PM1 pt.04} NSFW

triggerWarning played by Kiwi, ambiguousAnnouncement played by Dodo, arachnidsGrip played by Link, notoriousVisionary played by Leng
Warning: This rp contains suggestive themes.
triggerWarning [TW] has begun responding to the memo
TW: Hell9 I have entered this mem9 t9day t9 see the happenings 9f this planet. I usually d9 n9t c9me 9nt9 these things 6ecause there is a l9t 9f senseless c9nversati9ns and there can als9 6e a l9t 9f triggering and pr96lematic language. H9wever t9day seems like a g99d day t9 enlighten a l9t 9f y9u t9 6etter ways and help y9u all 9ut a little 6it.
TW: #TW #mention 9f pr96imatic things
ambiguousAnnouncement [AA] is no longer idle!
AA: あなたが物事を変えることができると思うなら。 KANKRI。それからあなたは痛々しいほど間違っています。
AA: あなたはばかだと思います。あなたは女性の感触を感じたことがないからです。しかし、心配しないでください。これは一緒に修正できます。
AA: 味を見せて。あなたの突然変異体スラリーの。私があなたの厚い膨らみを窒息させているように。私は哀れな娼婦のようです。
AG: You know, if you asked me 8ack on Alternia whether I thought it could get much worse than our Vantas and Megido, I would've just laughed in your face at the a8solute a8surdity of your inquiry.
AG: 8ut here we are. 8lessed with an unsolicited influx of 8atshit 8eforans.
AG: It's impressive, really. I don't know how you two manage to 8e so undesirea8le.
AG: Kankri, encapsulating the whiny, 8itchy nature of Karkat, sans the scant actually good point and humorous 8ad temper.
AG: And Damara, personality so far removed from the sickeningly peppy, hu8ristic Aradia that I can't help 8ut wonder if a higher 8eing specifically forged her to 8e the most detestable cre8ture in existence.
TW: just as I th9ught this place is h9rrid. Damara please y9u kn9w that I am celi6ate and if y9u have t9 6e this vulgar c9uld y9u at least tag it s9 that n9 9ne is 9ffended 6y it. (Which just t9 let y9u kn9w I am). Sec9ndly n9t 9nly is it vulgar 6ut it is 9n a public form. Als9 AG please d9 n9t c9mpare us t9 9ur alternian c9nterparts it is very offensive and disrespectful.
AA: うーん。なんてたくさんのセックス恐怖症。それはまるでKANKRIのコミットメントのようです。愛のない処女であることへ。このチャットルームで他の人に感染しました。
AA: あなたの2人がそのようにトリガーされた場合。私自身の裸の体で。次に、目をそらします。露出症のための私のキンク。それは関係なく満たされる必要があります。
AA: おそらくあなたは恥ずかしいです。私に加わりたいというあなたの願望によって。あなたのディックは見通しでドキドキします。それらの長さの。私に埋葬されている。
AA: 公のセックスの堕落。オルガスムを良くします。そして、誰もがうらやましくなります。あなたの新しく見つけたコックスリーブの。
AG: Sorry, Kankri! I will stop comparing you to your o8jectively superior relatives, seeing as the concept of 8ecoming a 8etter person is "triggering" to you.
AG: Heavens for8id I upset the Signless Insuffera8le! Really, what 8oorish 8ehaviour that would 8e. 8ut no, I'm way too soft to 8e so crass, so I'll 8ack off.
AG: That was, as your 8ite-sized thinkpan may 8e struggling to realise, "human sarcasm". Did you like my show of interplanetary solidarity? Yes, I thought you would.
AG: Megido, may8e stop projecting your yearning for a real rel8tionship onto the rest of us, kay? Save that shit for NSFW chatrooms, 8luh. I don't even know why I 8othered putting that shit through Trollgle Translate. 8ig mist8ke on my part.
