Dakota's Ship 2} Dakota and Daniia

Dakota played by Kiwi, Daniia played by Jiro
Dakota set her palmhusk down and rose to her feet. She shook her head and sighed, oh Daniia. She walked out of her cabin and into the sailors one. She walked over to Daniia and crossed her arms. "We are criminals, in badd badd hot water," She tapped her foot "You can't be going on that memo"
"but i gqt bqrod!! i just wanted tq soo what was gqing qn and nqt that many poqplo woro qn!!!" Daiia sat up, flowers spread around the area she was laying.[/container]
Dakota sighed and pat her head. "Look if you want to ddo something lets go ddo something." Dakota really needed some time out of the ship before her head exploded. Densra was really driving her up a ship wall.
To be Continued...


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