has harder to see when he was rolling them. Just a little bit longer and he could get up and shuffle away. He had a feeling Smiles found him annoying, and usually he'd be all into that, but now was really not the time. "whaat yoouu beeeen maakiin thaats soo poopuulaar?" there see, conversation, he was doing it
Tersme was humming quietly as he listened to Irma talk. He wasn't annoyed at the moment because there weren't any costumers around. "ꂖꏹꌚ, ꀤ ꂡꁏ. ꌚꌈꋪꉣꋪꀤꌚꀤꋊꁍ꒒ꂖ ꏹꋊꁏꌈꁍꀍ ꀤꋖ'ꌚ ꋖꀍꏹ ꂡꂖꏹꂡ ꇃ꒒ꁏꋖꀍꏹꌚ" He chuckled his creepy chuckle again. "ꀤ ꉣꋪꁏꃃꁏꃃ꒒ꂖ ꌚꀍꁏꌈ꒒ꂡꋊ'ꋖ ꅐꁏꋪꈵ ꁏꋊ ꋖꀍꁏꌚꏹ ꅐꀍꀤ꒒ꏹ ꂖꁏꌈ'ꋪꏹ ꂡꁏꅐꋊ ꀍꏹꋪꏹ" He sat down on his chair that definitely wasn't made out of troll parts. He grabbed a box out and attached the bones to earnings.
"yeeaah maan proolly noot seeeems liikee aa.." he was going to say it was a waste, but he wasn't sure that was a wise choice of words. Didn;t wanna hear talk about art never being a waste or whatever bs. He wasn't into art or creative endeavors other than maybe joke crafting and subtle insults. "baad iideeaa"   Speaking of subtle insults... he was really wanting to get on trollian and harass Shouty, that always brightened his day. It was a good way to unwind for sure. "whaats thee poopuulaar cooloors?" He couldn't help but ask.
Tersme snorted and smiled, "ꅐꏹ꒒꒒ ꀤ ꋊꁏꋪꂵꁲ꒒꒒ꂖ ꌈꌚꏹ ꋖꀍꏹ ꏹꋚꇃꏹꌚꌚ ꀤ ꀍꁲꃴꏹ ꁲꄙꋖꏹꋪ ꌚꏹ꒒꒒ꀤꋊꁍ ꀤꋖ ꋖꁏ ꂖꁏꌈ ꄙꁏ꒒ꈵ, ꁲꋊꂡ ꋖꀍꏹ ꂵꁏꌚꋖ ꉣꁏꉣꌈ꒒ꁲꋪ ꇃꁏ꒒ꁏꋪ ꋖꁏ ꂡꋪꀤꋊꈵ ꀤꌚ ꄙꌈꇃꀍꌚꀤꁲ ꃃꌈꋖ ꀤ ꇃꁲꋊ'ꋖ ꁍꏹꋖ ꋖꀍꁲꋖ. ꌚꁏ ꋊꏹꋚꋖ ꃃꏹꌚꋖ ꀤꌚ ꃴꀤꁏ꒒ꏹꋖ. ꃃꌈꋖ ꋖꀍꏹ ꋖꀍꀤꋊꁍ ꀤꌚ ꀤꋖ'ꌚ ꀍꁲꋪꂡ ꋖꁏ ꁍꏹꋖ ꀍꀤꁍꀍ ꃃ꒒ꁏꁏꂡ ꌚꋖꌈꄙꄙ ꌚꁏ ꀤ ꂡꁏꋊ'ꋖ ꂡꂖꏹ ꁲꋊꂖꋖꀍꀤꋊꁍ ꅐꀤꋖꀍ ꋖꀍꁲꋖ. ꋊꁏꋪꂵꁲ꒒꒒ꂖ ꀤꋖ'ꌚ ꁏ꒒ꀤꃴꏹ ꋪꌈꌚꋖ ꁲꋊꂡ ꃃꋪꁏꋊꁴꏹ ꋖꀍꁲꋖ ꀤ ꀍꁲꃴꏹ ꋖꀍꏹ ꂵꁏꌚꋖ ꁏꄙꄙ ꌚꁏ ꋖꀍꏹꋪꏹ'ꌚ ꏹꋚꇃꏹꌚꌚ. ꀤ'ꂡ ꈵꀤ꒒꒒ ꄙꁏꋪ ꁲ ꄙꌈꇃꀍꌚꀤꁲ ꋖꀍꁏꌈꁍꀍ. ꀍꁲꀍꁲ ꒒ꀤꋖꏹꋪꁲ꒒꒒ꂖ." Tersme rambled and hummed.
Irma grinned at that one. "heeh heeh heeh yeeaah ii beet"   He braced an hand on the wall and used it to pull himself to his feet. "thaanks foor thee goooods maan giivee mee aa heeaads uup iif yoouu moovee loocaatioons ii miight bee stuupiid aagaaiin sooneer thaan noormaal"
He smiled as he watched Irma stand. "ꀤ'꒒꒒ ꂵꁲꈵꏹ ꌚꌈꋪꏹ ꋖꁏꁏ, ꁲꋊꂡ ꀤ ꀍꁏꉣꏹ ꂖꁏꌈ'ꋪꏹ ꌚꋖꌈꉣꀤꂡ ꁲꁍꁲꀤꋊ ꂵꁲꈵꏹꌚ ꂵꏹ ꂵꁏꋊꏹꂖ" He snorted and waved.
"heeh yeeaah doont woorry maan iits iin my naatuuree too bee aa fuuckiing iidiiot" He steaded himself, put away his purchase, and shuffled off without waving back.


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