Skatepark 4} Renkis and Kalven

Renkis played by Mef, Kalven played by Snake
Who's that devilish looking goldblood, speeding around on a falldown slat? Why, its Renkis of course. She had been skating around for past 30 minutes or so, doing various ollies, grinds, kickflips, etc. Nothing too absurdly impressive though.   It could also be observed that she had her crowbar in some sort of make-shift sheath on her back. Was it for self defence? Was it for some sort of crazy trick? Who knows.   Renkis jumped off of her slat, kicking it up into her hand to take a drink of water.
Kalven was sitting on the bench, eating a sandwich. He couldn't help but notice the crowbar, and started wondering what it could be for. Memorabilia, maybe? It was only then he realized he was staring, quickly went back to eating his sandwich, and thought about that game he recently played. He didn't even get past Water Hazard before dropping the game indefinitely, but came back to it, infatuated by the silly idea of aliens invading.
Renkis noticed Kalven staring at her. What could that be about, she wondered? It'd probably be a good idea to ask and find out. She dropped the slat too the ground, jumping on and pushing herself all the way over too him, where she jumped off of the slat once more.
<Whλt's with the stλring?> She said bluntly. best not to beat around the bush.
Kalven jolted up, surprised he was actually mentioned by someone. He looked up and saw the wielder of the crowbar, looking expectantly at him.
'"o"h s"o"rry!! i was l"o""o"king at y"o"ur cr"o"wbar and was w"o"ndering why y"o"u had it.' Kalven stuttered.
<Oh, this thing?> Renkis grabbed the crowbar by the hook end, tossing it up slightly, catching it quickly after. <I keep it on me in cλse λnyone decides they'd like to pick λ fight. Wλs inspired by λ gλme cλlled Hλlf Life. Mλin Chλrλcter in it uses λ crowbλr λs λ weλpon. Hλve you ever heλrd of it?>
Kalven, once again, jolted up, but this time ecstatic. 'actually, i'm playing the sec"o"nd game right n"o"w! i can't get past the third chapter th"o"ugh.' He was really happy someone else loved the franchise!
<Route Kλnλl? Whλt's so hλrd λbout it?>
Renkis shoves her crowbar back into its sheath, taking the sheath off, and setting it beside her as she sits down. Wow, mouthful.
<Shoot combine, go Bλrnλcle Bowling, turn λ vλlve. Where λre you stuck?>
'the first hunter-ch"o"pper fight. i'm n"o"t sure why, but my last save has me at 1 health right bef"o"re the battle!' Kalven knew exactly why he was on 1 health, but he really didn't want to say he kept accidentally ramming into walls.
<Chopper fight? Oh, you meλn Wλter Hλzλrd. Well, there's medkits λll over the λreλ. Before you engλge the Helicopter, smλsh into the λmmo crλtes. Most of them hλve heλlth. Then shoot the shit out of the helicopter. If you're still messed up λfter λ few more tries of thλt strλtegy, loλd λ pλst sλve, from when you hλd more heλlth. Going into thλt fight with exλctly 1 HP is definitely not ideλl.>
It's kind of crazy how easy it is for Renkis to nerd out over this stuff with a complete stranger.
Scene End


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