Skatepark 1} Jarv and Zydeca

Jarv played by Marcy, Zydeca played by Orange
Jarv Thrend would be walking away from a group of skaters with an agitated look on his face. He would push his glasses up and then stick his hands into his pockets. His brother didn’t even show up to the last meeting they could have with each other… but that was Nate for you… he was probably in the back seat of someones chair sleeping off a drunken stupor. Still made Jarv a little pissed though, but he dealt with this for years. He got used to it.   “Ugh…” Jarv would shake his head as he looked at the sunset. It was nice, a very pretty but he would need to get moving soon. It was going to be hunting time soon enough.
Zyd was watching various trolls and humans skating. This was one of the places where they seriously mingled, as opposed to just co-existing, and it was always something interesting to observe. It didn't like being around in the sun that much, though even it could admit that the setting was remarkably pretty. Just a few clouds dotting the sky, turning a wonderful shade of pinkish-orange,   It wasn't here to skate, however, it was on the lookout for a client. It pulled out its recently-unlocked palmhusk to scroll for a couple minutes, before scanning the area again.
When Jarv would take one last look around the skate park, in a wrong optimist outlook on the whereabouts of his brother. But the couple of glances he could spare were wasted time… all except one. One person looked so out of place in the midst of skaters and potheads that Jarv knew that they were there on some kind of business.   So Jarv would approach the figure and ask them politely.   “You don’t seem like the type to hang around here, whats your story?” He kept a poker face, trying to tell if this guy was here for him or for his brother. But doubted that.
This definitely wasn't the client-- Zyd suspected it was getting stood up, anyway. Might as well make some conversation while it was here. Who was this guy, anyway? Whatever. "ME? JUst watching, you know." Arguably not a lie. "INjured my ankle real bad a few months back, so I can't get back on the scene yet." An actual lie. "SO, what's your name?" Change the subject to the other guy, that would probably work.
"Hmm... Names Corv. Whats yours?" He didn't believe the ankle thing but he would pretend like he did. He was trying to figure out who this guy was but because they didn't act like they knew Jarv, Jarv guessed they were here on other business. But it was still nice to figure out what kind of business.
"YOu can call me Zyd." Other trolls, at least, would always get that it was a nickname, but you'd always get the occasional human asking 'why isn't your name 6 letters?' Though this one seemed more savvy than most, judging by how inquisitive he was doubtless going to be. Might as well dish it back, some. "ANd what's your deal?"
"Just checking on someone I met from a party. They gave me a fake trollian handle, so I was a little hurt." Jarv would act like this sadden him, this never actually happened. Jarv was too scared to ask someone for their trollian handle at a party, he wasn't a pick up artist that was for sure. "Also nice nickname." Extremely perceptive, knew a hell of a lot more on trolls then most other humans.
Zyd snerked. "YOu got stood up in a skate park? REally? COme up with something better next time, man." At least the guy knew enough to not go and ask about the name, that probably counted as a positive. "TEll me, why're you really here. IF you just suck at skating you can tell me."
"Oh fine, you caught me. I'm looking for the fucker who threw a brick into my hive's window and sprayed graffiti all over my driveway. Just didn't want to alert the bastard I was here." Jarv put some real anger into this, that anger being more mad at the person who stabbed his brother instead of the fake windowsmasher. But it seemed real enough... Also he used troll terms... Strange.
"HIve." What was this guy on about, some kinda reasearcher? More likely a tryhard. Who knows, if he was curious enough, Zyd might take jobs from him-- didn't seem too hard to scam, right? Ohh, yeah, ironblood is suuuuper hard to come by. Easy peasy.
"SO you're telling me, you came all the way out here. INstead of just, reporting it to the cops or something. WHat, are you afraid? THink it was some highblood, decided to take matters into your own hands? LIke a vigilante?" It laughed, mainly trying to get a rise out of the human. "NOt that I blame you, you 'n' me are about on par here."
“Hive.” Jarv would give a duh look to Zyd, Jarv used to live around trolls and just picked up on a bunch of their lingo. It was natural to do so, and Jarv actually preferred a lot of trolls words, they were fun to use.   “I don’t need the police for something as stupid as this, the guy didn’t rob me or kill someone. So I’ll just introduce his face to my fist and get it done with there… Keeping it simple.” He would disregard the vigilante comment. He wasn’t that and never was, he was just a guy who saved his brother and could kick ass. Simple like that.