TW: Okay Damara please this is just extremely inappr9priate. N9t t9 disregard y9ur self expressi9n 6ut y9u need t9 st9p this. I can n9t stress en9ugh h9w reading this c9uld 9ffend s9me9ne. It is very imp9rtant that y9u rethink y9ur sayings and may6e make them a little m9re PG. after all I d9 6elieve there are children in this mem9. Anyway AG Kakrat and I are very different and I am n9t at li6erty t9 say which 9ne 9f us is 6etter, and t9 put it simply c9mparing us at all is still highly 9ffensive and y9u are just 6eing d9wnright rude at this p9int. I am g9ing t9 again kindly ask y9u t9 st9p. I understand human sarcasm just fine what I d9 n9t understand is y9ur exceeding am9unt 9f insults. I struggle t9 realize h9w mindlessly insulting my intelligence makes y9u any smarter than me. N9t t9 say that y9u are n9t intelligent 9f c9urse 6ecause I'm sure 9nce y9u get 9ver y9ur childish phase 9f insulting 9thers f9r y9ur 9wn enj9yment that y9u are incredi6le smart. I think y9u need a self reflecti9n and I think y9u sh9uld seek it s99n.
AA: 関係?あなたは理解してはいけません。誰と話しているのか。抱きたいカンケイはありません。カジュアルセックスで。
AA: 私はあなたのタイプを知っています。あなたは大声でガキです。あなたはベッドで支配されたいです。これは私自身もできます。
AA: 私の爪をこする。あなたの膨らみの長さに対して。苦しみとエクスタシーであなたを満たします。あなたがあなたの青を噴出するように。露出した胸に。
AA: KANKRIが臆病者すぎる場合。女性とセックスする。その後、彼は私たちを見ることができます。私たちは無意味にお互いに性交するように。彼がこの光景に身を震わせている間。哀れな寝取られのように。
AG: Oh, Kankri. Sweet, dum8 Kankri. These aren't meant as insults! No no no no, of course not. These are wake-up calls! The chime of a 8ell to 8ring you to your senses, if you will.
AG: After all, SOMEONE has to tell you how much of a walking 8uzzkill you are, right? Might as well 8e me, seeing as you seem to understand my 8oundless intelligence already.
AG: I have to say, though, it's strange to deliver these important messages to you while this living embodiment of a wet sock tries to solicit me. Sorry, Damara, I'm WAY out of your league. I'm sure even someone like you can understand as much.
TW: Alright Damara that's it fr9m n9w 9n I will 6e tagging y9ur messages myself 6ecause they are just t99 vulgar. #TW Vulgar, menti9n 9f NSFW menti9n 9f BDSM menti9n 9f... 9ther things I wish n9t t9 say. Ugh I d9 n9t wish t9 t9 have any s9rt 9f relati9ns with y9u Damara. I think that at least I have made clear. I am n9t a c9ward I am just n9t interested there is a 6ig difference. This wh9le situati9n is unc9mf9rta6le f9r me and f9r AG. I d9 n9t need a wakeup call I realize that many d9 n9t enj9y the things I say and it can "ruin the fun" H9wever my w9rk is necessary in keeping 9thers safe and happy. Y9u might n9t understand what it is like t9 feel 6ullied and harrased y9ur wh9le life and f9r that y9u are lucky 6ut there are many unlike y9u wh9 have kn9wn n9thing 6ut strife since their 6irth. Of c9urse I d9n't kn9w y9ur life st9ry 9r what y9u've 6een thr9ugh s9 I can n9t say with the fullest intent that y9u aren't in fact g9ing thr9ugh hard ship I can say that y9u have n9t faced the unique difficulties that l9wercasted individuals face just f9r the c9l9r 9f their 6l99d. S9 9nce m9re I will reiterate, I d9 n9t intend t9 st9p helping pe9ple anytime s99n and I will n9t take y9ur childish insults t9 heart 6ecause they are childish and s9 are y9u.
AA: 私が理解している唯一のこと。下着がどれだけ濡れているかです。このすべてを読んでください。私たちはあなたがそれを望んでいることを知っています。あなたがそれを認めるかどうか。
AA: 私はあなたを通して見ることができます。あなたは圧倒されたいです。あなたの顔に座ってください。そして、私の膨らみを詰め込みます。喉の奥深く。そして、あなたの胃を満たします。私の深紅色のスラリーで。
AA: ミュータントも恥ずかしいようです。たぶん私はあなたの両方を連れて行きます。私のトロール膣の1つの膨らみ。そして、私のお尻の他の。
AA: 多分。私はあなたの両方を性交します。私は舌と指が上手です。私が私のペニスと一緒にいるのと同じように。
AG: Go f8ck yourself, Vant8s. You d8n't have any idea what I've 8een thro8gh.
AG: Hav8ng 8lue 8lood only sh8fted more responsi8ility onto me. You think I had it e8sy? It's n8ver 8een fucking easy. I've j8st 8een strong enough to t8ke it.
notoriousVisionary [NV] has started responding to memo.
