Lake 1} Aroziz and Zydeca

Aroziz played by Sock, Zydeca played by Orange
Aroziz pounced around the lake, she had spotted a squirrel. She pounced, just missing the squirrel. She frowned, watching it scurry up the tree. She walked over to the water of the lake and sat with her feet in the water.[/container]
Why was Zyd anywhere out of the city? It was a dual reason, actually-- it was keeping its eyes open for a specific kind of fungus that allegedly grew around here, and scoping out the area to map. By scoping, of course, I mean it was actively sketching out the route it was walking on a ripped-out sheet from a book. A grid had been drawn over the words, so it knew to keep the proportions straight. Seeing as how Zyd was also carrying its bag around, and that was making a good bit of jostle-y noises on its own, it was a bit loud in the stillness of the forest.   Oh, here was the lake. It tried to gauge its size, adding preliminary outlines to a new sheet of paper.
Aroziz turned her head towards Zyd, looking at it. “hEllo!” She called out towards it, waving a bit.[/container]
_Oh, someone else was out here! An... oliveblood, by the looks of her. It wondered why exactly anyone else would spend time so far out of the city, if not for its own purpose of cartography or occupation. Regardless of any of that, though, it was going to return the greeting with a wave. Perhaps this troll knew about the area, and could tell Zyd about easier passages? It would certainly be a valuable enhancement to the maps.
Once it was close enough to actually approach, it spoke. "HEllo! WHat's your name?" She stood up, her long coat dropping over her arms. “iM aRoziz. wHats yOur nAme?” she asked it in return. She was quite excited to meet it.[/container]
"YOu can call me Zyd," it responded, glad to not be received with aggression or something. Overpowering an oliveblood? It didn't like its chances. "WHat are you doing all the way out here?"
“i cOme hEre a bUnch wHen mY mOirail iS bUsy! i Find tHe wAter nIce. pLus i cOme hEre tO hUnt sOmetimes” (| :33 “i aLmost cAught a sQuirrel jUst nOw!”[/container]
"A Squirrel, huh?" It hoped it sounded suitably impressed. "IT's good to have a place to be, though, I spend most of my time back in the cities." It showed Aroriz one of the sheets of paper as it continued. "I'M out here working on maps!"
“oOh! i rEally lIke mAps! cAn i sEe sOme oF yOurs iF yOu hAve tHem wIth yOu?” She asked, very curious about Zyd’s mapping.[/container]
"SUre, I have a few-- not finished maps though, just sketches. I'M working on this forest, here, to... TAke a break from the city." A lie. Zyd would prefer not to leave the cities whenever possible. It pulled a few more sheets of paper from its bag, to show Aroriz.
“i cAn hElp yOu mAp oUt tHe fOrest iF yOud lIke! i kNow tHese wOods lIke tHe bAck oF mY hAnd!” she offered, sounding a bit excited.[/container]
Oh, thank goodness, it wouldn't have to ask. "YOu'd really help me out like that? I'D be, uh, very grateful!" Zyd was entirely relieved-- it wasn't about to have to engage in a verbal sparring match, or run away, or anything! Always a good sign.
“oF cOurse iD hElp yOu! iTd bE tHe nIce tHing tO dO sEeing aS i kNow tHis pLace iNside aNd oUt!” she giggled to herself, smiling.[/container]
"IT... SUre would, wouldn't it." This troll wasn't even trying to get anything in return... Apparently? Why was she being this nice? She didn't even know Zyd, what could possibly be up here? "WHy, don't you show me around some then? I Can show you the maps I have already, if you wanted to take a look at them real quick." It began pulling out the rest of the marked-up paper, to show Aroriz.
“oOoh!! yEah cOme wIth mE!” she ran off into a spot in the woods, not that far away from Zyd. She turned around, looking at it.[/container]
Zyd scrambled after her, somewhat unused to the soft, damp ground of the forested area. Concrete was so much more dependable, it didn't sink under your feet or make unexpected crunching noises. How could people possibly manage to be quiet in here? "I'M coming, I'm coming," it said, as it ran after her.
Scene End


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