chronicallyTerminated + fandomloveRr

chronicallyTerminated played by Mef, fandomloveRr played by SoperPlanet
chronicallyTerminated [CT] began trolling fandomloveRr [FR] at a relevant time.
CT: <I'm bored λnd looking for something to do. Whλt λre you doing, λnd why is it interesting?>
FR: :0
FR: oh!
FR: oh my, how pleasantly convenient! poggers, even!
FR: my, how is what I'm doing not interesting!
FR: currently, I'm writing some fanfiction about hunterxhunter while watching... hmm, oh yes, 'the day my butt went psycho"
CT: <Thλt's λ... rλther odd combinλtion. Whλt's the fλnfiction λbout?>
FR: oh, well you see its about gon and the person who commissioned it self insert, ton. whose gons second removed cousin, honestly the oc was really bad, but moneys money! though, you have came in at a convenient time, because ive made a bit of a boner! you see, He sorta sent a... ten page document about what he wanted the fanfiction to be about? and while I did read it, it was sorta mind numbing to do so and I didn't realize just.. how much he was asking for, and made him pay the regular amount! glub glub.
FR: so, is it wrong for me to er.. refund him it? or, ask for more, because he has already paid but i don't believe the price he paid was fair for a.. 50 page, Arial font, 11 size, 4 chapters, fancition written in each characters quirks!!
CT: <Do you meλn... bλnger? Whλtever, doesn't mλtter. I think it's fλir to λsk for more or refund him. If you're going to sit there gruelingly working λt something you're not super into, when you could be λccepting other clients or work you enjoy, it's only fλir for you to λsk for more λnd/or refund it. If they reλlly wλnt the fic thλt bλdly, they'll pλy for it.>


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