
Hectare, honestly no idea what it means other than being some unit of measurement, but it stuck, and now i'm a unit of measurement, hurray.
Gender and Pronouns
Demiboy, He/Him or They/Them works, no biggie honestly.
UHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHmmmmmmmmmmm uh uh uh i hate trivia questions uhhh okay uh, I like creative writing and character writing, I also enjoy sound design just because of how creative it is. I also like cats, I have two cats. Their names are skidmark and shitface! I'm not even kidding.
I dislike my stomach due to all the intolerances and shit it gave me, like seriously, IBS?? Literally fuck you body, let me enjoy my gluten and shit IN PEACE. Oh, and I also dislike raw onions, ew.
ADHD, but that's really it, just make sure to ping me regularly if we have something going on because i get distracted very easily.



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