Restaurant 2} Aadvay and Sestle

Aadvay played by CC, Sestle played by Kiwi
Aadvay sat at a table in the restaurant, fiddling with a napkin. Although they covered up their missing eye with a rust colored patch, the ghosty white eye still stuck out like a sore thumb. A waiter would come by ever so often to tell them to actually order something. They kept saying they "need a minute" before giving up and ordering... a plate of chicken tenders. Who said you needed to be refined? This is the life they will live. They haven't touched the plate yet. Maybe they're waiting for something?
Sestle was sitting in a table near them scratching down on a peice of paper. He had a glass of water and a plate of uneaten food in front of him. He mumbled math equations to himself as he was writing. He looked very focused and almost a little obsessed. "damnyt" he cursed.
They looked over at the goldblood near them. They could almost feel the intense concentration. This would be too good of a chance to pass up. Anyone trying to be productive around them? Nah. Aadvay always made it a goal to annoy the hell out of someone. They started loudly tapping on the table, testing to see how focused he is.
Sestle was so into his work to him the tapping wasnt even happening. He was still writing away at the paper. He groaned and dropped his pencil. He took a sip of his water and sat back, "why ys this sso hard"
Suddenly, a massive amount of wisdom overcame Aadvay. This is the moment their entire half death has been leading up to. This is what they overcame every hardship, every weird apocalypse for. This single moment. It feels as if they were destined to come into this restaurant, just for this. Actually, technically they were. A voice in their head told them to. Drawing in a breath, they spoke the most powerful words ever. "7ha7's what she sAid."
He heard that but it took him a second to realize they were speaking to him. Sestle looked over and raised an eyebrow. He stared at them for a couple seconds obviously confused, "what areeee you talkyng about??" He asked "you weeeereeee sspeeeekyng to meeee correeeect?"
Aadvay nods, looking presumably at Sestle. They had no pupils, so you couldn't really tell. "Yes. Y0uR 707al aura 0f a 700l was anN0ying me." They talk with a straight face, their voice empty and faintly echoing.
Sestle blinked again very confused. Is this how people talked to each other or was Aadvay being rude. He couldn't really tell. He had never been one to understand others emotions anyway. "Y um" He tapped his fingers, no they had to be being rude they just called him a tool after all. Ugh Sestle why don't you just not engage. "Y wass just wrytyng how wass I beyng a tool?" He looked at them saying with a slightly confused slightly annoyed tone.
They cross their legs and tilt their head slightly. "Y0u were l0uDly murmuring ab0u7 ma7h. And ge77ing angrY." Their void of emotion expression didn't change, though they seemed to be teasing Sestle. "Wh0 ge7s aNGry 0ver ma7h? 0nLy a 707al nerD. AudiBly ge77ing angry, a7 7ha7."
Sestle took a breath. Instantly labeling Aadvay as someone idiotic he didn't wish to waste his frustration on. " Y would apologyzeeee for beeeeyng loud and dyssturbyng you howeeeeveeeer yt sseeeeeeeemss you areeee not worth an apology. Maybeeee Y am a total neeeerd but my work wyll accomplyssh greeeeateeeer thyngss theeeen you haveeee eeeeveeeer sseeeeeeeen sso Y am not reeeeally conceeeerneeeed wyth your opynyon," He looked away from Aadvay and back at his paper that was littered with equations.
"Why're y0u f0cused 0n 7ha7 anywAYs? Y0u l00k t00 0ld t0 be in sch00l. Is i7 f0r wha7evEr 'grea7er 7hings' y0u mean?" They peek at the paper. Jesus, so many questions. Their line of sight is still hard to see. No pupils.
Sestle tapped his pencil on the table "Y am veeeery focusseeeed on an ymportant thyng for my job. Y am too old to beeee yn sschool but Y am a sscyeeeentysst and matheeeematycyan sso thyss yss what Y do on a dayly bassyss. Y do not wyssh to sspeeeeak wyth you on theeee yntrycacyeeeess of my work beeeecausseeee you haveeee alreeeeady atteeeemteeeed to pokeeee at meeee for ssomthyng you know nothyng about. Y do not feeeeeeeel lykeeee wasstyng my tymeeee. He stared at his paper the equations making sense but not creating the result he wanted.
"Y0u're righ7 aB0u7 7ha7. I'd pr0bably die agaiN if y0u 7ried t0 exPlain 7ha7 70 me." They turned their head slightly back up to look at Sestle. Presumably. "Y0u're 0nE 0f 7h0se pe0pLe wh0 ch0se w0rk 0Ver any f0rm 0f s0ciAl life, riGht?"
Sestle looked at them for a second. He kept tapping his pencil on the table "Y dydn't haveeee to choosseeee my work oveeeer a ssocyal lyfeeee Y neeeeveeeer had oneeee yn theeee fyrsst placeeee. Peeeeopleeee areeee compycateeeed math yss not. Math hass an eeeequatyon you know what you areeee goyng to eeeend up wyth at theeee eeeend and you can cheeeeck to makeeee ssureeee yt'ss ryght. You can't do that wyth peeeeopleeee. You can't put theeeem yn a formula and calculateeee how to sspeeeeak wyth theeeem. Peeeeopleeee areeee compleeeex."
Scene End


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