Market 1} Yuntea and Jack

Yuntea played by Kiwi, Jack played by Deku
Yuntea was walking through the market picking up different fruits making sure they were ripe and putting them in her bag. She hummed softly and decided to take a seat on a bench and make sure she had what she needed on her list so far. She smoothed out the skirt of her maid outfit and made a low robotic humming noise as she sat. She was pretty hard to miss giving the fact she was a robot wearing a maid outfit.
A brown rat scurried across the ground, before stopping in front of Yuntea. It scurried up her leg, by grabbing onto her skirt, and made itself quite comfortable in her lap. The rat squeaked happily.
Yuntea set her list down and tilted her head at the rat. She picked it up in her hand "What- small rats are usually afraid of people what are you doing here?"
Moments later, a young man came walking up to Yuntea. "I'm sorry if she scared you. She's my pet. That's why she has a bow on her tail." He scooped her up and placed her in his pocket.
Yuntea grabbed her shopping list and stood up "No she's adorable," Her robotic face contorted into a smile and her voice appeared to be happy and upbeat "I was just confused that's all." She placed the list into her bag with the rest of her grocerys.
Seeing Yuntea more in the light, he was taken aback by the fact that she wasn't organic. "Hold on... You're a robot???" He looked her up and down with interest.
Yuntea giggled and nodded her head "Mhm I sure am" She gently knocked on her arm and it made a metallic noise.
"You're one of those hydraulic machines, right? The ones that don't need charging or electricity, just liquid? I've heard of technology advancing, but not this much. So cool!" Jack took an immediate interest in Yuntea. Realizing that he's being a little forward, he calmed himself down and rephrased, "Of course, if you want to... Y'know... Talk about it."
Yuntea listened to him "we can talk about it" she pointed to her arm "sort of like veins the fluid pumps through my system spinning though gears and other things that keep me running. The fluid has to be changed every month to insure optimum function. But yes no electricity or battery" she clasped her hands together.
Jack smiled. "I'm glad I didn't mess it up like I usually tend to do, sorry if I was coming on too strongly... So you have a pretty complex system, huh? Who made you?"
She nodded softly and let out a robotic giggle. "His name is Sestle Gustel" she fixed her dress again her voice turned to a complete deadpan "Hes a very skilled mathematician, however he didnt actually start me he just finished me from my original framework. I was started over 100 years ago and found in the dabries of Amalgama"
To be Continued...


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