"I Know what a hive is--" it kept itself from immediately insulting Jarv, it wasn't here to make enemies, "-- JUst weird hearing a human say it. WHat's that trope, about being raised by howlbeasts, wolves, whatever. KId learns all the howlbeast language, has to reaccommodate into human society?" Now that it thought of it, that was a poor analogy. Whatever.   "ANd c'mon, you expect the guy to not immediately blame you for assault or something? YOu know that any highblood would probably do you way worse, right? AT least I have these psionics," it tapped its glasses, "but you're just a human. NOt to say you wouldn't stand a chance, but, you definitely at least want some help. DO you even know who messed up your hive? ANd why would that troll be here of all places? UNless, of course, you just made up another story, which I'm graciously choosing not to consider as a possibility."
“No, just grew up around trolls. Frequented a bunch of parties.” Jarv would shrug his shoulders at the wolf metaphor. Jarv thought of it as more of moving to a new town and picking up the lingo of the city. Nothing else more.   “Yes, it is another lie, I’ve been feeding those right into your thinkpan. You want the truth, I’ll give it to you. I killed a violet blood named Treysa Viotrl after she stabbed and beat her bodyguard in a fight. And I am currently on the run and I’m meeting up with someone to smuggle me out of the city.” Jarv would then tilt his head and give the troll a smirk. If the troll knew the news, they would figure out he wasn’t lying.   “Or maybe I made that up too… take it with a grain of salt.”
Zyd let out a slow whistle-- Zyd can whistle, that's canon-- and leaned back on one of the streetlight-esque structures nearby. "YOu're that guy, huh? WEll, if we're opening up and all that, I can tell you I'm a runner. NOt to say I could smuggle you out myself, but if you need stuff that's less on the up-and-up, you can call me. EAsy stuff like mind honey's no problem, but if it's stickier-- THink organics-- I'M going to need some heads-up."   Once it finished what was effectively its sales pitch, it referred back to Jarv's first statements. "'COurse, there's a code of honor going on. WHat am I gonna do, rat you out? ONe less highblood's all the better, far as I'm concerned. GRew up around trolls though, you're saying. DOn't envy you. BEforans, Alternians, both?"
“Alternians, to be clear, seadwelling Alternians. I don’t hate them though, some are actually amazingly pleasant. But I learned how to defend myself from the others… Its sad, that they think that they are untouchable.” Jarv would shake his head, the only reason he’d survive most fights was because he never fought fair. But the fights were always stacked against him, so he would have to try and even it out somehow.   “Ah… you seem like the type that would know some info. Say, what exactly do you know about Artyro Crayum?” Jarv would then slip a troll caegar into his hand from his selve. He liked magic tricks and always had stuff up his selve.
Zyd was of a different school of philosophy. Staying out of fights was a considerably better alternative to getting in one, leastways for its caste. Just because humans didn't get culled, they had the strangest ideas sometimes. Of course, were it cornered, Zyd would use every single advantage it could muster-- cheating.
"ALternian seadwellers. NO wonder you managed to kill her, knowing those guys. TRust me, I nearly got a chunk of my neck bitten out for bumping into one." It laughed, recalling the instance. The full story was more akin to Zyd continuously provoking the nobility until they couldn't stand it, but the point was much the same.
Seeing the caegar, it took a more thoughtful stance. "ARtyro Crayum. SWordfighter, if I'm not wrong, used to take pride in having never lost a fight or something like that. MYself, I never believed it. PRetty sure I did some business for her, once, through a middletroll. 'COurse, you know all this, don't you."
“Oh, that makes sense. I have been hurt pretty bad by them as well… bitten on the side by one of them. Hurts pretty bad… I’ve had my shit kicked in many times… I just slip my way out of dying though.” Jarv would shrug at that, he remembered the bite and how he was used as a shark chew toy… it sucked… to put it simply.   “But, waking up with your hive right in the middle of a seadweller neighborhood isn’t the best thing. But I lived.” Jarv enjoyed living around trolls more then humans… he found some peace in the idea for some reason and was sadden he’d have to leave.   “Huh… yeah I know all of that. Just trying to see what she was doing at the moment. I know she’s going after to me and all I can do is skip town. But, here you go.” Jarv would give the troll three caegars slipping them out of his selve.
A scoff, one clearly meant in jest as opposed to actual condescension. "YOu've gotten the shit kicked out of you? I'D believe it. HAving known you for, what, a few minutes now? I Can already tell you wouldn't back down from a fight if your life was on the line. THe 'brave or stupid' paradox." It laughed at the thought.   "SO you got pressed right in with them in the Merge, yeah? MY hive was just wrecked, clipped into and crunched between a couple of the larger buildings. NOt that it matters, anyway, it was a temporary stay. THey all have to be, you now, in this line of work. CAn't have people knocking on your door." Zyd nodded sagely, as if this were actually useful advice and not just rambling.   "SKipping town, though, you think that'll help? JUst makes you easier to track down, if no one else is around. SAme reason I still live here, there's too many good hiding places. I Even have a lot of it mapped out, there's crazy geography around here." It blithely took the caegars, dropping them into its mostly empty bag.
