Fish Mansion 1} Saonji and Fairyl

Saonji played by Orange, Fairyl played by Kiwi
She was going to have a guest over. A rare occurrence-- well, no it wasn't. But a guest such as this one, was an event to prepare for. Saonji had dried off completely, sitting in her Land Room, as she called it-- a spacious, wonderfully furnished room that would appear best suited for small gatherings. Play some board games, have a cup of coffee, all very chummy. The room was in fact most used for interrogations, and business deals. A shame, but a necessary one. She was fully dressed, snappy and business-like, horns adorned with their usual golden covers.   A door shut, in the distance. Sounded like the front doors. They were bringing the land dweller. Good. There was business to tend to.[/container]
Fairyl was growling angrily. Her actions matched her name, in the sense that her demeanor was not coth. (And thats putting it lightly) she struggled some more "what the FUCK are you doing" she hissed out kicking her legs. Boy she sure was mad. As they took her into the room, she was still wiggling and kicking, attempting to free herself.
Saonji was posed primly on a couch, as the violetbloods under her service dropped the oliveblood, removed the bag from her head, and left the room. The doors were locked. Saonji did not speak at first, choosing instead to watch what this midblood would do.   There was tea, on a coffee table, between the two couches. Saonji was holding a cup, taking a sip, eyes entirely obscured by the fin goggles. Milk and sugar was laid out. The scene would be peaceful, if not for the other troll.[/container]
Fairyl growled and jumped up. Her eyes darted around the room, and she looked at the fuschiablood. "What is the meeting of this?" She asked during herself off. Normally in the presence of any other fuschia but Kameln, she would watch herself. However she was a bit disoriented at the moment.   She crossed her arms and sat across from Saonji. She stared at the troll with suspicious eyes, awaiting the answer to be provided.
She grinned calmly, sharp teeth on full display. "I have heard of your abilities, and am currently in need of them." Another sip of the tea, cool as a sea cucumber, as she waited for the other troll to ask more questions. It was always questions with these people, why couldn't they just understand what she wanted from the get-go? It's not like it was something too terribly mysterious, just a purpleblood who was getting too peppy.[/container]
She raised a brow and sat. This drill was sort of framiler to her actually. This was why Kameln kept her around in the first place. But she had to be careful this wasnt a trap. "And your highness what is it you need me to do"   She was hoping it was murder, given it was her best skill. She hummed, tapping her fingers on the couch she sat on.
Highness. Hm. Well, at least the oliveblood wasn't as feisty as she could be. Straight to business too, that was good. Saonji set her teacup down. "A purpleblood, of reasonably high status in the church, has been a little too loud as of late. A silencing is in order." She reached to pick up the teapot, pouring a cup out for Fairyl. If she knew what was good for her, she would drink it.[/container]
"How much about what I do do you know?" She reached over to take the cup. What was it with posh people and their tea anyway. She took a drink. "And I need you to be more specific then that" she tapped her foot, and a smile grew on her face. Of course she would do what the highblood wanted, she just needed to make sure she knew what exactly she wanted.
"Enough to not be concerned about your abilities. Or methods, for that matter." Saonji hated tea. At least, hated green tea, which this was. She left her cup on the table, to inevitably grow cold. Why did she even put up this façade?   "The Miracles location, west end of the city. On the very border, really, they take occasional excursions into the lands beyond. Never too far, though, far enough for an unfortunate attack to happen."[/container]
She hummed and set her own cup down as well. "And what's in it for me?" Here was the big question. Sure it was always good to have a snack, but she wanted a little more. She smirked at the highblood as she crossed her legs. She hummed to herself. Killing a clown wouldnt be that hard. She'd just have to be careful about it.
"Besides keeping your own life, I can offer a favor, once you next need it. I have many advantages, by nature, and could pass them onto you. Should you come into a tight spot, at least." Another pleasant smile, as she looked the oliveblood right in the eyes. Or at least seemed to, the goggles were practically opaque.[/container]
"I trust you'll keep your word," she stood up and cracked her knuckles, "and dont tell Kameln he might get jealous." She cackled.   "I'll get the job done, is that all?" She asked fixing the boa on her neck. She figured this was over but, perhaps there was somthing more the highblood needed from her.
"Precisely. No need to acquire a trophy, nor memento-- I have no use for either. I do expect to hear news, though, and soon. Before the next fortnight would be optimal." She nodded, the violetbloods re-entered the room. How'd they know to come back in? Who knows. They waited, though, for Saonji's next signal. "Do pardon the roughness of the journey, it's somewhat necessary to keep up appearances."[/container]
"Itll be better now that I'm expecting it" she giggled. "I'll let you know when it's done," she held both of her arms put waiting for the violets to take her out. She had a sadistic look in her eyes, as she thought about her task ahead. "And I'll let you know when I need my favor"
"Oh, don't worry, I will know." She picked up her teacup again as the bag was dropped over Fairyl's head, and watched as she was carried out. The doors clicked shut again. She put down the teacup. Drama, man, it pays to keep it up. Stepping out of the room, removing her horn covers, she breathed a short sigh. All was going well. She had full faith that the oliveblood would go through with the job.
One more potential enemy, was being removed from the playing field.[/container]
Scene End


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