TW: I 6elieve I menti9ned the fact that I didn't kn9w what y9u'd 6een thr9ugh. I am als9 n9w ch99sing t9 ign9re Damara and her vulgarity. Als9 cursing. I get it that y9u may have s9me resp9nsi6ility's I will n9t ever understand 6ecause I am a mutant. Then y9u need t9 ackn9wledge that there are s9me struggles y9u will never face and never understand. Y9u sh9uld 6e m9re caring and kind t9 9thers that e suffering since y9u say y9u kn9w suffering y9urself.
NV: maan tw yoouur bruutaal ii thiink yoouur goonnaa maakee aag cry aagaaiin
AA: かわいそうに。ハイブラッドになるのはとても難しいですか?
AA: 良い。悲しみ。あなたは間違いなくガキです。私はあなたにマナーを教えなければなりません。私があなたを無意味にファックするとき。あなた自身の低血の頭蓋骨の山の上。
AA: オルタニアンには敬意がありません。しかしすぐに。あなたは一つのことを尊重します。私の膨らみ。私があなたのきついお尻の穴にそれを詰め込むとき。
AA: KANKRIが始まっていると思います。非常に取り残されていると感じること。心配しないでください。あなたは敏感な小さなリグラー。裸の胸の画像をお送りします。すぐに。
AG: You don't kn8w the faintest thing a8out respect, Megido. You think your cushi8ned life 8n 8eforus was marked with str8ggle? Give me a fucking 8r8k.
AG: You can continue to wall8w in your own filth while I act8ally m8ke something of mys8lf.
AG: 8itch.
AG: As for YOU, Vantas. I will NEVER 8e like you. Yeah, there are plenty of str8ggles I'll never underst8nd. 8ut do you kn8w what I DO understand?
AG: How to 8e strong8r. How to prev8il. How to win. You'll never und8rstand that.
TW: I am n9t feeling left 9ut in fact PLEASE leave me 9ut. I d9 n9t want any part in any NSFW scenari9. Als9 serket language again. Als9 I d9 prevail just fine. Y9u fail t9 see that I am c9ntent with my life theref9re I have w9n. Here's the thing winning when it c9mes t9 life isn't a69ut 6eing the 6est 9r the richest 9r the str9ngest. Winning in life is a69ut 6eing happy and I 6elieve that in my life and in d9ing this I am happy. T9 n9t act like I am weak just 6ecause I haven't d9ne the same things as y9u. I've made my 9wn acc9mplishments that I can 6e pr9ud 9f and I am pr9ud 9f the ways that I help 9thers. Y9u may think my life is pathetic and w9rthless 6ut it isn't y9ur life s9 frankly I d9n't care what y9u say a69ut it.
AG: Idiot. Your own pers8nal "h8ppiness" has no 8earing on your ab8lity to help oth8rs.
AG: You think your incess8nt whining helps any8ne but yourself? It doesn't, y8u self-righteous dolt.
AG: I preach improv8ment. 8ut you?
AG: You tell p8ople to retreat into thems8lves. To 8e weak. You're a fool. Nothing m8re.
TW: It is n9t whining, I urge pe9ple t9 understand 9thers hard ships and t9 st9p treating y9ur fell9w creature like punching 6ags. F9r many years 6eing str9ng is a thing l9wercastes had t9 d9 in 9rder t9 survive I think they c9uld use a 6reak. What is the p9int 9f 6ulling 9thers d9es it make y9u feel str9nger hm? D9es it make y9ur insecurities g9 away. Because I d9n't think it d9es Serket. I think y9u are extremely insecure and y9u take it 9ut 9n 9thers 6ecause it makes y9u feel 9n t9p. Well that is a terri6ly upsetting life in my 9pini9n.
AA: 私が楽しむ限り。 2人の娼婦がお互いにセックスするのを見てください。彼らの脳が爆発するまで。私は退屈してきました。
AA: 私は自分自身を指で触れると思います。あなたの裸の体の考えに。彼らの膨らみを強制します。私の待っているトロール膣に。
AA: さようなら。
ambigiousAnnouncment [AA] is now idle
NV: weell daamn noow whoos goonaa doo my joob soo ii doont haavee too whiilee maakiing mee looook leess peerveerteed by coompaaiirsoon? fuuck maan iim iim oouut
notoriousVisionary [NV] has ceased responding to memo.


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