Claroy's lab 3} Rozali and Claroy

Rozali and Claroy played by Leng
Roza sat on Kaor's back, happily humming to herself as she scribbled out some new lyric ideas.
"How can I jed any work down widh dhad incezzand racked?" Claroy fussed, not looking up from what he was doing to acknowledge her.
"~It will never stop~ ~I'm working on a new song~ ~I'll do what I want~" She sang in reply, prompting Koar to thump his tail to her tune. Silly of him to think she was going to stop without some attention first.
"Oh don'd you zdard doo, you laujhhabby idiod, one loud annoyance iz more dhan enoujh." He waved a hand around dismissively at them. "Make yourzelv uzevul, vor once, and zdir dhiz."
"~He's plenty useful~
~As a chair and metronome~
~Stir it damn yourself~"
Roza rolled her eyes. This was a pretty normal conversation for them, but it didn't stop her from enjoying the attention. Despite her eyeroll implying the contrary.
"~rant about something~
~i could use a backing track~
~make yourself useful~"
Claroy ignored her and picked up the concotion he needed to be stired. He turned with a little jingling sound, Koar had tied jingle bells to his horns that morning and he still hadn't noticed, and put it in front of the lusus.
He truend back to his work with another jingle and huffed.
Koar grinned and stuck his tounge in the mixture as soon as Claroy's back was turned.
"~Always take his side~
~Whatever I'm going out~
~You need anything?~"
Roza slid off Koar's, doing her best to avoid him trying to trip her with his tail without looking like an idiot. She danced out of the way and over to the door.
She planned to snag a few hospital supplies on her way out, to see if she could trade them for something interesting or bribe someone with them or find some other use for them.
"Dhe lizd ov recuired idemz iz ad dhe door, *jingle* az you know, zo azkinj iz a boindlezz jezdure. Iv you could revrain vrom jeddinj indo drouble while you're oud dhad would be jreadly abbreciaded, *jingle* I zubboze." Claroy droned as he went about his business, somehow not noticing the jingle that accompanied every flippant hand gesture.
"~Stay out of trouble~
~Bluh I can handle myself~
~Worried for nothing~"
Roza rolled her eyes and took the whole list off the wall as she left. She stuffed it in her bag and headed off to collect things worth dragging around.
And with that Roza leaves and Claroy goes about his work


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