Mall 1} Pixzie and Sertas

Pixzie played by Kiwi, Sertas played by Jiro
Pixzie was walking around eyeing places carefully and trying to look natural. She had already pic pocketed a lot mostly wallets from shoppers and little knick knacks. She didn't know if she was gonna go for big stuff or not she was still deciding.
Sertas was standing against a wall, reading a book. Or,, it appeared he was. He was actually scanning the people around him from behind his bangs. He spotted Pixzie, thinking she looked about as annoying as he did. Perfect. He put away the book, walking close to, yet behind, Pixzie. As he does.[/container]
Pixzie kept walking deciding that she was hungry. She stole a good amount of money so she decided to walk toward the food chort.
Sertas followed, intrigued by Pixzie. He made sure to keep his distance but not loose her in any crowds. Green pretty sus, ngl.[/container]
Pixzie took one of the wallets she stole out quickly took the bills out and put the wallet back. She went up to one of the food serving places and got some food. Then she sad down at a table.
Sertas sat at a table pretty much next to hers. "Suuup." he said, turning his head over in Pixzie's direction.[/container]
Pixzie heard him and looked in his direction. She narrowed her eyes "do I know you?"
"i don't knowww. do youuu?" He asked, a slight smirk forming on his face. He narrowed his eyes back, though you couldn't see it.[/container]
She scoffed "no" then she looked at her food and started to eat because fuck this shes hungry.
"wwwhy dont youuu get to knowww me then? i'm quuuite bored, aaand aaannoying people wwwith my mere presence is aaalwwwaaays aaa blaaast." He said that last bit with a sarcastic tone in his voice.[/container]
"I'm good" she snorted and continued to scarf her food down.
"Hm. so i see youuure one of the more stuuubborn people. i'd be suuurprised if youuu even haaave aaany friends." Sertas' new goal is to annoy her.[/container]
" and I'd be surprised if you found something intelligent to say but I highly doubt that " her already pretty high voice rose three octaves when she said that.
"yeaaah, youuure probably right. aaand jeez youuure gonnaaa breaaak glaaass wwwith aaa voice thaaat high-pitched. might ruuuptuuure someone's eardruuums too."[/container]
"Good" she flipped him off before swallowing the rest of her food whole. She stood up and pushed her chair in
Sertas laughed a bit. Annoying people is hilarious to him. "haaave aaa nice daaay ruuuptuuuring eaaardruuums" Sertas said, his laughter growing idk words[/container]
"Oh I will have a good day being a waste of space " Her voice again rising in octaves as she walked off and chucked her trash in the can.
Sertas shook his head as she walked off, getting up as well. He returned to where he was previously. He took out the book, ready to annoy someone else.[/container]
Pixzie watched him leave out of the corner of her eye. She tapped her foot before deciding to follow him. She watched him pull out his book then she walked over.
This time, Sertas was actually reading his book. He was kinda bored after messing with Pixzie.[/container]
Pixzie saw her opportunity and swiped the book out of his hands. She had a good day of theifing and not getting caught so she felt getting chased out of the mall was warented. She smirked at Sertas standing a couple feet away from him.
"wwwowww ruuuude. thaaat wwwaaas uuuncaaalled for." He started towards her, to get his book back.[/container]
She skillfully avoided him being short but quick on her feet. "Plentily called for cuz it was funny" She snickered
Sertas sighed. "i guuuess it waaas aaa bit fuuunny. buuut not thaaat fuuunny. give me the book baaack."[/container]
"No " her voice got all high pitched again as she snickered
"jeguuus christ i'm going to die if youuu fuuucking do thaaat aaagaaain. my eaaardruuums aaare going to be ruuuptuuured. it'll be bruuutaaal. olive wwwill be everywwwhere,"[/container]
" haha than die " She laughed her voice once again reaching that high octive
"oh my god i haaate youuu so muuuch. no blaaackrom. thaaats fuuucking disguuusting. if youuu haaave aaa kismesis i feel baaad for the poor motherfuuucker."[/container]
She snickered and held his book still "Well I don't but fuck you my voice is a wonderful thing to any whos ears it grases"
"no. it's not. it's horrendouuus. everyone who heaaars it explodes right there on the spot uuunless they're traaained to heaaar suuuch buuullshit."[/container]
"Well you haven't exploded have ya bird brain" She smirked at him
"i've been traaained to heaaar this buuulshit. thaaats wwwhy i haaavent exploded yet, fuuuckaaass." He crossed his arms, sighing.[/container]
She snorted and tossed his book on the ground, "pffft" She crossed her arms "Have fun with your reading nerd"
Sertas picked up his book. "aaarent nerds smaaart?" he asked, a half-deadpan look on his face.[/container]
"Sure but they're lame as fuck" She put an L on her forehead before heading off in the other direction. She felt satisfied with herself at that.
Sertas shook his head, watching her walk away, leaving himself. He tossed around his book, mocking Pixzie as he walked off.[/container]
Scene End


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