Clearing 1} Cassus, Izzy, Sertas

Cassus played by CC, Izzy played by Riley, Sertas played by Jiro
cassus is wandering randomly around the clearing. he decided to come here for some peace, but his mind didnt seem to allow that. there was absolutely nothing going on, but his thoughts were still so busy with questions and problems and troubles. walking wasnt helping at all, so he sat down.[/container]
Izzy was just casually walking through the clearing. She couldnt find anything to hunt recently, so she just normally came out here to just walk and find some things that maybe look interesting to her to collect. She spotted Cassus sitting down in the clearing. She didnt know who they were exactly, so she approached them silently. Then, when she reached over to where he was sitting, she quickly swatted him on the shoulder to see how he would react and tilts her head ":3?"
Sertas was standing behind a tree. Watching the two from afar. He was waiting to see what they were doing before moving from his spot.[/container] cassus jolted and quickly looked at izzy. he was so lost in thought that he hadnt heard her. what if she walked over with the intent of murder? he shook the thoughts off. she didnt look like an enemy. he stood up and distanced himself a bit, as a precaution. "Do you need something?"[/container]
Izzy realized that he is not a threat now. She put her hands down and plopped down on the ground next to him "Hi there! My name is Izzy, what brings you here? Just thought I might say hi since no one really comes here that often. :3" She smiled at him
Sertas watched the two carefully. He walked a bit towards them, slowly and cautiously. He had a blade in his pocket, as always. He waited until he was about a yard (3 feet) away from them and stopped, watching them again.[/container] he decided, too, that she is not a threat. he sat down again, becoming slightly less tense. "...I'm Cassus. I just came here to relax a bit."[/container]
Izzy motioned her hand towards Cassus' mouth for him to be quiet "Psst, did you hear that? I heard something from behind.. :3" She started to get up and almost look around
cassus raised an eyebrow, wasting a second to be ever so slightly offended by the sudden shushing. his bird senses tingled and felt a presence behind him. he looked, unsurprisingly seeing the oliveblood. he quickly jumped to his feet. god, cant a guy sit for two seconds?[/container] Sertas walked the remaining three feet between the two, smirking ever-so-slightly. "hello. the naaames Sertaaas." he said, pretty nonchalantly.[/container]
Izzy got up and walked over towards Sertas. Then she circled around him to make sure that he didnt want to hurt them in any kind of way. She didnt spot the blade that he had though. Then she did the same thing that she did to Cassus. She swatted his shoulder and tilted her head slightly ":3?"
Sertas raised his hand a bit and patted Izzy on the head. He didn't mind the swatting on his shoulder. He was used to cat-like behaviour by now because of his Lusus.[/container] he sighed out of relief. this is ridiculous. not even a bit of peace. "isz unneceszszary szneaking arround common forr people in the forrest? i didnt come herre to have a hearrt attack."[/container] "yes. it is. unnecessaaary sneaaaking aaarouuund in forests is one of my faaavouuurite paaast-times." Sertas glared over at Cassus through his bangs. "aaand who maaay youuu be?" he asked, his shielded eyes not leaving Cassus' face.[/container]
Izzy just sat near Sertas watching him and Cassus having a conversation “:3
"caszszuz." he looks sertas up and down, trying to read him. "arre you armed? if szo, why?"[/container]
Izzy got up out of her sitting place and just sat down in the middle of the two “He probably is, based on his looks. He doesn't seem dangerous though :3
"The... seemingly caaat girl is correct. I do haaave aaa weaaapon on me, buuut it's juuust for self-defence. So, if youuu don't become aaa threaaat.. youuu won't get to haaave it uuused on youuu." He pat Izzy's head again. Because pat.[/container] he nodded and kept quiet for a second. he spoke up with another question, "have you alwaysz carrrried a weapon arround? did it become common szensze to you at one point to be arrmed, orr did szomething happen?"[/container]
Izzy raised her head “Oh! Forgot to mention this, here- :3” She pulled out a sharpened rock from her pocket “I also have a weapon with me. Like Sertas said with his I keep it with me for personal protection. I'm not dangerous though, unless you want me to be. >:3
"something haaappened. buuut i don't think thaaats aaany of youuur buuussiness. i've plaaayed wwwith knives for aaa wwwhile before it haaappened. buuut aaafter thaaat it kindaaa... got worse. yknowww." He crossed his arms, looking away from brib boy[/container] he poked the rock izzy was holding. he didnt flinch as the rock pricked his skin, he just shook his hand. he thinks of another question. "rrememberr that you arrent obligated to answerr all of my quesztions, but, have eitherr of you everr killed szomeone?"[/container] Sertas thought for a moment, watching Cassus seemingly not feel any pain. "i haaave." he said, not thinking about how like,,, worrying that is,,,,,[/container]
Izzy puts the rock away in one of her back pockets and just begins to watch the two talk again “:3
he thinks about sertas' tone of voice saying that. there didnt seem to be any regret hidden in there. no uncomfortable stance. almost proud, except he didnt seem to be the type to brag. he took note of that, and looked at izzy. "what about you? everr killed a trroll? orr human?" it was mostly a formality to ask, since izzy seemed very passive.[/container]
Izzy seemed to purr at that question, and turned toward Cassus “” She seemed to continue staring at Cassus, until turning her straight face back into a smile at him and she scooted over to where he was sitting. She booped him on the head lightly “”
