categoricalSavant + frenziedButcher

frenziedButcher and categoricalSavant played by Leng
frenziedButcher [FB] has begun trolling categoricalSavant [CS]
FB: Ah there we are. Hello again. You had mistakenly made a blundering misstep in blocking me, yet again. Perhaps if you were not so foolishly misguided you would come for a visit and I would not have to bother with your social media blundering quite so much. Its rather tedious having to get myself unblocked so repeatedly.
CS: My blockinj you waz nod a mizdake. I do recall zdadinj ad dhe dime dhad I don'd wizh do converz widh you, berhabz I waz nod very clear. I will addemd do comunicade in a zimbler manner az do avoind convuzion in dhe vudure.
CS: I veel you don'd rezbecd my dime cuide az much az you zhould. I am very buzy and dealinj widh you dakez var loner dhan I would like widh no uzevul oudcome. And, while I ajree dhad dhe zciendivic curiozidy ov 'counderbardz', az you bud id, iz an inderezdinj one, I zdill vind your brocez lackinj in any ziendivic credabilidy. Dherevore I will be decliminj, yed ajain, blockinj you vrom zbeakinj widh me.
FB: Yes yes, you're all high a mighty with your 'scientific method'. We know, everyone knows, you don't have keep bringing it up every single time we talk. Perhaps you could come and teach me how to do it properly. I promise no one will try and remove your organs this time. Truly. I do mean it! Since you were such a childish wiggler about it last time. You see, I can make accommodations for your frivolous infantine mewlings! I am nothing if not accommodating my obtuse beforuian counterpart! Partner! Cohort! Compatriot! Friend!
CS: I do believe dhiz vreindzhib iz a one zided avvair. Berhabz.. iv you are druly willinj do learn how do brevorm dhe brober broceidurez... we can arranje a meedinj ad a nudural locadion widh a vew colleajuez, az, conziderinj your medhodz dhe lazd dime we med, I will need dhe helb. Alzo Koar haz vorbade me vrom meedinj you alone, and while normally hiz rulez dend douard dhe dubiuz, I believe he may ahve a boind dhiz dime, conziderinj dhe avore mendioned orjanz inzedend.
CS: I zubboze i will leave you unblocked vor dhe dime beinj, az I zee whad dhe odherz mijhd ahve do zay on dhe madder. Bud vor now I ahve work do do and would like do jed back do id.
FB: Oooh yes yes your very important work, much more important than talking with your brilliant and resourceful counterpart. And Wise! Yes, can't forget that one, so much wiser that your simple 'colleagues'. But I forgive you! Yes! So now, when do we meet? In a few moments? In a few hours? Perhaps tomorrow? Don't make me wait for weeks now, my curiosity may get the better of me and I may have to come visit you. Where are you again, in your absurd need to block me and ramble on about needless things you forgot to tell me! How very silly of you! Stupid even! Chronically foolish to the highest degree!
CS: Id waz no mizdake. Yez I am doo buzy vor you, I dhoujhd dhad waz clear, berhabz my wordinj iz zdill doo comblicaded. Vor dhad I abbolojize. I will condacd you when I have dhe dime. Id iz unrealizdic ov you do ezbecd me do drb my work in order do deach zimbldonz dhe bazicz ov brober medhod. Dhad iz whad zchoolz are vor, I do believe. I may my wronj... bud I doubd id.
FB: Too ashamed to admit your mistakes, I understand. Truly I do! I wouldn't think less of you, if you simply owned up to it and rectified the issue. You will find I am generous like that! And so very considerate! To show my consideration I will wait an hour before inquiring again. How cooperative and obliging I am! You are quite the fortuitous one to have a friend such as I who takes your feelings and time into consideration so often, especially seeing as how you are not so kind in that regard.
frenziedButcher [FB] has ceased trolling categoricalSavant [CS]


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