Claroy's lab 2} Claroy and Koar

Crzdov played by Leng
Claroy leaned back after having had a pleasant conversation. He was overly pleased that he'd get a solid and useful distraction to take his mind off of more dangerous endeavors. If he could just keep his mind off the undead royalty until he'd managed to calm down he would be fine, surely.   He rubbed his temples and looked around lab. As he did a slow sense of sinking dread started to come over him.   He hadn't planned on doing the experiments here for some reason. Foolish really, now that he thought about it, he had all the best tools at his disposal after all.
The lab was a mess of scattered half readable notes, consisting mostly of train of thought rambling and terrible ideas. As well as silly doodles of bird posteriors, he really shouldn't have Koar takes noted for him.   Claroy glared at his lusus who was idly chewing on the note book he'd been handed.
Koar seemed to know when he was being mentality cursed and looked up to grin toothily at his hyper little troll in fond amusement.
"Don'd jzud jrin ad me, helb me clean. I have combany cominj over and ezberimends do brevorm." Claroy pulled himself out of his chair and started picking up bits of discarded paper, as well as a the empty jars he'd managed to scatter everywhere.
He glanced at his box where he stored them and winced slightly seeing there were very few jars left in it. He would need to make up a new batch, and soon. He hadn't gone threw that many at once since he was first banished to this dinky little land hospital.   He signed feeling this was only the start, but he wasn't exactly displeased about it. He'd been so bored these last few years he felt he might crumble to dust. If there was one thing he felt he could do without, it was one more exceedingly boring and mundane surgery. That's all he ever got to do here, and it was stifling.


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