he blinks. the boop isnt important. that was a twist, there must be more to her than he thought. assuming she isnt lying. these two are interestingly interesting individuals. he chuckles to himself at the thought. "surrprriszing."[/container]
She shrugs. Shes not sure how to respond to what he just said, so she got up and went back to her sitting place between the two. She started fumbling with the floppy things on her hat
"whatrre the each of you doing in the forreszt?" he makes another inference that izzy gets fidgety. she seems energetic, so it isnt a bold assumption.[/container]
Izzy looks at Cassus again. She points somewhere north "Well, I sorta live in this forest, so I normally come out here often to look for food or just come out here :3" The way that she pointed was the direction of her shack, the place that she lived in. She puts her hand down, takes out her rock again, and starts poking her finger on it like she was testing how sharp it was
"I juuust need aaa plaaace to go wwwhen i wwwaaant to relaaax. todaaay i caaame to this forest." He blew some hair out of his face, looking back up at Cassus.[/container] "okay..." he looks back at sertas' half-blocked face. "laszt quesztion, why dont you two mind the szeriesz of thingsz im aszking? isznt it szuszpiciousz?"[/container]
Izzy looked at him "I thought it was kinda normal just asking questions to know eachother better :3" She shrugged
"I'm uuused to suuuspiciouuus quuuestioning. It haaappens to me aaa lot. For reaaasons i wwwont shaaare."[/container] cassus smiles, then laughs. "isz it, by any chance, becausze youve apparrently killed people? and got caught?"[/container] "possibly." he paused. "howwwd youuu knowww?" Sertas asked, half sarcastically.[/container] "it wasz easzy to tell. not only do you look szuszpiciousz alrready, you dont szeem like the type to have a grrip on emotionsz. probably killed szomeone without thinking." he fiddles with a curl of his own hair. "i wouldnt blame you, if that werre the casze. other people tend to get annoying."[/container]
Izzy seems to get nervous when other people or trolls talk about murder or getting caught. You could see it in her eyes that she got a little antsy when it comes to topics like these. For now she just kept re adjusting her hat so no one could really see her eyes that well from their sitting position
"thaaat wwwaaas suuurprisingly aaaccuuuraaate." Sertas admitted, his smirk turing into a softer smile. his guard was down. for now.[/container]
Meanwhile, Izzy was digging for something in her pockets to keep her entertained. She pulled out a bunch more sharpened rocks and pushed them aside. She dug out a broken yo-yo from one of her pockets, made a face at it, and threw it somewhere "Bleh this stuff is useless. 3:<" She said while crossing her arms
He chirps and looks at izzy. First one, guys. "nothing is uszeleszsz. you can alwaysz make use of any object."[/container]
Izzy perks her head up and looks at Cassus. Then she grabs yet another yo-yo out of her back pocket but this one has no string this time. She holds it up to him "What am I supposed to make out of this? 3:" She huffs
He takes the yo-yo and bounces it in his hand. "szeemsz good enough. you could probably usze it as a projectile. thrrow it at someone, and theyd be momentarily disztracted orr even a little bruiszed." He smiled again. "orr, you can fix it later. yo-yos arrent that harrd to fix."[/container]
"Yeah, those are both true. Usually I don't think about those things before tossing something away when its broken or useless. This COULD be a great projectile though. >:3" She held out her hand signaling for him to hand back over the yo-yo for her to put it back
"itsz a good way of thinking. rreusing thingsz isz way betterr than trraszhing them. i carre about ourr planet, yknow?" He gives the yo-yo back and chirps once more.[/container]
Izzy places the yo-yo back in her pocket where it came from. She looked back up at Cassus "Yeah, it is really. :3" She reaches her hand over and paps him on the head for the second time
his expression turned to one of confusion. "do you uszually act szo frriendly towarrdsz sztrangersz? i mean, itsz endearring and all. though i dont trruszt people that quick."[/container]
She giggled "Well, I normally act this nice becasue how else would I act? I dont really live around anyone so how should I really act around other people? :3" She nodded at the fact that people dont really become friends at first sight
"i underrsztand that. itsz fine, you act fine." chirrp. "doesznt it get lonely by yourrszelf?"[/container]
She looks down at her lap. It does get pretty lonely around here sometimes. She would just wish that she had someone that would stay with her so she didnt just have to entertain herself all day every day. She slowly nods, with a slight frown on her face "Yeah... it gets pretty boring after a while, but im used to not being too attached to anyone bevause all they ever do is leave. 3':"
He smiles (seemingly) sadly and pats Izzy on the shoulder. "thisz place isz nice, though. it wouldnt be much trrouble to viszit it once in a while." chirrp! "or viszit you."[/container]
Izzy smiled widely at them “I would love to have some company over!! No one ever comes over so I would have to clean up the place. :3” She seemingly repositions herself in a pose of a sleeping cat
He shakes his head. "dont worrrry about it. itsz okay if itsz meszszy." "im not one to be rreally picky about anything, including meszszesz." He's lying. He's definitely a neat freak.[/container]
Izzy yawned “I have a buncha stuff just laying around. I would HAVE to clean it up is someone came over. They wouldn't want to see my prey laying around the thouse, would they? ;3” She looked into Cassus eyes curiously
Cassus stared back, with almost equal curiosity. "im a cerruleanblood, arrent i? itd be weirrd if i neverr szaw thingsz like that."[/container]
She shrugged “Yeah I guess. But it would be pretty weird with all the blood lying around. I would HAVE to clean that up now wouldn't I. :3” She looked directly into Cassus’ eyes
Scene End


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