Sewers 1} Aeraer and Zydeca

Aeraer played by Jiro, Zydeca played by Orange
Aeraer was walking around down here. He has the entire sewer system mapped out and usually uses it to get between places easier. This is why he's here now. He shuffled through, spotting someone. He froze, looking at them.. or, it...[/container]
Zydeca was holding a small flashlight and scribbling on a sheet of regular old paper. It was using a pencil, as opposed to a pen, trying to figure out exactly how the sewers even connected to each other. One system would be hard enough, but with the Merge, that only made its task more difficult. It was also humming to itself, a short, mostly meaningless tune.
He took a step closer to it, one of his horns hitting into a wall, causing him to take a sharp inhale in pain. He looked over at Zyd quickly, one eye shut due to the pain. He wondered if it was a threat or not, his pain seeming to die down even so slightly.[/container]
Zyd was immediately startled, dropping its flashlight. Not that it couldn't see at all, it just needed the light to draw by. What was that noise? It whipped off its glasses, looking out into the dark, expansive caverns around it. Then it slowly leaned down to pick up the flashlight, eyes glowing and flashing gently in the dark.
He stared at it for a second. “WhoOo goesSs thereEe?” *He asked, watching its eyes flash between colours.”[/container]
Picking up the light, it scanned around the area to find the voice that had just spoken. Eventually locating the mysterious figure, it kept the light trained at the other's feet. "I... COuld ask you the same question." Who would possibly be down in the sewers for no reason? Certainly not on any conventional business.
“touchéÉé.” (Haha funny letter thing.) “theEe nameSs aeraerRr. WhatsSs yoursSs?”[/container]
"YOu can call me Zyd. ANd, uh, I'm not here to hurt you or anything." It hadn't discerned what caste the other belonged to, though the name at least revealed they were a troll.
“imMm notTt hereEe toOo hurtTt anyoneEe eitheRr. imMm justTt inNn hereEe toOo getTt aroundDd quickerRr.” Aeraer has been in here quite a lot of times, so he doesn’t really need a flashlight to see. He examined Zyd a bit. Also noticing that it’s a troll.[/container]
Slowly putting its glasses back on, it began approaching the other troll. If only to not be effectively shouting across the entire sewer system. "YOu know this place well, then? BEcause I'm working on, uh, some maps. FOr my own benefit, mostly."
“yeahHh. I comeEe downNn hereEe a bunchHh. I haveEe a fewWw mapsSs myselfFf.” He stated, grabbing a few maps from his back pocket.[/container]
Zyd perked up at the sight of the already-made maps-- it would have to check the areas itself, but having a reference would be extremely helpful. "CAn I see them? IF you're willing to lend these to me for a second, here, I'd be saved a lot of work down here."
“yeahHh, sureEe. I dontTt reallyYy mindDd.” he cautiously handed the maps to it, watching what it does with the maps.[/container]
"THank you, thank you." It held the maps carefully, before drawing its own sheets of pre-gridded paper out of its bag. Taking a moment to get a careful look, it began drawing out a much smaller version on its own paper. Details mattered, of course, but just getting all of the main tunnels would be extremely helpful.
Aeraer watched it make its maps. “i thinkKk yourRr eyesSs areEe kindaAa coolLl withHh theEe wayYy theyYy glowWw andDd stuffFf.”[/container]
Zyd didn't look up as it spoke, as its eyes continued to flash under its glasses. "IT's a, psionics thing. COmes with the territory sometimes, and doesn't really mess with how I see that much. SHould let me manipulate stuff, I've heard of trolls being able to fly, but, uh. MIne aren't very good. I Probably just have to practice more, but all I can really do is blow things up." More sketching, more sketching. Erase a line, redraw it.
“blowingGg thingsSs upPp isSs prettyYy coolLl. I canNn kindaAa seEe in theEe darkKk. itTt isntTt asSs coolLl asSs blowingGg stuffFf upPp thoughHh.”[/container]
"IT's pretty cool in of itself, I guess, but there's way cooler things you can do with these psionics. IF you're good at it." Still speaking absent-mindedly, as it drew out the maps.
“iveEe readDd aboutTt psionicsSs. ItTt isSs prettyYy coolLl.” he paused. “youreEe prettyYy goodDd atTt makingGg mapsSs. SchetchingGg themMm atTt leastTt.”[/container]
"YEah, I'm working on mapping out, practically everything around here. I Might sell the regular city maps, but a lot of it is just for myself. LIke these sewers." It gestured around vaguely. "HElpful for work, you know, getting around faster. WOn't find any indigobloods out on the hunt, not down here."
“hahHh. yeahHh. imMm a ceruleanbloodDd soOo i dontTt reallyYy dontTt haveEe toOo dealLl withHh themMm.”[/container]
"I Can imagine, but I'm also, uh, kind of drawing the proverbial ire of a few of them. PAys to have hiding spots, you know. OR maybe you don't know. I Wouldn't be able to tell." But who walks through sewers for fun?
"i doOo knowWw. i haveEe toOo hideEe fromMm violetTt andDd fuchsiaAa bloodsSs a bunchHh. thoughHh, imMm mostlyYy hereEe toOo getTt placesSs, homestlyYy."[/container]
Zyd's interest was piqued. "YOu too? WHat are you up to, to piss them all off so bad? I Mean, me, I don't have to do anything to get dirty looks. BUt you're practically nobility!" It was almost done with the maps, getting the main tunnels all drawn out.
"imMm a bitTt ofFf a nuisanceEe toOo themMm. itsSs mostlyYy justTt annoyingGg themMm andDd stuffFf likeEe thatTt, yknowWw." He shrugged. "itsSs howWw i gotTt theseEe scarsSs. i dontTt knowWw ifFf youUu canNn seeEe themMm inNn hereEe."[/container]
"... I Had been wondering why your eye was patched. GUess I should count myself lucky, then, haven't gotten caught up in any of that yet." It chuckled, handing the maps back, and placing its own back in the bag.
Aeraer took the maps, puting them into his own pocket. "hehHh. yeahHh. mostTt peopleEe whenNn theyYy seeEe i haveEe anNn eyepatchHh theyYy askKk andDd dontTt assumeEe itsSs fromMm a voiletbloodDd."[/container]
It shrugged. "I Mean, what else could it be? NOt like you could get that kind of injury just anywhere." It shouldered its bag once more, ready to be on its way. "MY trollhandle's dioramicSpectacle, if you need any maps." It began walking along-- besides the maps, it did have a job to be doing. Soon, at least.
"minesSs animalsGaurdianNn. illLl seeEe youUu aroundDd." he said as he walked off in the opposite direction, finally going to where he needed to go.[/container]
Scene End


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