“To be truthful, the reason I never back down from a fight is because I’m never the one to start it. My brother always said something to make one of them mad and then I’d have to save him. So either I had to end the fight or make a break for it with my drunken brother in tow.” He would laugh at this, he loves his brother but the guy was an idiot pure and simple. One day he’d get his ass kicked for real and Jarv would not be there to help him. It was a sad thought.   “You are right in that, I have never been on the run before however. I may look like the type, but this is my first time.” Jarv would sigh as he would flip another Caegar over to Zyd. He was being nice the troll, because they seemed nice.   “And living with the seadwellers isn’t that bad, a couple of them regarded me as an equal believe it or not. Those were always the nice ones… and if you want to live on the shore… you always have to deal with them eventually.” A shake of Jarv’s head would end his little rant.
A defender type, huh. Zyd took a moment to remember exactly what a brother is, before speaking again-- pocketing the caegar as it did so. "SUre, there's nice highbloods, but the general rule is... NOt that. MEt a fuschiablood the other day, believe it or not, who seemed friendly enough. ME, I thought he was gonna feed me to his lusus." Another laugh, levity was important.   "I Am going to tell you that as someone who is nigh-constantly on the run, you might want to take my advice. LAying low, at least for a while, is way better than immediately absconding from the cities. SHe's a highblood, think she won't have people on the borders? THere's always a network. YOur brother's around, right? YOu looking to get him taken hostage or something? BEcause that's exactly what's going to happen." Zyd shook its head as though disappointed, though clearly still joking under it. Its words were true, though-- a highblood's net could be cast extremely wide, and slipping through the cracks was no easy business.
"You are right about that, sometimes I let a human idea of compassion slip into my mind for a second. I met a fushica once, they were alright I guess, didn't talk to them, they didn't talk to me." Jarv would nod his head along with what Zyd said. It all rung true.   "So what would you do if you were me. And don't say I wouldn't of killed a violet blood because that's already out of the question." Jarv would chuckle at that last part but he was being dead honest. As much as he wanted to face the violet blood dead on, he knew that was a stupid idea.
"WEll, my first word of advice is a repeat-- lay low. I'D be glad to help if you want, seeing as how I have all these maps back at my hive. YOu know there aren't even commercially available ones yet, since the Merge. IF you and I can establish usual routes she takes to get around, then you know what to avoid. BEyond that, I know a lot of border-spots, where everything got stitched together. LOts of potential there, beyond the main roads, with little tunnels and such. SOme buildings even lead right into completely different ones, it's a real maze in spots. ONe of two things will happen-- SHe'll either give up after long enough, and you can strike as you please, or you can speed up the process. EAsy as that." Its voice was laden with sarcasm, as it presented the option. "OF course, you wouldn't be able to do much regular-paying work. WOuldn't be able to if you were on the run too, though."
"Hmm... options... many options." Jarv would mentally sift through all of them. He has a lot of plans and a lot of them now were deemed not useable. He would then see that he had only a couple ideas left... actually three... but he would have to think of them by himself. "Interesting, I'll keep that in mind. I'll keep in touch, whats your trollian?"
"MIne? DIoramicSpectacle. WHat's yours though?" Mainly glad to help, Zyd relaxed against the post again. Its client definitely skipped out, this time. The cafe-based jobs were so much more stable compared to practically anywhere else. And hey, if this guy started relying on Zyd, that's just another client in the bag. And friend, maybe, he seemed interesting enough.
"CrypticPerjurer." Jarv would give the troll a small smile. And would flip one last caegar to Zyd. "Thats for your time, now I need to get out of here before the sun totally sets. It was a... pleasure conversing with you Zyd." Jarv actually meant that. He enjoyed being around Zyd and maybe could call them... a friend... but he didn't exactly trust them yet.
"NOted." Zyd tapped its head, as it grabbed the last caegar. "ANd you should definitely get out of here before it gets too dark. I'Ll probably be leaving, too, this place is barely my scene." It gave a loose wave as Jarv left-- this was almost definitely the start of a... fructiferous relationship.
Jarv would return with a wave of good bye as his other hand slipped into his pocket and pulled out what seemed to a block... a good eye could see that it was a foldable shortsword... perfect for concealing... Jarv was a sneaky fucker. He saw Zyd as a very useful ally now... prob one of the only ones he had left.
Scene End


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